How to treat foot corn & warts? - Dr. Rasya Dixit
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Corns and warts on the foot are usual 2 common conditions which cause painful thick lesion over the dorsum of the foot. Corns are usually on the pressure point of the foot. So they can come under the heel or below the big toe or just below the big toe or the little toe warts are viral infections and are much painful and they are multiple than the other areas of the foot. Corns are because of pressure or inappropriate footwear. So if you change your footwear, start wearing softer footwear, use a bit of scraping, it should get better. If it is not getting better, then you are looking at a wart or a deeper corn, which needs to be surgically removed. In any cases get opinion form a dermatologist. If it is a wart, then the patient may need some treatment like cryotherapy which can be done on the OPD basis, which is not painful or by treatment like autoinoculation or MMR injection into the wart to prevent it from coming. He might recommend footwear, which is more suitable for your foot. It is important to treat these painful lesions because it is going to affect the way you walk and later it will affect the alignment of the bones itself. So seek help when the home treatments don’t work, is time to take help from a professional doctor.