What is the kingdom of God?

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What is the kingdom of God? Is the kingdom of God something we experience now, or something that is in the future?
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Let us wait, therefore, hour by hour for the kingdom of God with love and righteousness, since we do not know the day of God’s appearing. For the Lord himself, when he was asked by someone when his kingdom was going to come, said: “When the two shall be one, and outside like the inside, and the male with the female, neither male nor female.” Now “the two are one” when we speak the truth among ourselves and there is one soul in two bodies without deception. And by “the outside like the inside” he means this: “the inside” signifies the soul, while “the outside” signifies the body. Therefore just as your body is visible, so also let your soul be evident in good works. And by “the male with the female, neither male nor female” he means this: that when a brother sees a sister, he should not think of her as female, nor should she think of him as male. When you do these things, he says, the kingdom of my father will come.


Jesus told Christians to pray for God's Kingdom to come and for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, didn't he? God's Kingdom is a heavenly government ruled by Jesus Christ as King. Soon Jesus will bring beautiful changes to the earth. There will be no more death, pain or sorrow on earth, Revelation 21:4, 5! No more wickedness on earth, Psalm 37:9-11! After Armageddon the meek will inherit the earth and live forever on it, Psalm 37:29; Matthew 5:5; Proverbs 2:21, 22! The earth will be cultivated into a Paradise like God intended in the beginning, Genesis 1:28; Isaiah 55:11! Jesus will do on a grand scale what he did when he walked the earth including raising those who are asleep in death, John 5:28, 29! There will only be one government over the entire earth forever, Daniel 2:44! Jesus said that this good news of the Kingdom would be preached about in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come, Matthew 24:14! Can we believe these promises from the Almighty God? Of course we can, NUMBERS 23:19! Psalm 83:18; Isaiah 42:8! Will you believe God's Word?


The earth & all within it are under a curse. We are separated from God. Jesus come from God into our existence & paid the price of sin death. He who was without sin died for all. Now man can again have fellowship with their creator. The God if heaven will return to set up his kingdom here on earth & he will restore this earth to its former glory


Does anyone know what the kingdom of God is?


The period in between Christ’s first and visible second coming [not secret] is the Millennium rule which is spiritual. There is a last day mentioned in various verses in Holy Bible. Then Christ will handover His Kingdom to God-The Father according to 1 Corinthians 15:24…


The Kingdom of God | the Kingdom of Heaven - What Exactly Is It?

the Kingdom of The MOST HIGH YAHAWAH is explained in beautiful parables recorded in the Bible.

there is much to say about what is The Kingdom of The MOST HIGH YAHAWAH.

one thing the Kingdom of The MOST HIGH YAHAWAH is not, is a "Demonocracy" which is a very subtle way of life Satan is prophesied to cause all nations to adopt. which is similar to (and please forgive this analogy) similar to a live healthy frog put into a pot of cool water and placed on a burning hotplate and left there to be destroyed.

The "Demonocracy" is "Satans government" A System of Rule interpreted by the masses of each generation who Prophetically is always Prophesied to go the wrong way and against the Kingdom of YAH. Producing Blasphemous Freedoms according to the hearts and desires of the majority of each new generation and a way of life which shakes the fist in the face of The MOST HIGH and all who dwell in the Third Heaven.

the vehicle Satan has been allowed to use to cause all nations on earth to adopt the "demonocracy" is America who is End Time Great Babylon, Prophesied in the book of the Revelation chapter 17 and 18 and 19.

there is not one kingdom on earth today who is operating in any form of government, declaration or constitution that come remotely close to the Government of The Kingdom Of The MOST HIGH YAHAWAH, which Yahshua Hamashicach Jesus The Christ is Prophesied to Establish on our Earth as it is in The Third Heaven when He Returns.

however, when one combines all the information in all the Holy Scriptures Recorded which Teaches and Reveals how The Kingdom Of The MOST HIGH operates in every area of life, it is not hard for one to come to the conclusion that the government of the The Kingdom of The MOST HIGH YAHAWAH appears to be some kind of a Iron Handed "Dictatorship" which the our world has been conditioned to Reject as being a very bad way to govern and has conditioned the populations of the nations to Resist and to even fight against any form of Dictatorship that might still exist on the earth.

this conditioning of the whole world by America who is the Mother of The "Demonocracy" has been and is Satan's greatest tool and weapon to prepare the worlds population to Fight against The Kingdom of The MOST HIGH YAHAWAH, to fight against Yahshua Hamashicach Jesus The Christ when He Returns to earth in Flaming fire taking vengeance.

please understand, when Yahshua Hamashicach Jesus The Christ Returns to earth to Rule the nations with a Rod of Iron which many I'm sure saved and unsaved will perceive to be an Iron handed dictatorship, which, if it is, I can be assured, that it will a Righteous Dictatorship which has never existed on the earth for at lease 6000 years.

please understand, Yahshua Hamashicach Jesus The Christ will not ask the world for permission to be voted into office.

please understand, Yahshua Hamashicach Jesus The Christ will not solicited the earth's populations for their approval and for their votes.

please understand, Yahshua Hamashicach Jesus The Christ will not ask the Leaders of earth if is ok for Him to Rule the nations with a Rod Of Iron for 1000 years.

please understand, Yahshua Hamashicach Jesus The Christ will not ask the United Nations of the earth if it is ok for Him to Assume all Control and Domination of the earth and rule it as He sees fit.

please understand, Yahshua Hamashicach Jesus The Christ will not ask America who has set the Demoncratic Tone for the whole world to follow for permission to Rule the Earth and to set a New Tone.

please understand, Yahshua Hamashicach Jesus The Christ when He Returns to earth He will Take Possession of this Planet and everything under the the Third Heaven.

please understand, Yahshua Hamashicach Jesus The Christ will complete His Divine Mission which is to establish the Kingdom Of The MOST HIGH YAH on this earth as it is in the Third Heaven...All the gentile nations and powers world wide combined along with Satan and all fallen angelic beings will not be able to prevent Yahshua Hamashicach Jesus The Christ from completing His Mission.

The Mission of Yahshua Hamashicach will begin at the end of the sixth day, the end of the 6000 years which is just ahead.

as of 2021, our world and generation has entered the last decade of the end of the 6000 years.

"Prepare Yourselves" in Yahshua Hamashicach Jesus The Christ
