The Stages Of Being an Artist

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A journey of 7 stages!

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My stage rn is creating average work and realizing I'm not that special which drives me mad and depressed but also pushes me forward


Anyone else have a period where in school kids would look at your art, get jealous and start yelling at you while complementing you at the same time?


Stage 1: Damn I love tracing Pokemon
Stage 2: Damn I love copying Pokemon
Stage 3: Ok I should start drawing from my imagination cause everyone is doing that. I think I'm alright.
Stage 4: I'm improving and I think I draw good cause my mom is prasing me. I just draw the same thing over and over again and I want to G I T G U D before moving onto more advanced things.
Stage 5: Wow why am I so shit I improved a lot but I'm so shit aaaa no one snoop on my drawings
Stage 6: I almost never draw... Maybe I should quit I really suck :/
Stage 7 (where I am now): YOUTUBE ARTISTS GIVE ME MOTIVATION AND INSPIRATION HELL TO THE NO AM I QUITTING ART. Also I just won an award for one of my pieces so yeee self esteem boost


I'm at the "I suck I'm a cheater and a lia4 I'm not an artist at all wtf am I doing" stage


My stages (I think..)

Stage 0: I liked art and it was fun, but I didn’t really do anything art related outside of class
Stage 1: Art was still fun; this is when I started judging my art and comparing my art to others’
Stage 2: I doodled a lot, but I never really liked my doodles
Stage 3: Somehow, out of the middle of nowhere, my art skills improved drastically and I really enjoyed creating/looking at my art
Stage 4: (right now) Trying really hard to improve my art. Whenever I have time, I try to draw, but I still have a long list of things that I need to work on


I'm so excited that you made a video about this! This topic interests me a lot so it's cool to hear other artist's stages. Thank you so much for the shoutout!


My stages:
Stage 1: I was upset because my Mom's was better than mine (she's a wonderful artist). I tried making my stuff ultra detailed but I didn't know what I was doing and critique is not something I enjoyed.
Stage 2: I quit for like 10 years, doodling a horrid cartoon ever now and then. I still believed everything I drew was terrible but it was fun to do.
Stage 3: Anime everywhere
Stage 4: Creative Abstracts
Stage 5: Assignmenty (rn)


my stages of art:

1. i like drawing and i'm real good at it
2. i wanna get better because my art is shit
3. crippling depression
4: either give up or keep at it, overcome crippling depression and become really good


Hmmm. Mine's a bit...rowdy :D
S1: I don't care, what is art even and I can't even draw.
S2: What? I actually drew a bird and it was pretty? (Elementary school, 3rd grade)
S3: Just doodling caricatures of classmates I hate....and MORE BIRDS. (Elementary, 5-9 grade) I'm also admiring my best friend's art but she said she hates artists because artists are poor, I'm sad because she has talent and I don't :C Trying to draw but I suck and compare myself to her all the time. Thanks to my parents pushing me - I didn't choose what I wanted to do and ended up in economics, which I regret till this day.
S4: I'm watching DIY vids and holy crap this easy crap was sold for this much? I need to do this. So I did, but didn't sell much. (Age 21, also after a breakup and left my job, life's a mess, this could be a new hope)
S5: What the hell, all this line copying and stuff actually gave me an ability to draw? ME?! DRAW?! ME CAN DRAW?!?!?! ART IS LIMITLESS I THINK I WANNA BE AN ARTIST (me, age 22)
S6: Having sh*tty education and I don't even have a degree, so I'm working at a min. wage job (400€ per month, viva la Slovakia) and paint on the weekends and actually sell something, I iz so proud nao.
S7: Working my arse off on seasonal jobs abroad and struggling with "too tired to draw" problems, so I can afford to be home 6 months next year and work on a me luck....


Your paintings totally inspired me today!!! I love going to museums to see art work by the great masters. you are one of them. I am at the stage of life where I realize that painting is a choice. I used to think I would paint when my legs no longer worked because I was always too busy to paint. Now that my legs don't work I still find everything else to do but paint. I am going to right this cycle and pick 1 day a week to just paint. I'm 71 next month and I have 20 more good years to go!


I'm way behind on my stages... It looks like I have to go back to elementary school! Fitting my fat, middle-aged ass into those little chairs is going to be an art in and of itself!


I'm not sure about the earlier stages but now I'm trying to reach the level I was 15 years ago (in junior high) just before I technically stopped drawing.


I don't get why a lot of artists feels like they must fit themselves in a box of a particular style or find a style. I once stuck to a style & hated my art because it became boring. I guess I like being free & do whatever comes to me. I'm pretty implusive & hate routine. But then again I do have a hint of a style so maybe style doesn't have to certain colours, subject, use of line, backgrounds, etc used in a similar way each time, so maybe it's just the hint of you in the work? I don't know. Anyone else have thoughts on this?


Lemme tell mine..

Stage 1: being curious and drawing random things ( especially from cartoons and games.)

Stage 2: DAAANG COMPETITORS (Pre-School)

Stage 3: Getting friends and improving more.

Stage 4: Being jealous because youtubers are wayyy much better..


Stage 6: Determined to drawing💯💯

Stage 7: ( present) still developing art and getting inspired by youtubers like you💯💯👌👌🔥🔥


My sons an aspiring artist. He seems to be a late stage doodle bopper. Very pen and ink happy and sharpy happy. And he likes the busy involved stuff. He's coming along though. He impresses me more and more all the time.


Yessss, you saved me from being bored.


Not really sure what stage I'm in, but I usually feel like there's so much farther to go no matter how far I progress as an artist. In the moment, it feels like my skills aren't progressing, but I'm sure once I look back at today's work 10 years from now I'll see the improvement, lol.


My recent stage is trying to keep motivation through school but Robin thru this you literally have been such a huge inspiration! You’re talented, smart, beautiful, and are so generous with your wisdom. Thank you!


I never had a phase of "OH LOOK AT MY STUFF ITS THE BEST IM A GENIUS" hahah nope. My stages - Stage 1: The doodle phase - Art is just that thing I really enjoy or do to pass time. Nothing more nothing less. I do it because I enjoy it. This is my world and my time. Stage 2: The title challenge phase - WHOA that other kid draws too. I must work harder and draw more to stay the art kid. Cos that's my thing. You can't take away my title of being "that one kid that draws"?! Stage 3: The false esteem phase - I feel pretty good about my art. I am too shy to share it but I think I'm pretty good. Right? Stage 4: The exposed phase - First time going to the worldwide web to share my art! Uh. Oh. Wow. Look at that person's art. Gee. There sure are so many other artists out there. Feel so crowded, I am so small. Oh no. Stage 5: The frozen phase - What am I doing? Is what I make even ART?! I don't know. I don't know. Art block oh god art block I just can't. Stage 6: The imposter crisis phase - You're a fake, a wannabe. You don't have the creativity, the drive, the skill. What is an artist? I feel so lost. You aren't like the others you don't belong. Why keep going? It isn't good enough. You are nothing Stage 7: The semi clarity phase - Okay, you're alright. Still feel like an imposter, still don't know what I'm doing but you know, this is what I love. This is what I want to do so take a step back and BREATHE. Everyone is different. Everyone goes at their own pace. You go out there and just MAKE ART. I'm not going to care what others think anymore. Embrace that clarity and try not to scream.


I finally started taking my art seriously this year for junior year of high school, I regret not doing it earlier but I feel a lot happier knowing that I'm working hard at creating art everyday!
