This Is Why You Don't Succeed | Simon Sinek on The Millennial Generation

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Simon Sinek explains what concerns him most about millennials is their growing addiction to technology and social media - for which there are currently few solutions. However, he believes in a bright future and our ability to build it together, using technology to improve our lives. Simon is best known for popularizing the concept of WHY in his first TED Talk in 2009. It is now one of the most watched talks on the internet, with over 100 million cumulative views.

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Using social media too much is really WASTING YOUR OWN LIFE to watch another person’s life!


I deleted my social media 2 months ago.

Absolutely no regrets. I got sick of the gossip, drama, and people faking their lives. It was revolting


I've deleted facebook and Instagram and focussing on reading, growing and reskilling to build a life full of meaning and purpose. I first heard SImon Sinek speak about 4 years ago and it really resonated with me and sparked my personal development journey. Its been hard and tough going, especially with the Pandemic, I've really put myself under the microscope and asking myself hard questions in order to find my WHY


Agreed. I was born in 71 and I have never understood the fascination of watching someone else’s life while putting yours on hold. I have no social media, I’m out there living!


Totally agree. I was born in 1984 and I'm just old enough to remember the old ways. When we left home without a phone, ext, ext. Life was good. It was slower. It was fulfilling and wholesome. Life today feels so artificial


I agree and I permanently deleted all social media (except YouTube which I use for DIY and motivational videos only) and haven’t missed it for one second. In fact, I’ve been much happier.


I got rid off social media about a year and I never looked back. I have noticed myself being more self aware and a lot more aware of my surroundings. It was one of the best decisions I have made. The moment you realise it is not for you and you don't unnecessary validation is the moment of being really awake.


It's actually really sad but also really scary, when you think about it. Social media slowly eats up your brain little by little. Until nothing is left but emptiness in your soul.


I stopped watching television, using facebook and instagram since mid July 2020 and have never felt better. I don't really have any urge to be recognised or need to show others what I'm doing or what I have. I'm at peace finally.


Simon changed my life when I watched him on Tom Bilyeu & a few other channels. I gave up all social media platforms except YouTube over 3 years ago & it changed my life. In the first year alone I read 45 books. I rediscovered my passion for books & became very present in my life, you will not regret it & your life will change so much 💫


I am glad I listened to this on my way back to home after playing in the basketball court. It reminds me how great it is to put down my cellphone and go outside with family enjoying the fantastic time. Nothing is free in the world. When you thought you’re using the social media apps for free, you’re devoting time on something you’ll never get paid off and you’re losing something that’s truly valuable.


I left social media for good tonight and for my mental health.


It does sadden me. You never see kids playing outside anymore. I've seen so many people walk into a busy street completely unaware of traffic because a device had them snared. Take a breath. Look up. See your world. Interact. Give a stranger a smile. So much is being missed.


Everyday I feel thankful for my parents who taught me how to balance my phone usage along with my life. When we were at a dinner table, phones and electronics went into my mom's purse. When it was time for bed, we left phones in the kitchen. At 21, I'm not addicted to my phone, I can go days without using it and I only ever pick it up when my mom, dad, or husband call me

Admittedly, it can be lonely because I'm not friends with people my age. They're all so busy with their phones. I remember trying to make friends in my community college classes, and they all just buried their faces harder into their phones, not one person wanted to speak, but they only spoke to each other through messages and Instagram posts. It was like that example you gave, where you're sitting with someone, trying to talk to them, and they go "Uh huh, mhm."

I don't know what the future will hold, but I know that when I have kids, I refuse to let them waste their life looking at other people's lives through a screen 24/7.


almost 3 years ago, at almost 22 years old i almost took my own life. I was abused as a kid, broken, depressed, anorexic, bulimic, suicidal. I went in & out of psych units like it was a game of tic-tac-toe. Suicide watch. I was on enough Antidepressants to kill a horse. I hated myself. I wanted out. I wanted the pain to stop. The gaslighting* to end. *(when a psycho makes a sane person question their own sanity, and thus think they themselves are the insane one).
I wanted power. I got into witchcraft. I thought it would give me the identity i wanted, to be set apart from people who hurt me. It only made me sicker. Sicker. Thats what it did to me.
The doctor said id never get well. That i would suffer severe Chronic Manic depression, and never be well, that id be stuck on antidepressants all of my life.
I would plot suicide on a daily basis, binging and purging my food as often as opening and closing a door. The pain was too real. People choked me. Assaulted me. Told me i was ugly, i felt worthless. Nothing ever got better. Then my mother died. The (1) & only soul who ever loved /emotionally supported me was removed from the earth. I was stuck living with people who broke me, ruined my identity, thus causing me to hate God. I thought God hated me, that he was just like the ones who tortured me, a family of abusers, who cover up all their actions with the mask of religion. I didnt know that God is on my side. I didnt know that Jesus would Love and Defend me, and fight for me and that He later would heal me, rescue me from Family. The ones who caused me pain. The ones who choked me for wearing a necklace.

I moved out after family threatened to throw all my belongings on the front yard, and have me permanently institutionalized in an insane asylum, when they were the ones who caused my mental illness via abuse.

They blamed me for the abuse they did to me.
To take my life in an insane asylum when they were the ones who made me suicidal.

Next morning i spoke with my dead moms parents who let me live with them.

I stayed on the antidepressants, prescribed. But they only made me sicker. I got deeper and deeper into witchcraft, thinking it was a solution. But it made me even more suicidal. Self hatred was inescapable.

I decided i was going to kill myself. I was going to take all my pills.

But then Jesus stepped in. I didnt die. I surrendered my life to Jesus to make me well and heal me.

The deity i blamed for me being abused wanted to heal me. He Was fighting for me and Loved me all along.

He wanted to love me. He wanted to give me His Heart.


Jesus miraculously healed me — i am off all drugs and dont need them and i dont have any mental illnesses. I work a job and am totally healed, full of joy.

I’m now a born again Christian, in my 20’s who wants the entire world to know that JESUS WANTS TO HEAL YOU


Nuff said.


Born in 1987 and I remember the 15-20 minute walks to elementary/ highschool without a phone. Meeting up with friends on the way and just, joking around and laughing the whole time. I'm a HS teacher now and man, times have changed.


This is gold, not only for our children but for ourselves!


When you ignore people who care for you in real life in exchange for an online fix don't always expect them to forgive and forget .


I grew up in the 90s and remember going outside to play. My first device was a gameboy, you could t get me away from it, and than it was iPods, than the touches and now smartphones. I spent so much time on social media as a teen and I had a job that I felt paid me just enough. A few years ago I got off social media and don’t use it at all anymore. Earlier this year I realized I was depressed and stuck at the same job for 10 years. I made a very difficult decision leaving that place because I was comfortable but now I have a career in a company I can grow with, and six months in I’ve already been promoted and gotten 2 pay raises. It’s all about having the courage to do what you believe is right for you, not the approval of others around you or people who follow you on the internet. Just do you.


No social media for this guy. I went down that rabbit hole and felt the pain that was associated with it. NO MORE.
