60 Minutes 9/11 Archive: Under Ground Zero

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60 Minutes went beneath ground zero, where an underground city had become a 16-acre burial ground and an exhausting and dangerous cleanup job was taking place.

"60 Minutes" is the most successful television broadcast in history. Offering hard-hitting investigative reports, interviews, feature segments and profiles of people in the news, the broadcast began in 1968 and is still a hit, over 50 seasons later, regularly making Nielsen's Top 10.

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The level of professionalism required to do this clean up job is staggering


seeing him start to cry at the end of the video made me tear up. hard to believe it’s already been twenty years fine 9/11.

i’ll never forget that day in 3rd grade


It doesn’t feel like 20 years. We won’t forget any of you.


My birthday is on September 11. Every year i celebrated, while silently I grief inside and tear up while watching national geographic. I pray for peace to the world. No more war please.


I have never seen this segment before. I worked two blocks from the Towers on Chambers Street for years, and wandered those underground tunnels and shops, took trains in those tunnels, rode those escalators, and never considered they could be so fractured, so torn, so changed. This is a moving video that shows a portion of the damage done to the city's infrastructure that most Americans could never imagine. Just incredible...


I remember this day as if it was yesterday. I was a sophomore in high school, about three blocks away from the impact zone. I remember leaving school that day looking to my left which look like a woman however he or she was going so fast that I couldn’t tell as she was falling down the building. The body had impacted and imploded on the top of a vehicle. I remember closing my eyes and in utter shock continuing my way back home. When all of a sudden the ground beneath me began to rumble, not knowing where that was coming from until I turned around and saw the World trade Center south tower falling. That day will forever be in my soul, the people lost on that day including my cousin fire fighter Bobby Foti Will forever be in my heart. Hours after the incident had occurred we were allowing complete strangers into our home so that they can wash all the debris and dust off their body and clothes. This is a fraction of my story on that day and I can’t believe it’s been 20 years already. God bless all the lives taken on that day, as well as the the soldiers whom fought in the war that followed this horrific day. God bless all humans and we need to remember we are on this planet 🌎 together and should spread love and not hate. 😔


Thousands of miles from ground zero, across oceans and times, Tears are shed, and my heart still and always will break. Cant ever forget the moment this flashed across our screens.. Changed my heart, my world view, my life perspective FOREVER😭 REST IN PEACE to those who were lost. Sincere LOVE from New Zealand


I couldn't imagine having the job Ken Holden did. An immense pressure to respect but also move forward.


6:16 the stopped clock is just heartbreaking to see


All people involved in cleaning and reconstruction are heroes too, also all the victims of this terrible event, respect for everyone! God bless America! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


My aunt was a flight attendant for american airlines at the time, and a new yorker at the time as well. She passed away a few years ago, but this day stuck with her until she died. She ended up being at American Airlines for 40 years. I love you aunt toni, please keep watch and give those that lost their lives that day, a great big hug for us.


Crazy that tomorrow its been 20 years. Still remember what my mom said to me that day. I was only 7. She said something along the lines of : Dont be worried if people dont act normal. Back then I didnt think much of it, but today, 20 years onward. I get it. The day the world changed.


I had no idea of the enormity of this site or about the other buildings damaged when the towers collapsed. Mindboggling.


so much respect for the people who lost lives, saved lives, and rebuilt nyc


I have never seen this footage before. it is amazing and heart wrenching at the same time. Giving me goose bumps on my arms and legs. NEVER FORGET


it takes super intelligent people, ... super brave people to take on a project like this, I admire anyone with the courage to do what they did.


The absence of any respiratory protection in this video really gives me anxiety.


To the FBI who is probably looking at my search history. Excuse my list of documentaries about ships, planes, and buildings disasters. I just can't stop binge-watching them. Let us just say that sometimes documentaries are better than movies.


I was a senior in high school. My dad came and picked me up early, as did most other parents. Such a tragedy. I will never forget.


How the heck did they ever clear up this unspeakable mess?
