Java KeyStore and TrustStore Explanation
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Discover how KeyStores act as secure vaults for storing cryptographic keys and certificates, crucial for HTTPS communications on Java web servers. Understand the role of TrustStores in storing trusted SSL certificates, vital for secure connections to remote hosts.
We'll cover various use cases including HTTPS configuration, client authentication, and secure microservices communication, offering clear guidance on when and how to use KeyStores and TrustStores in your Java applications.
00:00 Introduction
00:12 What is Java KeyStore
00:33 Java KeyStore for web servers
00:55 What is Java TrustStore
01:21 Java TrustStore for Secure Connections
01:44 Use case: HTTPS LIstener
02:18 Use case: Secure connection to remote host
02:40 Use case: Self-signed SSL certificate
03:12 Use case: Auth by SSL certificate
03:36 Use case: Microservices communication
03:54 Use case: Secure accessing Cloud services
04:14 Summary
We'll cover various use cases including HTTPS configuration, client authentication, and secure microservices communication, offering clear guidance on when and how to use KeyStores and TrustStores in your Java applications.
00:00 Introduction
00:12 What is Java KeyStore
00:33 Java KeyStore for web servers
00:55 What is Java TrustStore
01:21 Java TrustStore for Secure Connections
01:44 Use case: HTTPS LIstener
02:18 Use case: Secure connection to remote host
02:40 Use case: Self-signed SSL certificate
03:12 Use case: Auth by SSL certificate
03:36 Use case: Microservices communication
03:54 Use case: Secure accessing Cloud services
04:14 Summary
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