24fps vs 30fps vs 60fps - What is THE Best Frame Rate for YouTube? (Part 1/5)

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In these videos I'm going to test 24fps vs 30fps vs 60fps to see once and for all WHICH is the best frame rate to record in.
Since you can't just change frame rate on the fly I have to upload each video separately, so for parts 2, 3, and 4 I will randomly upload either 24 / 30 / 60 fps video and in the last video I will share which video was what and which one I think looks best. Watch Part 2 next!
Guess the Frames-Per-Second Video Series:
Since you can't just change frame rate on the fly I have to upload each video separately, so for parts 2, 3, and 4 I will randomly upload either 24 / 30 / 60 fps video and in the last video I will share which video was what and which one I think looks best. Watch Part 2 next!
Guess the Frames-Per-Second Video Series:
24 FPS vs 60 FPS Comparison in 30 Seconds (for filmmakers)
24fps vs 30fps vs 60fps - What is THE Best Frame Rate for YouTube? (Part 1/5)
24 FPS vs 30 FPS vs 60 FPS (comparison)
Should You Shoot At 24FPS or 30FPS?
Does 24FPS REALLY Look More Cinematic Than 30FPS [Or 60]?
Difference in Frame rates 24fps vs 30fps vs 60fps | AVI
24fps vs 30fps vs 60fps and recording videos on iPhone
DJI Mavic Air - 4K 24FPS vs 4K 30FPS vs 2.7K 60FPS
24fps vs 30fps vs 60fps - Mystery Frame Rate (Part 3/5)
When you should shoot in 24FPS vs 60FPS
24fps, 30fps & 60fps ALL Look Cinematic! Here's Why...
4K 24 fps vs. 30 fps vs. 60 fps | 2160p GAMING Comparison High Graphics
Video Frame Rate Comparison. 24fps, 25fps and 30fps. Smart Phone Camera Recording.
What Frame Rate Should You Be Filming In?
Should You Shoot At 24fps vs 30fps vs 60fps? | 30fps Video
Você deve filmar com 24fps ou 60fps ? Entenda de uma vez a regra!
Why you SHOULD shoot in 30fps!!
Should You Shoot At 24FPS or 60FPS?
24fps vs 30fps vs 60fps - And the BEST Frame Rate for YouTube IS... (Part 5/5)
Should You Shoot At 24fps vs 30fps vs 60fps? | 24fps Video
Ultimate Guide to FRAME RATES for CINEMATIC VIDEO - When to use 24, 25, 30, 50, 60, 100, 120 FPS?
Mixing Frame Rates: Can You Edit 24p, 30p, & 60p Together?
I'm DONE Shooting in 24FPS! Here's why...