Why Men CANCEL Or GHOST You On A Date!! (5 Reasons)

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In this video, Sydd Ferrell discusses why men flake or cancel or ghost women on a date.


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A really handsome accountant at my old job just did this to me for Valentine's day. I never reached out or texted and its March. I have another date with someone else Saturday night and hes taking me to a very fancy restaurant, phone calls and everything. Im the QUEEN OF GAMES and since im very attractive I dont need to chase ANYBODY 🤣😭


Do not make plans that you cannot follow through. And if he make the plans did not confirm with me the day before I'm assuming that he doesn't want to go and I will keep it moving no worries


I was ghosted for the first time ever, recently. 3rd date with this incredible guy! We had future plans and everything. He never showed or gave me an explanation. I assume he met someone else but common courtesy is nice 🤷‍♀️😂


You are so right. Watched it to the end. If he doesnt care, then he doesnt care. He could have at least said so instead of being a jerk about it. Some people find it easier to communicate honestly and kindly. I wish the best to my ex. Thank you, Sydd, for helping me understand. I step aside.


Real men don't make excuses, they don't NEED them be an adult about it ! Say you don't want to go ..period.


If you have not seen a person in over 50 years, it is no guarantee that you are going to mesh or like each other. There is no commitment or ties to that person. It could be a total waste of time. Leave it alone and walk away.


Why is confirmation needed? If a date/time is set, I expect the plans to be a go unless either of us calls the other to cancel or reschedule. I don’t understand why confirmation is needed.


I was ghosted on a date recently that was for my birthday breakfast (my bday is on vday), 😂 the nerve! I might have been unbothered had he not insisted despite my reluctance to do anything.


I found you today. Love this. I subscribed.
Real sound advice that makes me/us feel better through enlightenment. I wonder why the Universe has made us into beings that want what we cannot have.


I canceled on a guy twice Cox I was really sick, then he cancelled on me twice too. I’m like hmmm petty ok bye player 😂


Honestly you ghost me or play games. I just leave plain and simple. They can go and play their games with someone else. I am done dating not going to bother anymore. Not worth it to me anymore.


Hey sydd can you make a video on how to change his perception when he changed his mind.?


I don't reschedule I don't even pre plan I contact day of if he got something else or he gotta pick up money I'll get clarity of situation & don't see him till we get some straighting
