Home treatment for warts

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Apple Cider Vinegar works BEAUTIFULLY. My son had a few warts on his hand and i dipped cotton in apple cider vinegar, then i put it on my son’s warts and put a bandaid over it. Had him sleep overnight with it on and he would take the bandaid off every morning. Within a week you’ll see the wart turn black and die out. Only a few days of this and the warts were gone. I recommend doing this every night until the wart is dead and completely gone. Could take a few weeks but 100% guaranteed it will kill the wart and go away


"disappear in 2 years" my ass


Go away within two years I've had one on my hand for at least 15 years lol


Ok for everyone who is sick of their wart this is how I removed mine. I had two big ones and a few small ones. I poured white wine vinegar into a Tupper ware pot, (you can use any vinegar) and then I just sat with my fingers in the vinegar. You know it is dying when it turns white, and after about a week it had shrunk to the bottom. It is still not gone as i need to kill the root of the wart and so even if there is no wart I will keep putting my hand in the vinegar. And when I am out and about I cover them with clear nail varnish. This is not as effective, but still works if you properly cover it up.
I really hope this helps!!
A few other things:
When you are killing it, cover them up with a plaster or clear nail varnish as it is very very contagious then, even more than usual and you don't want any more!!!
Secondly, salicylic acid is usually recommend.. while this does work (putting your hand in) it is not as effective and as it is weaker than the vinegar.
And finally, the vinegar method is uncomfortable but I am going to carry on as I am so so so so sick of the wart!!!


i have 2 tiny warts on my middle finger and thumb. they’re super annoying and like i wish i could just rip them out. sorry i’m just venting


I cut off with my nail clipper, it hurts a lot and bled like crazy. It worked though. The wart turned black and then just peel off. It left a crater-like shape after removal.


I have like 7 and everyone in the comments just think people judge you for what you have but what rlly matters is your heart so don’t be self conscious it took me about two years to learn this but God has a plan for all you


I swear i will actually cut my skin off

Update: all of mine went away, i just left it alone and it just dissapearer


you can also mix some fresh garlic with water and apply the paste to the wart. Put a bandage on top. Re-apply every few hours and continue until the wart is gone.


I have them on 5 of my fingers 😭 IDEK how I got them. So self conscious


4 on my hand, and 15 on my feet :( I've tried everything, from medical wart treatment to duct tape. They always come back worse.


I’ve went to the doctor several times and they disappear for a bit, but always come back and multiply, they also hurt.

Edit: I am using Apple Cider Vinegar right now, and it seems to be working, my bigger wart have gotten smaller, and some parts have even fell off. My fingers already feel so much relief after 2 days:) and it doesn’t hurt to bat, gets a little irritated as it gets closer to the root but not as painful as freezing or a laser.

Edit 2: they’re all gone:) my fingers look and feel much better!


I have 3 on my knee and now I guess I’m not wearing shorts for 2 years


i used apple cider vinegar, it will stink, but if you take a cotton ball, get apple cider vinegar on it then bandaid it or tape it, it should go away within a week to a month, you can keep changing the cotton balls


I got a wart on my hand but it hasn't spread but im about to cut the thing off and probably sew the cut up


My confidence and self esteem were shot to pieces. My social life was not existent and I also managed to be unemployed as a result of my worries and all. It may not be all doom and gloom though, I'm breaking my neck on turning things around.


I remember a bunch of kids in my elementary school use to have them! Im so happy I never got it!


I don’t know about you guys, but those products intended to treat warts and freezing have never worked for me and are very painful. I got rid of mine by breaking off a small portion of a cotton ball, dipping it in vinegar, and using a bandaid to keep it on. I change it out a few times a day and they fall off within a week.


I had warts on my hand for 4 years. Around year 3 they started spreading on my hand. Then out of seemingly nowhere they were falling off randomly


I got 63 warts on my hands you read right 63! I can't live with them and i'm so sad of them, i have tried many different things to them but nothing helps, if you have any tips of good ways to get rid of them you can tell me below i would love if you do!
I'm sorry if you have warts because i know how it feels and if you have them in hands it's terrible (i always try to hide them so nobody can see them)
