GE2017: Owen Jones destroys the bigoted Christian Peoples' Alliance

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Daily Politics 9 May 2017

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He was canvasing our village today ranting about sexualisation of children in schools and visibly shaking and seething with hatred. He was also very physically intimidating and threatening.

I can't believe anyone would take his absolute drivel seriously.


Sydney asserts his position on gay marriage is about "protecting children." All studies show that children of same-sex couples exhibit outcomes that are, on the whole, equal or better than children of heterosexual couples. Furthermore, exactly whose children is he protecting? By reducing the same-sex family to a second-class status, he would seek to strap the children of those families with a badge of inferiority that tells them that the only family they've ever known is not a real family in the eyes of those who have power and that they are not one of the "equals" in society. That is exactly the sort of damage his policy would impose upon the children.

Plus, when Owen pushed him, he managed to admit his objections were down to being against "homosexuals, " not "homosexuality, " like we always knew. Bigotry is bigotry even when it dons a veil of respectability.


Owen’s arguments have aged like fine milk.


TBF they can promise to do whatever they want. They aren't getting any seats


Everything this CPA guy says is bang on. Our country would be so much better if we applied his principles.


I'm imcorrigible I can give you some free programs if you have a Mac ? And teach you how to balance the edit if you want ?
