How to Treat Warts

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Warts can be embarrassing – as well as contagious. Help minimize the chance you'll spread them to other parts of your body, or other people.

Step 1: Avoid contact
Avoid touching or scratching your warts, and don't share your clothes. Warts can be especially contagious if you touch someone who has a break in their skin, like a scratch or hangnail.

Never cut off a wart yourself. You could bleed heavily or cause a scar. See your doctor.

Step 2: Wait
Wait for the wart to go away. Warts often go away by themselves, though it may take months or years.

Step 3: Build and maintain strong immune system
Support your immune system by eating healthy foods. A strong immune system will battle warts and help them disappear faster.

Step 4: Apply banana peels
Rub the inside of a fresh piece of banana peel on your warts every night. Potassium may help them disappear faster.

Step 5: Try and OTC remedy
Pat your skin dry after a shower and apply salicylic acid or another over-the-counter wart remedy. Re-apply daily until the wart goes away.

Step 6: Try duct tape
Cover the wart with duct tape for six days; then remove the duct tape, soak the wart in warm water, and file it down with a pumice stone or emery board. One study theorized that duct tape irritated the wart enough to trigger the body's immune system to attack it.

Step 7: See your doctor
See your doctor for more aggressive treatments – like freezing – to remove warts. They may work better than home remedies.

Did You Know?
If you look at a wart with a magnifying glass, the surface often resembles a tiny cauliflower.
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He got me there when he said healthy food 😂😂


i had a wart and i used this effective trick:
step 1. use the wart remover you buy from the store.
step 2. put electrical tape around the wart every time you treat it.
it should come off in about a week. trust me, it works.


just FYI - the duct tape method is MORE effective then cytotherapy (freezing) 85% vs 60%


i cut my wart off when i was in 1st grade


Warts can also be remove by using aspirin like the Vitamin C tablet—crush, add a little water, apply the paste to the wart, and cover overnight. Repeat for several nights until gone.


I had a cluster of them on my leg my doctor just cut it out


My brother had a wart on his knee for years, then one day he fell down the stairs & it caused it to rip off. I spent probably ten minutes to try & stop the bleeding. I even nearly called an ambulance cause I couldn't get it to stop. Thankfully it eventually stopped & it never grew back.


Use the duct tape on who ever makes fun of your warts.


this makes me feel sick i dn't feel like eating a coliflower anymore


Use a nail clipper and cut of the top layer of skin, then use the corner of the nail clipper to pull out the warts, wait like a day it should go away...


duct tape totaly works. i take a shower, dry the skin, put the tape on and take it off the next day. i take a break every few days, about two days a week. use the pumle stone when in the shower.


I froze it 2x a day for 2 days. It then was able to be picked off. Just be sure to freeze it one last time once it looks gone. Cus mine grew back several times


I'm glad I don't have any warts on my hands, face, etc. I have about 3 warts in total on my feet now, but I used to have like 15 on both feet ( in total) and it's so embarrassing. I would rarely ever wear sandals, unless I know I was going somewhere where people wouldn't care and I wouldn't mind, like Disney land. what I did was use liquid wart remover (mine is Equate) then leave it on for a few days w/o reapplying, then about on the 3rd day, take a shower and peel it off, then repeat.


i tryed to cut of my wart on my foot with sissors, IT BLEEDED EVERY TIME!
and i tryed it every week, since i wanna swim free again, its hideous!and it bleeded so much blood.and than the wart spread, and created 4 new warts.


All of those remedies are too long. I had a wart on my index finger for 6 months and I was helping a friend paint her room and put these star things on her wall... To make a long story short the glue stuff the mini stars came in made my wart go away in 2ish days. I was amazed. Now when ever my sisters get on I put a coat of nail glue over it.


here's several ideas for lessening warts
Ensure you eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.
Make sure you have enough vitamin C
Use herbs which cleanse the liver eg dandelion
make use of herbs with infection fighting properties including dandelion root and burdock and others including garlic
(I learned these and why they work from alayzi


I had verrucas that were so bad the doctor had to cut them out of my foot.
So go ahead, try all the fancy treatment you like, you'll end up seeing a doctor anyway.


I have multiple warts on my hand and they are extremely contagious! What do I do?!


Take triple-strength garlic capsules; they really work!!! 😉


or you could just go buy that wart freeze stuff they advertise on t.v.
