Top 5 CREEPIEST Harry Potter Theories

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Over the years I’ve discussed hundreds (if not THOUSANDS of theories) about the Wizarding World at large. I try to challenge aspects of the story (within reason) and build arguments to convince YOU that these theories hold merit.

HOWEVER, there is also a time and a place for SHOCK value, and I think it’s safe to say that the theories contained in today’s video are some of the most shocking to date. That’s not to say that they don’t make sense- many of them are still plausible- but their disturbing / creepy nature is a common theme.

Join me today as we unpack 5 of the Wizarding World’s most DISTURBING theories- exploring the unsettling ideas that add a whole new dimension to the magical world we all know and love.





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The fact that "love potions" are not only legal, but sold by the Weasley brothers is extremely creepy.


Yeah, I think we all have an even darker theory for why Lockhart would want to obliviate students in his room...


Honestly, if you think about it from the books' perspective, Ron went out with lavender because Genny got on Ron about him never kissing anyone. This is why Ron started dating Lavender and kissed her mainly when other students were around.


I find it strange that Obliviate isn't among the unforgivable curses, considering just how powerful it is.

You could literally obliviate the minister for magic and get away with anything.


I'm not sure about the Lavender Brown using a love potion on Ron theory. To me, Ron went out with Lavender for two reasons. 1, Ginny giving him a hard time about him never kissing anyone. and 2, He wanted to make Hermione jealous.
Regarding the theory about Dumbledore wanting to turn Harry into an obscurial, I think he put too much faith in Vernon and Petunia, by expecting them to tell Harry about his magical heritage. Considering how much the Dursleys hate magic, they did everything they could to keep Harry from finding out about magic and his heritage.


The theory about Lavender can be easily disproven, as Ron started losing interest in her well before he got poisoned. Additionally, Lavender was the first girl who had shown him any attention (most of it was directed to Harry, further feeding his feelings of inferiority). Additionally, Lavender had shown Ron attention prior, wishing him luck and attending Quidditch tryouts, something she had not done before.

Lavender likely developed an infatuation with him over the summer break after the events of Order of the Phoenix, where Ron was a part of the group that fought off the Death Eaters led by Lucius Malfoy, many of whom ended up in Azkaban because of this. This was also just after he discovered Ginny kissing Dean Thomas and got into a nasty argument with her (Ginny having insulted Ron for never being in a relationship before, using Hermione as an example to further hurt his feelings). So Ron, being the constantly overlooked friend of Harry Potter, likely latched on to her affections immediately.

Also, we never really find out how Love Potions would interact with each other, as he was also "afflicted" (for lack of a better word) by one used by Romilda Vane, completely disregarding Lavender in his pursuit of her. While this is all speculation, it's highly unlikely that potions would override each other, instead causing the imbiber to become obsessed with both.

Also, after Lavender breaks up with Ron, he mentions having wanted out of the relationship for a while now and was relieved he didn't have to be the one to dump her (to which Hermione snarkily responds "Coward").


Ron isn't obsessed with Lavender, though, she's just an outlet for the frustration of jealousy with Hermione and Ginny's experience of a twelve-year-old comment. If anything, the idea that Ron gave HER the potion makes more sense. She's far more obsessed with Ron than vice versa, basically from out of the blue and for no reason.


Cedric's body being reduced to an object is the theory that makes complete sense to me.


It seems more likely, to me at least, the Dumbledore instructed the Dursleys to tell Harry about his magic knowing full well that this would make them decide to never tell him. He may have used their spiteful nature to protect young Harry from needing to suppress his magic


If Lavender already dosed Ron with a potion. And then he got dosed extra from the chocolates. That could explain why even Slughorn thought the love potion was a "bloody strong one too" based on Rons mooneyness.


Not convinced by the first theory on Lavender Brown. 'Only PDA, superficial feelings, nicknames...' We're talking about teenagers having high school sweethearts there! And I'm saying that being with my high school sweetheart for almost ten years now, but I think people tend to judge Lavender too harshly through the Hermione lens. Ron liked the attention that he lacked in his family and being 'The Chosen One''s bestfriend, liked making Hermione jealous, and used Lavender Brown for that. The creepy side is more on him than anything else imo.


My favorite theory is that Voldemort possessed a fetus


So love potions literally breed sadistic, dark wizard serial killers in the harry potter universe, and they're just selling them in stores. Wtf?


All the magical contraceptives is another theory. Hormonal students all dating eachother but not 1 magical pregnancy in hogwarts 😮


Voldemort impersonating harry would not have worked for long - Remember when Lupin asks "What creature was on my desk the first time Harry walked into my office!?"
They were clearly aware of the possibility of Polyjuice infiltration (probably from the First Wizarding War) so as soon as "Harry" started acting too weird/dark someone would have started asking him security questions and most likely uncovered the plot.


Did Dumbledore employ Lockheart to expose him? Or because he knew for a fact every single DADA teacher has met a grizzly and often fatal fate upon taking the job


The problem with the impersonation plan is that it would be impossible to maintain for long, especially for someone as emotionally stunted as Voldemort. Ron, Hermione, Dumbledore, etc. would notice the changes too quickly and Cedrick's death couldn't explain it all. There's also the fact he's an adult trying to impersonate a 13 year old.


Voldemort is too proud to pretend to be harry


If anything Ron gave Lavender a love potion. Ron was never obsessed with Lavender.


It's 11.14pm, I got work 5am and I'm tuning in because I'm still a harry potter fan 😂
