FAQ: Will my magnet lose strength over time?

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Michael from SM Magnetics is here to answer all your magnet questions!
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when you say "so hope this helps". just thank you. It helps me a lot :)))) thank you so much


What about using magnets to spin a wheel? Because my thoughts is even if it does work the magnetic domains would need to be realigned after some time.


Question for the next FAQ : does cutting a magnet decrease its strength ? I mean, not because it gets smaller obviously, but because the heat and shock applied on it could affect it. And what is the good technic to cut a magnet ?


I use magnet for back pain and sciatica— I first bought Nikken back pad for the back — then I bought magnet bracelets — magnet medallions— corset with magnets ... the Nikken pad seams to have lost power and it cost over £ 100, 10 years ago —- two days ago I bought two small magnet coins strength 3.5 kg and they seam to work well — my pain decreased from 70% to 20% in 1-2 hours —- they cost less then £ 4.00 —— while you wear them on your skin, your saliva becomes very bitter —- I think it is when they rebalance your body —- I trust they have no collateral effect .... they are saving my life 😁😅


Serious question: if some magnets don’t lose power under the right conditions, does this mean that building a perpetual motion machine from magnets is possible? If not, why? Thanks.


If i want to push things will the magnets fail or degrade? I notice neodymium is often as fragile as fresh cornbread which makes me worry about its ability to be relied upon


Sir why magnetic piston engine are not helpful?? Thanks


i have magnet for dc motor 3 h.p and its become weak .. is any way to remagnetizing .... is it will work ... i plane to bring battery charger 200 A 12 v and make some coil with EN8 ... is any advice for this project ?? what power i need to full charge ??


In other words "A magnet poses infinite energy we yet need to find a way, to use it." A magnet holds onto a surface and physicly spoken does work against gravity right? But our super perfect laws are saying, its not possible. So, how long can, lets say a neodymium magnet with a pullforce of 2kg hold itself on a megnetic surface? How long can you generate power by building a dynamo out of it? If its not limited by time, then I think we need to understand its capabilitys for future technology.
My therory is, that a magnet is a break in the 3D symmetry just like any seperatio of charges. The energy flows from the fourth dimension unto the third dimension just like you´ve punched a hole into the ground and there it is, your oil. We allways build broken symmetries, that kill itself. The only thing that survives the backflow of energy is a magnet. So, why aren´t we using magnets to generate power? The magnetic field has two componets, one is swirling and the outher one is moving straight. A-Field is hidden under the swirling B-field and we use a toroid to seperate them.
If you could build a transformercore, that sucks the B-field from a magnet in, then you would have a magnetic potetial around that core. Now shake it by using fast changing DC current. Each time the A-field is shaken, it inducts a current in every coil in the system.


Let’s say I have a magnet and it got hot and lost some power. Can I reverse that somehow and let’s say the magnet is at 50% is there anything I can do to get it back to 100%?


Lol David lapoint great man just made a bowl this week btw I'm looking for a spire come or obelisk basically a very tall cone like pyramidal magnetism or obelisk I call it's just simliar cut cone


If I have them facing the same side will they lose power kinda like getting bored of pushing away ?


so i can keep my magnetic head in my electric screwdriver with no worry of it loosing strenght ?
that's cool


which type of a magnet is the best when your want use it to produce free power?


hye how long magnet can stick together if i put screw nut?


They should make a magnetic car it would spin forever, u know what ill be the first one making that


Is it possible to create an accurate 3-D graph of magnetic lines of curved tile shape magnet or ring magnet and so on.
pre-tested solutions are using of compass and iron dust but none of them produce a detailed 3-D graph. please reply.


the only way it would lose its power is if pieces chip off.


Hi I'm coming up with a product where I need to attach and detach two plastic components (holding 2 lbs) what magnet and grade would work best for this because I need it to last long and work easily for the user (the user shouldn't have to struggle detaching the plastic component, but strong enough so that the two plastic pieces don't come apart easily)


《★The Challenge!!!》Here is a magnetic questions for guys, and the ladies.
Magnetic Eyelashes are very popular & work with a magnetic charged iron oxides added to black eyeliner. These artifical eyelashes have 5-10 very micro (sized ■ ■■) neodymium magnets that are glued on to each tiny lash band. But the magnets are losing there effective magnetic charged. After a few uses not getting the full 30-60 uses
Please test these & let us know How we can recharge our micro neodymium magnets on
a small eyelashes.
Any help would be very beneficial to magnetic eyelashes wearers every where. Thank You
ஐ Sher in Ca.
