The Kingdom Of God Is Within You: Was Jesus A Mystic?

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Jesus once said "The Kingdom of God is within you". Was he a mystic? In this video we look at 5 arguments against a mystical interpretation of this verse, along with 1 additional argument proving Jesus was not a mystic.

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back then when I was practicing New Age for spiritual fulfillment, I once hugged a Christian girl at First Friday and felt His spirit within her.. it was powerful and so full of love.. I had to know what was on her and why she was so pure and clean..I had to know Jesus..


this young man is firing on all cylinders. He knows what he is talking about. Preach it brother.


Still struggling myself. One day I claim Christ and the next I am back at my old "spiritual" ways.. I need prayers and I thank you for your videos.


I hope many are led to Christ by watching this and your other videos brother Steven. Keep on with the faith, stay encouraged, and may the Lord Jesus protect, guide, and lead you in what he wants to do on your YouTube Channel.


thank you so much for having the courage to turn your life around. you have truly helped me. all glory be to God!


I've found some wonderful fruit here.


Steven... I am extremely proud of you! In Yahushua's Good and Holy Name, I ask Heavenly Father to Bless you in ALL ways. I hope to bump into you on those golden streets soon!


When one removes the cloak of the (letter that kills) literal interpretation, one unveils the spiritual meaning that gives life, transforming you from the inside out. Not only do I boldly confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, I confess that Christ has come in my flesh. It is not I who lives but Christ who lives within me.




as a woman who has been saved for a while, i am always still amazed when God raises up and uses a " baby christian" or someone kinda new to the faith....God will and can use anyone....and you are a living witness and beautiful testimony to what our God can do!!! He will give wisdom and open the eyes of those who activily seek him....and thats just what you did and will still do through out your blessed you! thank you! and God bless


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through him.


On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.
John 14 20


Please keep up loading I am now a Christian I asked the Holly Spirit to come into my heart life last week....I love my church too !


and no disrespect meant by baby have way more wisdom and God given knowledge than a lot of saints that i know who have been saved for 20 years and more....its because they forgot to keep seeking and reading their bibles....and are very comfortable just being "saved"...
stay encouraged!!!!


When I practiced new age spiritualism I believed Jesus was a mystic and I thought the gospel of Thomas confirmed it - despite never even reading it but just hearing things from the History channel. I also believed when Jesus said “the only way to the father is through me” meant through living like Jesus or “transcending the ego” not strictly belief in him.

I work in healthcare and I had a patient who was a Christian. I thought she was crazy, but she told me she would bless and pray over me, then she touched me and I literally felt energy like my whole body went tingling and had an electric pressure sensation. That was the first knock on the door for me that Jesus was pursuing me. Then my dad died a few months later and this same lady, who barely knew me took it upon herself to come to my work and bring me 2 bibles because she knew I didn’t have one.

Jesus continued to pursue me until I just completely surrender about a year later. Once I surrendered he revealed himself. The Bible is very clear on who and what Jesus was.

This is wonderful content! ✝️🙌🏻 God bless.


I would like to offer you the opportunity to really research this even deeper. Every early church father recognized the words of Jesus in Luke 17:21 to be from a Greek word meaning "inside you" and not the more modern translations rendering of the meaning of Jesus words as being "among you" or "in the midst of you". Jesus was trying to communicate to them that his kingdom was not of this world. The Pharisees were all about exteriority and not interiority. They were all about external works and the same word for "inside you" was also used when Jesus admonished them to first clean the inside of their cup, so that the outside would be also clean.

Jesus told them specifically in this verse, "“The Kingdom of God
does not come when people are spying on it, nor will they say, ‘Behold, it is here, ’ or ‘there;’ for the Kingdom of God is entos humôn.” the only other occurrence of this same word is in the whole
New Testament is in Matt 23:26, where it undoubtedly bears the
meaning, “inside.” There is no possibility of rendering it with
“among” or “in the midst:”, “Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the internal part of
the glass, that the external part, too, may be clean.”

Pharisees fit perfectly well with Jesus’ declaration that the Kingdom is an interior reality (e)nto\j u(mw=n) rather than a visible and
exterior one, and thence it is impossible to say that it is here or
there and to spy on its coming, because it is a spiritual and interior
the reality, already present in the spiritual dimension and to be completely fulfilled in the eschaton (as is strongly suggested by the immediately following Luke passage, which is eschatological). Indeed,
this stress on interiority is perfectly appropriate to the addresses of
this logion, since the Pharisees are notoriously accused by Jesus
precisely of giving importance only to exteriority and ostensibility,
formal practices and human glory. Jesus, instead, emphasizes that
God’s Kingdom is interior, invisible, impossible to locate in one
place or another, in that it is of a spiritual nature (compare also
John 18:36: “My Kingdom is not of this world”.

Strong additional support to the interpretation of Luke 17:21 I
advocate also comes from Syriac and Greek Patristic exegesis. The
ancient Fathers of the Church who comment on this passage are
unanimous in understanding it as meaning, “The Kingdom of God
is inside you.” Again, this per se does not necessarily demonstrate
that this must be the right translation, but it certainly demonstrates
that it was possible to understand the expression under investigation in the way I propose to understand it, and that it was indeed
understood in this way by virtually all Syriac and Greek ancient
exegetes who commented on this passage. Among them, especially
the Greek exegetes knew Greek very well, were Greek-speaking,
steeped in ancient rhetorical culture, and much closer than we are
to koine.

I hope that this help shed more light on this much misinterpreted passage of Jesus' sayings.


Excellent teaching. Many sincere seekers have been deceived. I was one for many years. Thanks for this clear word on Jesus.


Thank you. been super confused with the new age and my own beliefs with jesus. this is helping me understand. Thanks.


But if we have the Holy Spirit isn't the Kingdom of God within us? Read 2 Thess 1:10 " When He comes to be glorified in His saints and to be marveled at in all those who believed" or Gal 2:20 "I am crucified with Christ and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me" or Col 1:27 "Christ in you, the hope of glory". So, if Christ is in our hearts through faith, He is the King and the Kingdom and his children are in the kingdom. Because there are scriptures about Jesus being the cornerstone and believers who are pillars in the temple. Bottom line is Christ is formed in you (Gal 4:19). This is not mystical, it is scriptural. I know there is a literal kingdom coming (Revelation) but right now Jesus works through born again christians which would go with the scripture that says the kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed. It started small but it is growing. So, the kingdom has been planted...that is why Jesus talks so much about harvests in the last days.


Quote "Kingdom manifested in the hearts of believers." As far as I am aware the experience of the heart is inner. He contradicts himself several times within the first 2:20 minutes.
