Shock Wave Formation in Transonic Flight
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Formation of a shock wave above the wing of a Boeing 737.
The aircraft itself isn't going supersonic, but it's going fast enough (probably around Mach 0.8) that the local airflow over a portion of the top of the wing is supersonic. This is called "transonic," and results in the formation of a shock wave at a right angle to the surface of the wing. The air in front of the shock is supersonic, and the air behind it is subsonic. The shock wave marks the transition between these two regions.
The shock wave is visible because of the abrupt change in the density of the air. The change in density causes a change in the refractive index of the air, and so the scenery behind it is optically distorted, and it also casts a shadow on the wing surface due to the sun being overhead. It helps that I was sitting so that I could view it nearly edge-on... if I had been a couple of rows further forward or back, it might not have been visible.
Further information for the curious:
The aircraft itself isn't going supersonic, but it's going fast enough (probably around Mach 0.8) that the local airflow over a portion of the top of the wing is supersonic. This is called "transonic," and results in the formation of a shock wave at a right angle to the surface of the wing. The air in front of the shock is supersonic, and the air behind it is subsonic. The shock wave marks the transition between these two regions.
The shock wave is visible because of the abrupt change in the density of the air. The change in density causes a change in the refractive index of the air, and so the scenery behind it is optically distorted, and it also casts a shadow on the wing surface due to the sun being overhead. It helps that I was sitting so that I could view it nearly edge-on... if I had been a couple of rows further forward or back, it might not have been visible.
Further information for the curious:
Shock Wave Formation in Transonic Flight
Shock Wave Formation in Transonic Flight
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