How to sell your online course before creating it

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Last year I made $30,000 selling a product that didn't exist. And then a few months later I made an additional $100,000 in a period of five days selling the actual product once it came out. Today I wanna unpack how to do just that - to sell your online course before you create it and why, more importantly, would you wanna do such a thing?
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I was fortunate to be part of the test group for Graham's YOUTUBE INCOME ACCELERATOR COURSE, and it was a fantastic experience. His energy is inexhaustible, and his personality is exactly what you see on the podcast. The finished product is packed with EXCELLENT INSIGHTS & CONTENT, I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to SUCCEED in the online industry. Keep on doing what you do so well Graham, you rock!!!


I know I'm not alone here. I so deeply appreciate this free teaching. It's has untold value.


Great timing Graham. I have my Kajabi pages set up and I know my course content very well.

(How to Sell when you Hate to Sell) ~ aimed at the new entrepreneur that recognizes that they will need to sell even though they are uncomfortable with the idea

I can now do a soft launch like this with my small email list. Thanks for the guidance and encouragement. I'm ready for it. No more excuses. Wish me luck!


Love this AND your book! Finishing my second book and plan on launching an online course based on it before June. Greatly appreciate the info!


Thanks again, Graham. You just got me massively unstuck! Whew - my questions were answered. I don't have a problem with what; I have a problem with HOW!


Thanks for the great content and glad you are back!


I'm studying this very deeply Graham, and I just got your book "How to Get Paid for What You Know" which is next in the queue after this video 🤘


I don't pre-sell as I find (as a procrastinating perfectionist with loads of dog knowledge but struggling with the tech knowledge!) it unbelievably stressful to have that kind of pressure. However, I do sometimes do workshops either in person that I (with their permission) film including filming their dogs, or online to make sure I'm explaining things in a way they 'get'.


Graham! This video was EXACTLY what I needed. I'm planning to launch my first course and I'm totally unsure if I'm offering what people want and need. Thank you for your wise insights!


Thank you Graham for this terrific teaching! I will do this with my first course. You are so clear and understandable.


Thanks, Graham! Glad your back!

I missed listening to the podcast and listening again on YT!

I'll be launching another product in the fall and will use this as an outline, but since I found you a year and a half ago and implemented what I've learned I've generated over $14K, so grateful 🙏


Great information. I might be skeptical about pre-selling my online courses, but this video has opened my mind to great concepts. I also like live sessions and wish I had more time to that. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.


This is really helpful. I’ve heard pre selling advice but never in this detail.


This episode is so helpful!!! I watched/listened to it at least four times✌️ I love your book but this is a great supplement to your book✊


I'm about to purchase Kajabi through your link.
--- I will be getting your free items as a bonus.
--- I also Bought the $97 course AND the $297 course you just offered through email.
What I need, because of info overload, is a recommended process as to how to proceed,
specifically which items to start with and which ones come after that, in order. Hope that was clear - lol.
PS: I'm a brother in the LORD, have been saved for 46 years now, love that you get to mention HIM from time to time : )


Graham, this an insanely great video. Thank you!!


This is so good. I will listen to this again to check my roadmap based on this to make sure I have it ready without fail and launch. Thank you for your email to get me here!


Wow - Solid content. I like your straight forward approach - you can tell you've done all of this more than a time or two. - Thanks! 🤟 (subscribed from two of my accounts 😉)


Love this video, Graham! Enjoyed your books series but I was wondering if you stepped out course creation/ online business content and into exclusively personal development. Great to see you doing a video like this again. I joined 6FC and purchased Automatic Income Academy and I think this video is an excellent summary of the program. Keep up the great work. Always love hearing your insights! One of my top YT channels.


Note that you must have an audience before offering it for sale! Graham prob has hundreds of thousands on his list so his numbers aren't realistic for everyone.
