How To Stop Social Media Vanity [#5]

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How to Stop Social Media Vanity and this week I have been dealing with this Issue of Vanity and in this video, I break down the problems with Vanity and how we could work to make that not an issue. So Vanity has 4 phases that start with Obsession and leads into and tied to Perfection and then goes into Validation and closes out with Self-loathing.

The Obsession in this sense talks about us looking for likes and engagements and just scrolling looking at the same thing when things are not changing. It is the beginning of the loop and hard to break. This is the Beginning of vanity.

Perfection comes from a standard in Vanity. YOu are looking for the perfect post or the correct amount of likes or whatever your standard is yo meet your expectations. If it doesn't you will loop back to obsessing in trying to get back to that correct standard. Once these too Requirements are met we will go into the next phase.

Validation is where you are getting those likes and comments at or beyond what you have been doing. This Validation feeds your Vanity because it is meeting your possessive obsession. The Validation comes from others who are boosting you.

Lastly, if the three requirements aren't met it will lead to self-loathing because you aren't validated and you think that you aren't good enough because at the end of it all you are insecure you obsess and are back to chasing the Vanity dragon to get that feeling from validation.

In the video I go more into how to beat these 4 phases and become better.

HIT LIKE for learning how to control our vanity.

Which Phase do you feel you suffer from the most.


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Accurate AF, I can't stand that crap. It's overwhelming obsessive. Can't even look at people normally anymore.