Tired of VO2Max; Shift To Sweet Spot Cycling?

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Had a good email come in after chatting about the mental benefits of Lactate Tolerance when riding at FTP. Here's the snippet:

Athlete: "There is something to be said for learning to tolerate the discomfort riding at threshold can produce. All of a sudden Tempo starts to feel easier.

One of the things I've been thinking about a lot is the physiologic "cost" of the session on future rides.

How much will a hard threshold day impact training rides later that week and is the benefit worth it? Ie. Is the juice worth the squeeze?

Or is it better to go all out, ie. VO2max, to get max benefit from intensity - basically polarized. But then it's hard to do VO2 max all the time... So no easy answer.

This is where I can see one of the arguments for sweet spot/high tempo work. A lot of the threshold benefit, but recovery is easier, or at least that is what is often touted. But maybe it's not hard enough and this is just an easy way out."

This is actually the exact case where I wouldn't recommend Sweet Spot Intervals for Training.

Hopefully this video helps you find the right intensities at the right times so that you get faster!

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I'm avoiding sweet spot like the plague now as well. Can definitely see the improvements in aerobic fitness by doing majority of Z2, and intensity once a week. Only once due to time constraints, but I'm working to add that second intensity session a few days later. This is working well for me, to train at opposite ends of the spectrum, and avoid the middle sweet spot and high tempo zones.
Love the Youtube and Spotify Brendan. I left a review on Spotify. 😀


Welcome back to youtube Champ. Somehow I hate sweetspot. As far as I remeber I did sweetspot for 2 weeks and it was 25 x 2. That was it and never went back to sweetspot ever again. 3 x 10 and 4 x 10 climbs I enjoy for torque work. I really enjoy tempo for sure and around 76% or 80 to 85% when the time is right. 75 76% is stock for me after efforts if I have left in my tank. Vo2 work 3 to 8mins I enjoy and play with the time - love them as well.


Is sweetspot the training zone you should use for a TT/triathlon bike ride?
