Mii Lost Media

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Check out the lost Miidia list!:

Huge thank you to @Kyler360 for voicing Kit! ....I forgot to add him in the end credits but it's ok because the description is more important anyways!

My website homepage:

Think my site is cool? You can make a cool site too!
Here’s my resource compilation:

Timestamps and sources:

00:00 - 00:30 Intro
Gameboy image

00:30 -06:24 Kuruma De DS:
Gameplay footage:
Notice of Termination of "Kuruma De DS" Network
Famitsu - Kuruma De DS
4gamer - Kuruma De DS
Car Watch - Kuruma De DS
Wikipedia - Tokugawa Ieyasu
Reddit - Bluetooth module

06:24 - 07:17 Mii Development
Some More in depth videos on Mii things:

07:17 - 12:17 Nintendo Minute Mii racer
Kit’s Twitter

Kit & Krysta podcast

12:17 - 13:01 Other Giveaway
giveaway announcement

Giveaway winner 1

Giveaway winner 2

13:01 - 15:17 Tomodachi Life Quiz
Nintendo UK link
Nintendo US link


15:17 - 16:51 AKB48+Me DVD
Intro image
Unpack AKB48+Me ebten chara-ani Limited Pack

16:51 - 17:52 Check Mii Out Channel Miis
Thanks for the help Alice from Mii library

Savegame manager GX

17:52 - 18:48 Miitomo Mosaic
Yodakiller3000’s video
Article containing JP image
Article containing EN image

18:48 - 19:45 Wii No Ma Keychain

19:45 - 21:23 Website/Outro

21:23 - 22:34 Credits

Also, I don't understand the lyrics to the ending song, and I couldn't find a transcript, so I hope it doesn't say anything weird...

Insufficient Recommendation Results - Nintendo Channel

Acbgm07- Angelic Concert

Writing a Note - Swapnote

Stage 1 - Face Raiders

Main Theme - Swapnote

Title Screen - Nikki's Travel Quiz

Time files… - A-PLACE
Stationery - Swapdoodle

The Goodman Brothers - AKB48 + Me

Submission Plaza - Check Mii Out Channel

Shop 2 - Miitomo

Company B - Wii Room

にどね (off vocal) - MOECHAO!
Рекомендации по теме


“Why didn’t you make the title “lost Miidia”?”
I chose to write “lost Miidia” in the thumbnail rather than the title, because I believe “Mii lost media” is, much more likely to be searched, if anyone was looking for this subject.

“How did you make your Mii sprite?”
It is ripped from Tomodachi Collection using Melonripper and rigged/animated in blender

“How do I contact you about a piece of media?”


oh to be a child living in 2010s japan


I FOUND THE PERSONALITY QUIZ! It still exists on the Swiss version of the nintendo website, but it's not fully functional anymore. You can look at the questions and images and select answers but the results do not load. You can see the results by editing the link but all the images on the page are broken. The results page shows one of the 16 TL personalities and its description, and it's supposed to also show an outfit and interior that fit the personality


the fact that an animal jam youtuber is one of the people who have a video of the tomodachi quiz is so funny to me because i was NOT expecting that
i used to do the same kinda videos that kid did when i was a kid, , , what if one day one of my old videos is like the only documented footage of something LMAO


I actually have access to the Nintendo Minute video! I've archived a bunch of 2010s Nintendo videos including the Nintendo Minute ones. I have an SD version up, but I'm working on getting the HD version. The 3D printed Miis were real!


I miss Miis, especially when they would greet you on the Wii U. Similar to Avatars on Xbox 360. Shame that both are barely used now.


god i miss the era where nintendo actually appreciated the miis. i always find myself going back to my nintendo 3ds or my wii u just for the simple fact that the games integrated miis in such a fun way. also, i would die for a keychain of my mii.


“mii-dia” is GOLD. Thank you sir. (Also for the Cicadas) I will be on the look out for anything I think I can maybe find.


I genuinely would've LOVED to own a mii glowstick, I'd wave it around like a madman


The custom Mii figurines sounds like such a cute idea, but I wouldn't blame Nintendo if they didn't go through with it. It would not only be costly but many people would be upset about them being region locked (like what happens whenever people check out the japanese MyNintendo site lol).

Also I miss Miitomo. I found old screenshots of the game inside an old SD card and I laughed at lot at my answers to some of the questions lol


ohhh i love your little mii avatar!! such a creative way to have little character sprites omg..


I currently live in Japan, and Im very interested in Miis... maybe I should buy the gps...
btw nice touch with the ミンミンゼミ


i love how you made your avatar look like the ds prototype that ended up becoming miis!!!!


GPS can absolutely be emulated in certain situations, since on android emulators for example, you can spoof your location.
Im not sure if youd also have to emulate the car in this scenario though... haha


I'm sure youve gotten this comment and I'm sure you will plently as this blows up, but it's insane a video this high quality only has 3k views. please please please keep it up! <3


Nintendo was so right publishing a roadtrip timewaster (that isn't even a waste, it's educational, and here all of us are learning for fun) and now I am heavily invested in the recovery of all the associated data. I want to learn more about how IP spoofing works, as I'm sure someone has tried a VPN-like method for recovery, but I'm stubborn :) Also, you are awesome for walking us through your research steps, and reading through your messages to the podcast host- accounts like yours are what helped me improve my research skills as a kid, and now I have a nearly full grown brain and can recognize what lessons about critical observation I was latching on to back then. Edit: AND YOU'RE A SCRATCHER! Algorithm W


Your website is wonderful! It is a joy that people are still being creative with such things in the heavily centralised internet of present times.


dude this channel and website are so cool. falling down a mii rabbit hole now


i downloaded sooo many Check Mii Out miis... didn't have a smartphone or computer for the longest time so i would just sit in my room on my wii in 2013 and download and favorite miis. autism blast moment really, i was in high school at this point. i don't think i had any extremely unique ones, just a LOT of homestuck ones + a slenderman or two. slendermen, if you will.


3:19 you can’t convince me they didn’t reuse this for happy home paradise years later

edit: sorry, happy home designer, not paradise
