3 Crucial Reasons Why Spiritual Experiences Must Be Kept Secret

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The goal of Vedantic spirituality is to lead us to experience the ultimate reality of who we really are – that we are neither the body and nor are we the mind. Instead we are the Atman, the Soul – pure, infinite and eternal, which is an indivisible part of the ocean of consciousness known as Brahman or God – the Absolute. This pinnacle moment when the soul experiences its true nature and experiences its unbreakable unity with Brahman, is known as Self-realization, or God-realization, or Samadhi in Vedanta. Reaching it is the ultimate aim of all yogic practices.

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Now as a sadhak (spiritual aspirant) begins to make progress along this road to God-realization, he or she naturally starts to have certain spiritual experiences – either through dreams, or during meditation or as flashes of inspiration. Upon having these preliminary experiences many aspirants become so excited that they start to share them willy-nilly with people around.

However, as we shall see in this video, there are three very sound reasons why this should not be done. The video also details an incident that occurred in the life of Swami Brahmananda (direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna), that highlights the ego-driven hurdles that can occur on the road to Samadhi.

While watching this video please note that the following terms all mean the same: Samadhi = God Realization = Self-Realization = Soul Realization.

1. Eternal Companion - Life and Teachings of Swami Brahmananda

2. “Vedanta and Privilege”: Talk by Swami Vivekananda, Complete Works, Volume 1

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"The more one knows, the quieter one becomes."


Thank you, Spiritual Bee. I had to experience all the three reasons painfully myself, while talking to others about my spiritual experiences. Sometimes it helps others, but mostly it causes trouble. Silence is the only way. Talking and helping the world comes after reaching the goal, million times more powerfully than before.


Knowledge not shared looses its power... but we should discern ourselves about the being we share it with
Dont throw your pearls to the swine


I don’t share my spiritual experiences because I think I’m better than others, I share my spiritual experiences as inspiration. To let people know anyone can achieve spiritual experiences if they allow it


With all due respect, Swami Vivikenanda, who was referenced in this video, spoke about his own enlightenment experience many times and, to be frank, many other great spiritual masters did as well.
Speaking of one's spiritual experience is not an issue. What is an issue is the belief that such an experience makes one unique. However, if one is truly enlightened, they will know, without doubt, that they are better than no one else. That all is one. Thus, by speaking about their own experience, they are aiming to guide others closer to experiencing The Divine within their own selves.
Furthermore, given how modern-day society still very much treats spiritual experiences as taboo, these are often very worrying, lonely and traumatizing experiences for someone who may not have grasped what occurred. In light of this, hearing of other people's own experiences will bring a great sense of comfort.


Experience can be shared 1. with like minded people. 2. Those who are thirst on God realisation or Bhakthi 3. ExperienCes can be shared without pride and prejudice. 4. Our experience can be inspiration for a true seeker. 5. A person who experienced some glimpse can simultaneously understand others as well. 6. But always at the feet of A guru is safe for better progress and clarity.


I’ll definitely take this all into consideration. I personally think we just need to be very careful of who we choose To share any mystical experiences with. And if someone does show some jealousy or brushes it off and doesn’t see the magic, Don’t share anything with them again, and also consider removing them from your life.


You are right about the danger of pride coming from talking about such experiences or even from experiencing them. But there is one group of people who talk about them. Namely, the "god-realized gurus" that you mention. They often talk freely about their experiences. This is because it is possible to talk about such experiences for good reasons. Talking about such experiences can uplift, educate, and inspire others. In a world that is more cynical than ever before, this is a valuable service.


Yes, don't tell anyone not everyone understands ! Yes, my mom told me this ! Yes, my mom alone understands me spiritually ! Others have no idea and they are curious in knowing me...i never get close with anyone...i feel contented with myself and most ppl feel jealous and sometimes mistakes me too...👍


i think sharing experience with spiritual people is good. as they also share their experiences and sometimes confirm that we are on right path.


I’ve had experiences, I’ve shared them, but not once have I felt better than others.


If only I had seen this sooner. Telling my friends about my spiritual awakening sparked jealousy and competition in my spiritual friends, and years of doubting me behind my back (that recently just came out to the surface) from other worldly friends. I'm left feeling betrayed, isolated, and wondering if any of my experiences were real or even worth it. I definitely learned the hard way to keep my mouth shut. And now I have much healing to do in this area.


Wow, ever since my awakening I've realized very quickly over and over that the universe wants me to keep my experiences to myself and only share in certaint situations. I would even get cut off by something that distracts both of us, right as I realize I'm sharing too much and many times when the person says "what were we talking about?" It was like I knew the universe wanted me to change the subject. At first I didn't know why but over time I started to see why. Its hard tho cuz it feels lonely sometimes and sometimes you feel like you want to tell everyone but you can't


This is the most common mistake, when someone starts getting spiritual experiences, does..Not to become superior, but just because lack of complete spiritual knowledge. I learnt a lot out of it. Thanks for posting


I feel this is an old school of thoughts when it was the time of darkness (as a game plan for human evolution). Now we are entering the era of light and we must change our framework and thinking. Experiences are like chocolates. After this experience stage is surpassed, one enters some waters of real spiritual realm, the calmness comes automatically and not needed to be taught! Stopping the beginner spiritual aspirant from talking about it is like stopping child from playing. They will learn their own, its a process, even our great sages were full of anger from ego despite doing sadhana in SOLITUDE for years. Dropping ego/pride automatically comes in advanced stages.


I am addicted to your channel...I get so many answers abt myself thru yr channel...


One can and should observe their own ego when we hear certain things enter the mind. We are all one... no one is better or worse, we are simply experiencing different realities


I distanced myself from all the disciples because of this, especially reason number 1 why a disciple should remain secretive. This video vocalized in a professional manner what I have been feeling about the spiritual community nowadays, but couldnt find the right words to express those feelings.


Most society’s have grand religious ceremonies. In church in temple in mosque etc special holidays grand celebrations. These are often ego driven celebrations. But spirituality gained thru knowledge is a self realization alone event. 🙏🏼


Great job, you need to add as much videos as you can, world is thirsty for this knowledge and I feel God makes you the instrument to provide some of its jal.
