24fps vs 30fps vs 60fps - What is THE Best Frame Rate for YouTube? (Part 1/5)

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In these videos I'm going to test 24fps vs 30fps vs 60fps to see once and for all WHICH is the best frame rate to record in.

Since you can't just change frame rate on the fly I have to upload each video separately, so for parts 2, 3, and 4 I will randomly upload either 24 / 30 / 60 fps video and in the last video I will share which video was what and which one I think looks best. Watch Part 2 next!

Guess the Frames-Per-Second Video Series:

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i don't know how that works, but i always stay in 24. the number is like my lucky number 🤣


30fps is ideal 100% especially when mixing footage as you can still render it out in 60fps and it not look weird. However there are specific artefacts that you get when you record in 1080p when it comes to fine detail like clothes and hair on the face that can’t be removed in post. The only remedy for it is recording in 4K. The reason you don’t see it much in movies and tv, is because they have a higher resolution DI. So I would recommend wether you upload in 4K or 1080p, always record in a resolution higher than 1080p. It can be 2K or 4K, once it’s higher.


Just gonna drop in to say: I agree 30 is ideal. Resolution seems to have a big play in how a frame rate looks. 4k24 looks HEAPS smoother than 1080-24, which I can't stand. And some third and/or more thing that I forgot, but w/e.


Why does everyone talk about shooting with a camera when talking about fps? I want to know what's best for capturing gameplay. I choose 24 so that I can reduce the mbps slightly and reduce the file size. Idk what I'm doing is that stupid? Video games are mostly in 30fps or 60 fps so should I capture in 30fps?


Which is the best frame rate for YouTube Shorts?


I at first thought this was split up into 5 videos for some silly algorithm optimization reason 😅


I want to start recording with my phone for videos, it’s been a while, I’m used to 30p but for editing should I record in 60 and edit in 30 ? So it’s more clear with movement?


So strange that 24 and 30 looks so different from each other it is just 6 more frames. 30 and 60 looks more similar to my eye despite double the frames. TBS I think that 60p looks a bit cleaner on youtube.


Do you know where I'm making my mistake But I can't find any of the sequence videos that you talk about So you So you 3 downstation3 down stations Blah blah blah all I get is a short intro and no links to the rest of it


hello, i film music videos, 1080-60fps is great n its best when use for slow motion, 24 lacks the footage bad n slow motion so, yall switch to 60fps its better even in 4k ...120fps even sweeter


I hate that YT even allows 60. People seem to think it means better quality.


It would be more than helpful to add all Video link in the Description. As I have to go and look for the videos in your library.. I'm already thinking about moving on even as I write this. Way too much work. Why didn't you just fit it in one video? Ugh


Right then and now 60fps for Highest possible quality in youtube SD


Terima kasih saudara untuk ilmu yang sudah dibagikan, salam sukses buat kita semua
