Remove Negative Feedback on Ebay from Buyer after Refund was issued

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It's common sense to people with integrity that if a package is lost in the mail etc, that you should first contact the seller, but sometimes people go straight to eBay and file a dispute case. When this happens, if you issue a refund, most people are happy, but every now and then there are those with no integrity who still leave a negative review. The good news is this can be removed by eBay!

Also covers this error on eBay- Due to a technical issue, we were unable to complete your request. Please contact Customer Service for additional help.
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Im an ebay seller. I sell various plant seeds. I have a buyer leave a negative feedback saying...seeds did not germinate. I have offered to send him more seeds or a refund. However the buyer will not communicate with me to seek a resolution. I requested a feedback revision from seems he does not want any resolution...ebay refused to remove feedback. I told ebay to update abusive buyer conduct where a seller offered a remedy to the neg feedback and "buyer refused any resolution"...i buy stuff on ebay, i cant remember the last time i left a negative as i always contact a seller first to resolve my problem. It seems the negative feedback feature is being abused by buyers who just want to vent anger perhaps they had a bad day and need an emotional punch bag.


Does this work if the buyer asked for a cancelation, then I cancel with full refund, then buyer leaves negative feedback?
