Transonic effect around airfoils visualized in flowing soap films

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Transonic effect around airfoils visualized in flowing soap films
Sunyi Wang, The Applied Math Lab, Courant Institute, New York University and NYU Shanghai
Mei Wu, The Applied Math Lab, Courant Institute, New York University and NYU Shanghai
Jun Zhang, The Applied Math Lab, Courant Institute, New York University and NYU Shanghai
Shockwaves form when an aircraft flies and passes the speed of sound. This effect can be seen sometimes in the humid air around an aircraft, or in a high-speed wind tunnel around a model airplane. Each case concerns a big operation and it is quite hard to visualize. Here, we explore the possibility to visualize the shockwaves around an airfoil in a flowing soap film. In our quasi-two-dimentional flow of soap film, shockwaves indeed becomes visible as the flow speed exceeds the speed of waves that propagate on the elastic film. We will use such shockwave patterns to compare with that obtained from wind-tunnel experiments.
Sunyi Wang, The Applied Math Lab, Courant Institute, New York University and NYU Shanghai
Mei Wu, The Applied Math Lab, Courant Institute, New York University and NYU Shanghai
Jun Zhang, The Applied Math Lab, Courant Institute, New York University and NYU Shanghai
Shockwaves form when an aircraft flies and passes the speed of sound. This effect can be seen sometimes in the humid air around an aircraft, or in a high-speed wind tunnel around a model airplane. Each case concerns a big operation and it is quite hard to visualize. Here, we explore the possibility to visualize the shockwaves around an airfoil in a flowing soap film. In our quasi-two-dimentional flow of soap film, shockwaves indeed becomes visible as the flow speed exceeds the speed of waves that propagate on the elastic film. We will use such shockwave patterns to compare with that obtained from wind-tunnel experiments.
Transonic effect around airfoils visualized in flowing soap films
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