Top 12 Signs You Are An ENTJ

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✅ Check how many of these Top 12 Signs You Are An ENTJ you have!
ENTJ which stands for extraverted, intuitive, thinking and judging is one of the 16 personality types identified by a personality assessment called MBTI. This ENTJ is called Commander or Leader and it is one of the most unique personality types.

If you think you are an ENTJ, dive deeper into your personality, learn what are your greatest traits and determine how you can use them to increase your soft skills and achieve personal growth. Here are the Top 12 Signs You Are An ENTJ.

0:00 What is an ENTJ personality type?
0:45 - 1. You have a high level of confidence
1:28 - 2. You are dedicated individual
2:16 - 3. You tend to dominate
3:02 - 4. You are a good motivator
3:25 - 5. You are a great communicator
4:03 - 6. You are a strategic thinker
4:45 - 7. You like to have structured and organized life
5:09 - 8. You value perfection in every field
5:43 - 9. You are not afraid of taking risk
6:20 - 10. You are not big on emotions
7:11 - 11. You are super decisive
7:53 - 12. You are extremely driven

8 Weird Habits Of An ENTJ Personality Type

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As an ENTJ, I was often questioned by the others “Why you can always get through the bad mood so soon?” And I’m just got confused and replied “ …Because the bad mood doesn’t work?”😂


As an ENTJ, I learn psychology to train my empathy...


Being emotionally strong is the best thing about our personality!


I have a friend who is an ENTJ. When she had a toxic relationship with an ENFP dude, she already had plans for another guy. I suddenly saw that a breakout had occured and one of the guy's classmates saw that she was going out with another guy.

I asked her. "Why aren't you concerned at all?"

And she told me she had already planned it all from the very beginning and they already planned to break up before the incident but "in person". They both had classes at the time but the plan flew off the window when his friend caught her lowkey cheating. I asked her if she regretted it. And she responded "why am I going to regret something that made me free?".

While she had a good reason for leaving him, it it just goes to show how ENTJs can go far to be pragmatically enacting necessarily evil things in order to find the ends that benefit them.


I like ENTJs as an INTJ because I need to improve my social skills


Yoooo I sometimes find myself blocking every emotion and staying focused on my goal ! I find myself ignoring tf outta people to 😅


the animation is quality. I'm disappointed you don't have more subscribers


I’m a ENTJ-A (obviously) and a Taurus. I’m learning to use my stubbornness to my advantage. Wish me luck 😂😂


Very stereotypical description, doesn't dive into functions and the everyday usage of ENTJ functions (Te-Ni-Se-Fi), instead focuses on the stereotypical work related aspect of the type describing them as people obsessed with success, getting things done and being the leader.

According to this video apparently, anyone could be ENTJ, so I'll be breaking down all signs.

"#1 You have high level of confidence"
-> Anyone with the right mindset and way of thinking can develop high level of confidence.

"#2 You are a dedicated individual"
-> Same as the previous one, with right mindset the dedication is there

"#3 You tend to dominate"
-> Very stereotypical thing to say, this could be interpreted as "you are a leader and dominant in any social situation", which isn't true at all.

"#4 You are a good motivator"
-> Can be practiced, taught and learned? How is this even considered a trait? This is a skill?

"#5 You are a great communicator"
-> Again, can be practiced, taught and learned? This is a skill not a trait.

"#6 You are a strategic thinker"
-> Just think of anything in life like a chess board, you are the king, pieces are your avaliable resources, the objective is to find the best way to checkmate the enemy or conquer the competition. Simple.

"#7 You like to have a structured and organized life"
-> Very straightforward, just become organized, start using planners, lists, planning in advance what needs to be done.

"#8 You value perfection in every field"
-> This sign is actually false, perfectionism is Ti > Te, Te doesn't care about perfection but getting results, none of this is mentioned in the video, if you don't understand I recommend searching up cognitive functions and learning about them.

"#9 You are not afraid of taking risks"
-> You can have even this trait with the right mindset, the way you develop this is, when you have to take a risk, remind yourself of the reality that your time is limited, and unless you do it now, you never live, in other words learn yolo mindset.

"#10 You are not big on emotions"
-> I didn't know this type is emotionless? Jk, it's a stereotype, ENTJs are human and emotions are a human thing, the difference is that while making a decision they make decision based on facts objective truth and surpress how they or others feel about it for the sake of logic.

"11. You are super decisive"
-> Decisiveness comes from knowledge and experiences, the video is about stereotypical ENTJs, the actual ENTJs are capable of being indecisive, but compared to other people they are on average more decisive.

"#12 You are extremely driven"
-> How is this a trait? Extreme drive comes from wanting something to achieve really badly and thinking of solutions instead of accepting depression (like common people). It is entirely possible to become extremely driven, with again, right mindset.

Btw if this information means anything, I'm an INTJ 5w4 538, so this is not coming from an ENTJ. If any of ya need help to change your way of thinking lmk in the replies, but keep in mind this is a stereotypical ENTJ, real ENTJs are different.


Any ENTJ women here? How u handle ur relationship with ur partner? Or wht kind a person really match with ur personality?


I made this test 7 years ago, and i came out as INTP, i was just a teenager and certainly changed my whole brain. Did it again these days, twice, on different hours and moods, to get the same result, ENTJ. I'm very ambitious, dream a lot, but i tend to not do things when i must have to, maybe it's my depression idk... i don't feel that ambitious when depressed, I'm super lazy/tired all the time. The only things i really have in common are the ability to persuade anybody to get what i want (and i don't like it that much, but i know i can) and the urge to be on social situations where i can show and present myself, even when I'm low


I am Gemini good communication skills and Creativity skills and goal-oriented skills Aries Rising Sign Born-Leader Ambitious Competitive Motivated Impulsive Charismatic Talented Fighter intense passionate Determined responsible person and Protective person super Decisive Intelligent person I am ambivert person


This is very wrong on so many levels. Makes us look as if we dont take criticism and dont have any feelings. Let me assure you this is far from the truth. We are not ALWAYS confident, we dont ALWAYS know what to do, we do panic, we do seek advices, we do apologize for our mistakes, we are human.


As an ENTJ, I do homework, clean my room, and do other stuff with diligence "don't waste time instead of that, do something great" Ok 👍🏻


I have to disagree on the emotion thing, I'm an infj and all the ENTJS I've met when you are kind with them they can love you harder than an infp I truly believe they are the softest of all when it comes to analysts


I took the test, says I am ENTJ-T. I am also severe ADHD, extreme Hyperactivity, tremendous short and long term memory. Thoughts on the ADHD side as applied to the ENTJ?


this channel is so cool i have been binge watching videos lol


Well, i thank i am intj before i even started to know mbti(long story). But now i think i am entj(16p says it now and you). This video is very similar to other self-development videos, but this one is much better


As and INTJ, some of those traits in video, can be traits if INTJs too, like being perfectionist, driven, assertive and etc.


uhmmm....The result was that Iam a perfect ENTJ, but I think we have maybe four types of ENTJ performance focus on leadership aplications caus I don´t take some risk and I have emphaty but I do terrible things when is necesary without emphaty when muy judging demand that.
