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This is the BEST cinema camera under $1000. The Original Black magic pocket cinema camera is a beast still today in 2019! Although its not the Black magic pocket 4k its perfectly capable of getting an incredible image out of it!

----Lens options ----


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Music provided by Monstercat:
Intro: Darren Styles Feat. David Specter - Never Let Me Down VIP
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awesome video! its so cool to have people still shooting on the bmpcc and making awesome films!


We use this cam every day for a few years now. Outstanding camera.


bro .. im so glad i found this channel i have literally been looking into this camera the past two days now i find your video.. swear you the man


I love my original BM Pocket Cam! It's especially great as a closeup B cam when I mount an Olympus 45mm 1.8 MFT lens on it. That combination produces a beautifully nice and tight frame. Paired with my URSA 4.6k for wide and mid shots and it's a formidable pair and the 1080p RAW files scale amazingly well to 4k! I prefer not caging it up to keep it really tiny and stealth except for a Sony NPF battery plate that mounts on top. I never fail to shake my head in disbelief at how film-like my scenes look from this camera! Really glad to see it's still getting the attention it deserves! Thanks for this video!


Thanks for the great info. One thing I'd like to second is that using an IR Cut filter helps prevent color-shift with dark colors. Rigging this for tripod shooting makes it much less of bear to work with. The footage is so nice from this device that the BMPCC 4K (in CDNG RAW mode) is the C-cam for wide shots and B-roll to my (2) BMPCC OG's for close-ups.


Lots of valid arguments for not bothering with a uv filter. There is not a lens in the last 20 years that doesn't have that protection already. So people say that they need them to keep the lens from getting scratched but in reality most uv adapters are really cheap plastic and scratch a hundred times easier than glass from a lens. Sales people love to sell them though. Tony Northrup took a screw driver to a 50mm lens and you couldn't see the scratches in the image.


Great video Jamie. The BMPCC is still one of my favorite tiny cams. My favorite configuration is when it’s super small with a small prime lens and just an ND on the end. Really, my only issue is the battery life, but such is life. Great video.


As for "cinema" camera, original Pocket is therefore better, because it is very close to the Arri Alexa thanks to DualGain technology. Arri Alexa also has DualGain technology and this should not be confused with DualISO. What I want to say is, that the original BMPCC allows for more cinematic looks. It's a real "cinema" camera, a little Arri Alexa. Yes, the sensor plays a crucial role, because through DualGain and the pixelsize, the light is better captured, it has a nicer and better's not too digital. Skin tones, highlights look better. The original BMPCC is not a lowlight camera (it doesn't have to be). But as soon as the scene is illuminated, it looks phenomenal. CDNG is also a better RAW than BRAW (Better a good, a qualitative 1080p, instead of a bad 4K.). In my opinion BMD didn't bring any improvement with the BMPCC4K (I don't need a bigger screen, better internal microphone, because I use all that externally). It doesn't matter. Important is a good sensor, good RAW). I tested BMPCC4K and brought it back. Even if it's cheap, I don't like it. When Blackmagic Design releases a new Pocket with Fairchild sensor, I buy. If not, then I stay with the original BMPCC. And I think that I am not alone with my conviction and disappointment regarding the BMPCC4K.


This is awesome! Definitely seems like it’s worth it!


Just watched Cosmos at the premiere and interviewed them on my podcast Future Filmmakers! Movie is available online now! Great video btw, just subscribed 👊🏻


My new favorite channel, 😍 great content, im new to Davinci and this is so helpful. Thanks a bunch


Another great video, Jamie. I think it should be noted that this might be the best cinema camera rig THAT SHOOTS RAW under $1, 000. Other setups (GH3, GH4, Sony a6000, etc.) have similar specs (max 1080 FHD resolution, MFT lens mount, etc.) and can produce similar results (although not in RAW). Those camera bodies can be had for around $300-400. You could even go with a Canon 7D (which I had for years) which can be bought for $235 and forego the speedbooster cost, bringing the entire setup down to $600 or so. You could even install Magic Lantern and shoot RAW on the 7D! Again, excellent video - I just wanted to shed light on other possible options for users that may not need to shoot RAW.


Great video man, I feel more confident now if I am to go this route. Love that natural grain look! Peace.


Yes totally agree.
Blackmagic RAW is awesome and we have been using the Blackmagic RAW SDK for some time now and BM are great as they actually support developers and the only downside I have heard is BM Support for hardware can be sketchy sometimes.
Used to know all the guys from Fairlight though before BM took them over and they are a really top notch team


Suggestion: I highly recommend Breakthrough FIlters. I used their CPL filter - it has a 2 step ND layer built in - in a tropical location on a basic Canon photocamera: sharp images, no color distortion/change, slight super pleasant peach hue (you will most likely love it, but if not, simply adjust the white balance), price is around $160.

You can see for yourself comparisons of Breakthrough ND and CPL filters to other brands on youtube in a great variety. I recomend review by Matt Granger. See for yourself.

Options #1: You can get either regular step-up ring and regular CPL filter, or a magnetic variation of both. The last one is meant for those who want to swap filters without messing up composition of the shot.

Option #2: CPL I used, has a built-in 2-step ND layer. The company also has a CPL filter with 4-step ND layer - Dark CPL filter. Since the company is always priogressing and developing new filters, it will most likely have even darker ND layered CPL filters in the future.



My all time favorite camera hands down. Use it as my Run N' Gun compact Anamorphic rig.


Great video! Ive been saving up for a new camera. Up until now ive been convinced I was settled on a Sony A6400. This rig is so cool and unique. I may have to rethink the route I go entirely now....
Thanks for the food for thought!


I knew it'd be this camera as soon as I saw the title, haha. I just bought mine 2 weeks ago. Best purchase I've ever made.


hey jamie, just want to point out that i think that your calculation is wrong.
If your lense says it's f4 then it's f4 on fullframe. Since you still have a crop of 1.75 the effective fstop is 7 not 2.8 and the effective fstop without the speedbooster 11.75.
Cheers and thanks for the vid!


If you anyway need a monitor, maybe bmmcc can also be a nice option at the price point.
