The Raspberry Pi 400 - A full computer in a keyboard!

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The Raspberry Pi 400 has arrived in the studio, and in this video I'll give it a review. I'll show an unboxing of the Personal Computer Kit from Canakit, which is a great way to get started on the Pi 400. Then I'll show off the hardware, as well as the out-of-box experience.

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I want say "cheers" to that idea of "returning full circle". I feel, this is exact what we need. The User should feel totally at home in his/her computer, and by home I mean, just like a real home, you have TOTAL FREEDOM to ; do, go, touch, explore, try-out, modify, hack, experiment, test, WITHOUT ANY RESTRICTION, WITHOUT BEING WATCHED, WITHOUT PERMISSION DENIED, that is what true computing IS all about. If I break the system, I learn, I rebuild, I have fun with new experience. The experience of the old days of using a PC are very valuable today. It seems the awesome people of Rasberry, know this.


I have my Raspberry Pi 400 here in the UK. I grew up with the Sinclair ZX81, ZX Spectrum, BBC Micro, and Commodore Amiga. This machine is a retro miracle, perfect to carry on the foundation's mission to get people into coding but it's great for so much more. I already have a Retropie install on one micro SD, and an overclocked Raspberry Pi OS on another. It's highly recommended! Manjaro also has great xfce & kde arm versions that run fast.


They really ought to come out with a laptop version. What Linux really needs as a platform is to have consumer products that a non-programmer person could just buy and use as a regular PC.


It looks very similar to my Amiga 500 kit I got new in 1990. I love it!


yup...i started out playing with a commodore 64 back in the late 80s (and i still have it)


'Old' is new again. I love it!


Very professional channel.
Congratulations on that book!


A laptop without a screen.

I hope they'll release a laptop built around that, I may actually buy it.


Thanks for this video! My Pi 400 is on it's way to me now, and I'm overloading on YouTube content about the unit in the meantime! :D


Thank you, Jay. I was wondering up this.


I use my Pi 400 for streaming and surfing on my big screen TV. It is much less cumbersome than my old laptop for that purpose. I use an infrared mouse from the couch.


Hi Jay, thanks for your feedback on this new system. I have a Pi lab at home that’s setup just to build Pi projects. I love building Pi projects using everything from the Pi o to the Pi 4 8GB. I have a compute module and I/O on back order and it’s due in March 2021.

I believe the new Pi 400 will be a winner in all areas. Schools and home users will introduce new users to Coding and developing.

I also believe that the model will be a stepping stone for more models. I can foresee upscale models that will have more features and storage. I also except a add on module, letting users better access to the GPIO pins.

Who knows, a possible Laptop could be the next model released.


It's really good video sir🤗🤗
Your way of presenting things is to good


Really neat if they made a 'netbook' option of this something all in with a 10" screen. Affordable yet quality laptop that isn't a chromebook or a tablet.


Waiting on my Pi400 to be shipped, but it's primarily going to be the interface for the Pi cluster I am building. Still waiting on some parts overall, but most of the key pieces I already have. I'll be migrating the duties from a few pi servers I have setup. I don't have the budget/space/or reliable enough wiring in my apartment to run a proper server rack, nor do I really want to have a loud server running in my room anyway, so Pi Servers it is! Small, mostely silent, and this isn't a production environment so if it goes tits up because an SD card dies, ohh well, I have spares.


My 1st PC: VIC20, 2nd Commodore 64, 3rd Apple IIc LoL!! Storage on VIC20 was a cassette tape:)


I am the lucky owner of a raspberry pi 400 and love it very much. It is usable as a desktop, but I prefer to tinker with mine.
I have installed twister os on a separate ssd disk and have the pi boot it via USB3.0. The pi does this out of the box.
I am also thinking about trying arch linux which is available for the raspberry pi.

Also there is a large community supporting the raspberry pi.
There are a lot of custom build distro's and some of them even emulate old computers like the amiga our the old ms-dos computers. I even tried RiscOS on mine but this is not quite finished.
It is a great machine to tinker with and sd-cards can be bought real cheap.

For me it brings back the fun in tinkering with computers.
And you do not need to be a great coder.


Had issues with initial wifi config on Ubuntu ARM and Manjaro ARM. Haven't tried to hook up network cable but am going to keep messing with it in my free time.


Hi Jay, great channel man, congrats on the new book!
I'm fairly new to Linux and the Terminal .. that journey started a few month ago, when I've learned some Bash on my Mac to automate some Salesforce CLI stuff.
But let's say I'm hooked, bought a desktop pc, installed Linux Mint on it, learning new terminal commands every day now. I've already an army of Bash functions and aliases in place and I see so much more potential and use cases for my Salesforce job. As that list keeps growing, I'm kind of obsessed with the idea of a macro keyboard (like the Elgato Stream Deck) to group commands by topics and fire them with the push of a single button. What is your opinion on macro keyboards in general, do you use something like that?And do you think the Pi 400 could be transformed into one? I've actually no clue how I could set this up so that my desktop accepts it as a keyboard. Any idea on how to start a project like this? Best regards, Heiko


I so want to get one of these for me and my some. Reminds me more of a Timex Sinclair than the Commodore 64 (C64).
