The Symptoms of TMJ / TMD

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The jaw joints, also known the Temporomandibular Joints (TMJs) have articular discs within them that sit on top of the condyles. When you open and close your mouth, the articular discs move with the condyle allowing the joints to move smoothly. These discs can slip off of the condyle and this is what we call disc displacement. We have found that when the jaw is not aligned properly, or if there is disc displacement present, pain and uncomfortable symptoms arise. This is also called Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD / TMD). There are many symptoms associated with TMD however in this video, Dr. Jeffrey Brown reviews a few common issues. Since Dr. Brown specializes in treating TMD and Sleep Apnea, he meets patients every day, listening to what they are experiencing.

The most common TMJ symptoms patients report are:
- headaches
- migraines
- popping and clicking in the jaw joints
- ear ringing
- ear buzzing
- ear hissing
- limited opening of their mouth
- jaw pain
- neck pain
- clenching and grinding

Some patients have TMD without pain as well. Since there is no pain present, the patient usually tries many different treatment plans with other doctors before realizing the underlying cause is the jaw. This is why Dr. Brown completes a thorough evaluation of the facial alignment, muscles, ligaments, TMJ MRI, cranial bones and posture when determining if there is a TMJ problem present. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it may be beneficial to see a TMJ specialist and have your jaw joints checked!

Jeffrey L. Brown, DDS, Fellow American Academy of Craniofacial Pain
Office number: 1-703-821-1103
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you so much! I've been wondering for months what I've been having, the migraines, buzzing in ear, sore jaw near ear, sore neck! You described my symptoms very well!


Such a great educator! Love all of your videos!


Sir tmj cause brain fog and eye problem


what I observe of myself is when I get stress at work, my tmj gets hurt then I hear ringing in my hear. what I do is steam and hot compress. after a day the pain disappears.


What about jaw tremors when i move my jaw forward while sleeping on my back sir ?


Hello do you treat motor tic disorder please reply I am in Dallas do you recommend anyone here


Please I need help! I Sleep on my stomach and sides alot, I Also clench my teeth from stress!! Last week my jaw had random clicking and yesterday morning I yawned super big and heard a pop now im left side of jaw is kinda tender come and go. What do I do???!! Will I be ok


Also if I go to emergency room will it help, ?


I only have noise in my left ear, I only hear it when it's quiet, how can you eliminate this.


Sir i m having tmj issu its been 2 month..ear block clicking sound i cant take it anymore.what shoud i do.and my teeth aslo imbalance 😥😥😥 i have all the problem u mention in ur video😥😥 what shoud i do sir.😭😭😭


I have a seizure disorder. Do you see people who shake and arch, then body paralysis to recover for 5min between shaking again?
