[F1tenth (F1/10) Lecture 2]: Introduction to Robot Operating System (ROS)
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Instructor: Prof. Madhur Behl, University of Virginia
0:00 Lecture Introduction
5:25 Why do we need ROS ?
27:28 What is ROS ?
44:33 ROS Master, Nodes, Topics, and Messages
1:07:26 Basic ROS commands
1:13:10 ROS1 vs ROS2
0:00 Lecture Introduction
5:25 Why do we need ROS ?
27:28 What is ROS ?
44:33 ROS Master, Nodes, Topics, and Messages
1:07:26 Basic ROS commands
1:13:10 ROS1 vs ROS2
[F1tenth (F1/10) Lecture 2]: Introduction to Robot Operating System (ROS)
[F1tenth (F1/10) Lecture 1] Autonomous Racing Explained in 100 minutes
F1TENTH Course Introduction by Rahul Mangharam
[F1/10 (F1tenth) Lectures] Introduction to Robot Operating System (ROS)
[F1tenth (F1/10) Assignment 2]: Wall Following
[F1/10 (F1tenth) Lectures] Wall Following Assignment
[F1tenth (F1/10) Lab 2]: ROS1 Workspaces, and Catkin Build System
[F1/10 (F1tenth) Lectures] - Lab Session: Beginner tutorials
F1Tenth overtaking with MPC
F1TENTH Autonomous Racing: Tutorial 2 - Working with the Simulator
[F1tenth (F1/10) Lecture 7]: Localization and Perception
F1TENTH Autonomous Racing: Build the Hardware - Part 2
F1TENTH Autonomous Racing: Reactive Methods for Planning
F1TENTH openEDX Course - Overview
F1TENTH Autonomous Racing: Vision I - Detection and Pose Estimation
F1TENTH Autonomous Racing: Pose Representation and Coordinate Transformation
[F1tenth (F1/10) Lecture 3]: ROS Filesystem and Catkin Make
F1TENTH Autonomous Racing: Team Projects and Virtual Racing
[F1tenth (F1/10) Lab 1]: Learning ROS with Turtlesim
[F1tenth (F1/10) Lecture 5]: ROS Services, Launch and Bags
F1tenth demonstration video 2 from team Suzlab
F1tenth (F1/10) Lecture 9]: Simultaneous Localization and Mapping - SLAM
[F1tenth (F1/10) Lab 4]: ROS Services and ROS Launch
The first autonomous lap of the PBL F1TENTH system