Brexit Britain: what went wrong and what next? Panel 1

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Organised by openDemocracy, Another Europe Is Possible, Democracy in Europe 2025, and the LSE Civil Society and Human Security Research Unit.

Introduction by Mary Kaldor, Professor of Global Governance at LSE

Panel 1 featuring:

Yanis Varoufakis, DiEM25
Owen Jones, writer
Ash Sarkar, Novara Media
Zoe Gardner, Asylum Aid
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God almighty. The progressives are more stupid than I thought. The cretinous introductory speaker doesn't even realise that what's supposed to be good for the "country" (which doesn't actually exist - if you think about it) might be terrible for very large numbers of people (lower wages, crowded schools, hospitals, roads and railways) and who naturally want wants what's good for them. And remember Owen Jones is a homosexual. That means when the diversity he craves comes to pass he will go in fear of his life when the Muslims (and not just the Muslims) gain influence and power. Let's hope he isn't thrown off a roof, or burned alive, as many of our "fellow" citizens want. The people in this video are such cretinous, deadbeat, no hope, morons that they actually believe we need immigrants to cope with - wait for it - all the immigrants. To put it as kindly as possible - mental defectives - all of them.


People have become xenophobic because the immigration policies were irresponsible. What do they think would happen? You MUST gage the tolerance and the limitation not to mention the resources of the host population or they'll react.


Owen Jones's father was a local authority worker and trade-union shop steward. His mother was an IT lecturer at Salford University. They met whilst members of the Trotskyist Mlitant Tendency. After uni, young Jones worked as a trades-union lobbyist and then as a parliamentary researcher. In other words, he has never had a job, and has no experience of the world, outside of politics.


No such fool as an intelligent fool! Jones is a perfect example. He talks about society as if it is evidential rather than conceptual. He doesn't understand that his viewpoint is no more valid than the next person but denigrates them for having it! He should be pitied really. Unfortunately the intelligent are incapable of seeing themselves as foolish. Poor lad will learn one day.


Owen is a liar. i live in stockport where he grew up and the vote was 55% remain 45% leave.


The open boarders nonsense where no one is illegal. I wish the young woman here had her wish for just one month. Do you think she'd finally be happy? They should ALL come here. ALL the worlds needy. ALL! She'd be the first to go broke but hey. Why not propose a sensible idea like not promoting wars that create refugees? Or having fair trade and banking deals with developing and under-developed countries so people can make a living? Because you see I'm not heartless but I'm also not brainless.


Owen Jones : "Clearly as a consequence of the harsh chaotic Brexit, which is now on offer, there will be massive economic dislocation of some description. I can't predict exactly what that will be, when it will be, and how it will manifest itself, but it is clearly coming."

Doesn't sound like you can see it that clearly, Owen.


PS Owen Jones seems to have lost his authentic 'man of the people' northern accent in this presentation. Does he only employ it when he thinks that the little people might be listening in? lol FAKE AS FUCK.


Varoufakis is too intelligent for this lot


"Brexit Britain: what went wrong and what next? " there is a flaw in the entire premise, for 17 million + people it was "what went RIGHT", I loved where she says 'welcome to open democracy'... boy the hypocrisy!


can they turn the treble down a bit... it's far too clear.


Nothing went wrong, we voted to leave the EU, and that is the right thing for Britain.


Syriza was able to gain power and weren't able to make a dent, rather they were made example of. Out is the only way back into a democracy but it's only the first step. Anyone who truly understood Brexit knew it would be a rocky exit with lots of EU obstacles to the UK's national interest.


What went wrong? we didn't leave a decade ago thats what went wrong.


What's really annoying about this 'debate' (which it really isn't as there are no opposing voices) is if it actually was, 99% of these arguments could have been comprehensively, and in many cases easily, debunked.


I notice that the London School of Economics has dropped the words ' and Political Science
' from its title. Somebody must have at last realised that ' politics ', like ' social studies ', is not actually a science.


Is that the foreign aid budget which is in place for migration control? Apparently our government is paying this to leaders/ regimes around the world... Where has Zoe got this fact from??


What part of Democracy don't you understand ?? Gravy Trainer !!


the best for Uk if it goes out, is to let £ down again to 1£=1€ and stay competitiv and keep its industry even if british become much poorer !


She's in her own little bubble no clue what other people want and going through what's a space cadet
