trusting God deeply | Alex Wilson

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Where your heart is, that is where your treasure will also be. God said do not worry about anything but through everything pray.🙏🏿


It's really about that child-like faith, dependency on God's provision


Hey Alex, I’m a teen who is seeking God daily and living for him. Every time i listen to your preaching, i get a new perspective on things and your messages help keep me on the right path with God. The world tries lure you into its lies and deceptions but only Jesus can help us and truly lead us to on the best path of life. Prayers for you and your family!


‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭9:13‭-‬14‬ ‭ERV‬‬

[13] Surely you know that those who work at the Temple get their food from the Temple. And those who serve at the altar get part of what is offered at the altar. [14] It is the same with those who have the work of telling the Good News. The Lord has commanded that those who tell the Good News should get their living from this work.


A birds needs to just be a bird and God provides. I need to learn from nature. Thank you for the message, I really needed it this season.


This is a timely message tbh. Literally came out of a situation(money related) to where I had to give it ALL to Christ. Thank you for allowing the spirit to move through you Alex. Your family have been a blessing to many!


you're so humble Alex. I love that, yeah you could do those things, you could write a book, you could start a membership program but you're choosing to put God first and won't move on those unless you have His peace. That's what it's about, keep following His lead, you're doing amazing ❤


You’re on the right track, Alex! Keep seeking God above all else and He will bless you! (Matthew 6:33) I’ve learned that spiritual blessings far outweigh material blessings! Amen!


God is everything. Its that simple. There is peace when we surrender our pace and worries to God. I have learned a lot from from Amen podcast in several different seasons of my life. It is well


Lord give me faith. I wanna love and live like you


So many preachers so money hungry Alex you're one of the few if only that is genuinely doing it from the heart you can tell yours is pure. Makes me actually want to support you because you are truly here for the message.


This has truly blessed, convicted, and warned me. The LORD has been telling me for months to stop worrying about money, and yet at the same time, I'm banging my head against a brick wall with online courses, and condemning myself to no end for not having enough money to pay my bills.
I am fearful that I would make nothing of my life, destitute, in the hands of strangers that will not have my best interests at heart.


I am LITERALLY only 5 mins and 36 sec through and this it's resonating with me SO HEAVILY! I'm driven to tears... I've begun to worry so much about my financial status, wanting to buy a house, wanting to be able to pay for my wedding, wondering how I'm gonna celebrate my 30th, etc. and I currently do YouTube as well.. I began to create videos in order to become monetized and this has been taking away my joy for creation. It wasn't always this way... I now realize that I am steering further away from God in seeing me thru. I began to also job search.. God is providing thru my fiancé in order to take care of us and yet, it's "not enough" because my ego says "it's not from ME." Lord, forgive me for striving and not seeing this season and YOU as GOOD, PERIOD!


2 Timothy 1:7
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.


What a blessing you are to you wife. And a blessing to your children. I pray God blesses me with a man anything like you one day 🙏🏼


WOW! This is right on time. My husband and I have been stepping out on faith for four years. I told him that God has carried us this far, he will keep his promises.


I watched this video twice to so I could fully take in the word, I definitely needed to hear this and i’m glad it was the first video on my recommendation.


Thank you for being so open about your head and heart space. I can resonate with this so deeply, and with each 'money' pursuit comes this overwhelming exhaustion, fear and confusion - just so much resistance from my end to be fully present and accepting of my current reality. Bless you and may you be richly rewarded for your courage to trust God; for your ability to discern.


This has to be the best video you've done so far. It feels a lot more honest and less rushed than the ones you usually post. I always have a hard time watching or even listening to your vids sometimes because it feels too fast-paced or there's music that I find a bit distracting but, this? This is gold. It's calm, slow-paced, focused, quiet, serious, deep, and very heartfelt. I appreciate this type of content more where it feels like a real conversation with your virtual brothers and sisters. Thank you brother Alex for this rawness. I look forward to more of this style of vids. God bless you!


Thank you Alex for sharing... as i was listening to you, the words in 1 Tess 5:16-18 came to my mind..."Be joyful ALWAYS, pray CONTINUALLY, give thanks in ALL circumstances, FOR THIS IS GOD'S WILL FOR YOU IN CHRIST JESUS." It has been a nudge for me to stop and meditate in these words, bearing in mind that God is faithful, He is the same, yesterday, today and always ❤
May God bless us and keep us safe in the hollow of HIS loving hands.❤
