How to Regrow Romaine Lettuce from Scraps? Vegetable Gardening 101, CiCi Li - Asian Home Cooking

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A few weeks ago, I did a video on how to regrow scallions. Many of you would like to know if you could also regrow other vegetables. So today I'd like to share with you how we can regrow romaine lettuce.

Regrow in Water:

To prepare, first, cut the lettuce 2 inches above its end. You can use the lettuce directly or put it back in the fridge. Then, in a cup, add about 1 inch level of water. Place the end of the lettuce in the cup.

Put the lettuce by the window, where it will receive direct sunlight. Change the water every 1 to 2 days. I personally change it every day. Lettuce grows best between 45 to 75 degrees F (7 – 24 degrees C)

Watch it grow in water from day 1 to day 12. You can eat the lettuce directly after 12 to 14 days. They won't grow any bigger in water.

Transplant in Soil:

But since we just built this beautiful vegetable bed. I decided to transplant it in the soil after day 9.

The soil that we use is 60% topsoil, 40% compost, and with some mulch on top to retain water.

Plant the lettuce, so they are about 6-10 inches apart.

Water it daily, either morning or night. Since I still have some water in the cup. I'm just going to use this for now. I'll water it a little more later.

Watch your lettuce grows every day.

Harvest the lettuce once it reaches about 8 inches. If you wait for too long, then eventually flowers will come out, and the leaves will turn bitter. You could take the seed from the flowers and grow lettuce from it again.

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Very helpful and informative. I wish there was a follow up video to see how tall the lettuce grew after being planted. Was it the same size as the original stock?


Thankyou!!I need this for my Canary and Parakeets that love Romaine lettuce!!


Funny to think I was throwing away one salad off each head of Romaine Lettuce. Ty will be doing this and might even try to plant some for seeds :)
TY for shearing.


Do you know to grow or germinate kale vegetable


Sadly, both volume and captions cease, just after you cut the lettuce 2" above the stems, ie, very shortly into the video.
From that point on in it's a guessing game.
For instance, did you place an inch of water in the mugs, before placing the stems in, then discard the water a little later and, if so, how many days before discarding it or did you add more water?
I hope you can sort this volume problem out and thank you for uploading.


Should there be roots before planting?


I have been having problems with mold growing on the lettuce while growing in the water. How can I stop this?


Your daughter is quite the fashionista, l love her fedora!
