5 Interesting Cases Of Wii Lost Media

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Music Used:
Mario Kart Channel - Mario Kart 7
Tilt City - Wii Fit Plus
Suggest A Question - Everybody Votes Channel
Main Theme - Homebrew Browser
Ordering Party Food - Demae Channel
Track 15 - Weatherscan OST
Secondary Menu - DDR Mario Mix

0:00 Intro
0:14 Wii Fit Taikenban
3:47 Wii Sports 2005 Beta Build
6:06 Wii Startup Disc
8:19 Wii Fit Body Check Channel
10:29 Beta Wii Channel Builds
12:47 Conclusion

Wii startup disc video:

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yes, I know this is a reupload. had to fix some things and stuff. anyways subscribe for more wii


man they used to develop so many extra things during the Wii/Wiiu/3DS era and now the switch is just an empty shell that plays games


1:51 I love the Wii Fit title screen better. I wish they kept that for the other Wii Fit titles


I would imagine the Wii Fit Fitness Check channel was likely intended to be used in conjunction with physical therapy treatment so that your Doctor could keep track of your post-trauma recovery progress and make sure you were keeping up with your exercises.
It probably wouldn't have been something your doctor would just randomly check every once in a while whenever you had the impulse to play Wii Fit.


Mario Galaxy's E3 2006 demo and Mario Kart Wii's E3 2007 demo are 2 lost builds that are sought after


I used a Starlight Wii, definitely were used past 2011, at least in my Canadian hospital, don't think they replaced them until the Switch came out.

Oh also Wii fit taught me some valuable exercises I still do and I used it to make my runs more interesting, lost at least 20 pounds it's not a bad tool especially if you like older tech.


I'm a bit late to this, but at 10:12 I can actually confirm there was medical use of the Wii, but in the USA. my mother at the time worked in Nursing, and she routinely took me by her work where they had a facility they had physical therapy taking place in, and sure enough, they had multiple wii's there with wii fit on it, and she said they used it often and it was popular with the patients. I've even got to play with it, but to the best of my knowledge (and to be fair I was like 9 at the time) they were just standard retail wii's with a standard retail copy of the game, so this really doesn't help anything regarding lost media, but I can say witth 100% certainty that there were actual medical uses for the wii fit. I've heard that some Physical Therapy offices still hold onto wii's to this day due to their effectiveness in it.


I have a theory about Wii fit taikenban; I have a feeling that regarding the game having a case, I think that may have been given in a case for display with the kiosk demo perhaps as a “temporary boxart preview” sorta deal, and was likely shipped to retailers in it to protect the disc itself too. Ofc that’s just my speculation, but as a child I could’ve *sworn* there was a game store in my area did actually display a Wii fit trial version in the store with the disc case displayed (likely used as a label; I can’t remember if it mentioned a trial or demo tho) and the demo running (ofc, I was like 5 or 6 years old at the time so I could very well be misremembering things, but that title screen felt vaguely familiar to me)

Also, would love to see a part 2! The Wii was my childhood and being able to see more lost media and such for it is always really exciting for me


Yeah I wouldn't mind seeing a 2nd part dude. I'm always interested in seeing cut content as you can then imagine a future where it wasn't.


The abundance of Wii Fit lost media you mention reminds me of the time I went to a used video game store and they had like 30 copies of Wii Fit.


You mean lost Wiidia

Edit : thanks for 500 likes


The kiosk approach makes the most sense for Wii fit since atleast where I live when we had kiosks for the ds and Xbox it typically had a game case in the kiosk that showcased the game followed by (demo ver. Not for resale.) under the title


the startup disk was for the first manufactured wiis, so if anybody in the distribution of the wii got their hands on it before the release day, they wouldn't be able to leak the contents of the console to the internet


I never used Wii Fit to get fit, but I use it at a doctor's office. I think it was to work on my fine motor skills (I'm autistic), and I guess the Wii Fit body channel could have been used for managing someone's weight, but I would think there are more practical ways of doing that. That said, I would be interested in a part 2, if you ever want to make that.


U lost the perfect opportunity of putting "wii lost it" at the thumb


This is such calming and well edited content. You earned yourself a new sub. Wii is very interesting and although some people may not think so, it is very complex, with homebrew and all the wacky and wild games.


Only 2 videos? You gained a sub. I wanna watch this grow. Super chill vibes here.


Man I love videos like these :) This is awesome, it’s so interesting seeing how much Wii lost media there is out there


Totally awesome video. You gained a sub.

You can definitely tell the wii fit demo was used for a demo in stores probably in Japan.


It's really cool to see those beta versions of some of those channels. Their visual design feels very Japanese, which makes sense, but it's still charming (I believe the final Weather Channel also looks a bit different between Japan and the rest of the world).

That old Wii Shop Channel is probably my favorite though. I love the screenshot at 11:58: That's apparently A Link to the Past for the NES, released on New Year's Eve 1999, containing many mature themes including violence and horror while still being suitable for all ages...and it plays like Sonic the Hedgehog. What a game!
