Family Guy - Older Meg's at the Bar

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Wow, Meg, so many choices. Yeah. There's a state college with an incredibly offensive Native American mascot. I'm Drunky! The Dakota University mascot! Look how drunk I am! This is important for sports! Oh, look, you can go to Oral Roberts. Oh, and there's Anal Roberts. Oh, boy, that is a tough, tough place to get into, Lois. That is tough, but once you're in there, you'd be surprised how much you like it. Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Griffin. So glad you could make it. You know, Meg has attracted interest from several colleges. Meg going to college. I always thought she was gonna be one of those ladies who wears a jean jacket and hangs out at the bar in a chain restaurant. Hey. You know you can get a slice of pineapple on your burger here. Hey, Jimmy, another water. I call Miller Lite "water. " Jimmy knows me, he knows that. Come on, hockey team! This one's on me. Merry Christmas, Meg. You really think Meg is college material, Principal Shepherd? Yeah, she's a solid B student and that's quite an accomplishment, considering none of her teachers are willing to sleep with her. Sophomore year, she was molested by the janitor. Mr. Griffin, I believe they're called "custodians. " Anyway, I was able to get Meg an interview this weekend at Green Mountain College in Vermont. Green Mountain College?! Oh, my God! That's my first choice! Can one of you guys take me up there? Meg, please excuse your mother and I for a moment. We need to work out our schedules. I'd be happy to take you, Meg. We now return to Extreme Makeover: Bethenny Frankel Edition. Move! That! Bus! Put! That! Bus! Back! Hey, can you guys turn that down? I'm trying to read. Oh, shut up, Brian. We were here first. Yeah, Brian, go read in your own room! Yes, you do. You have that wicker basket in the laundry room with the frayed bath mat in it. God, I can't get any peace and quiet in this house. Well, now you know how I felt at Mardi Gras. Hey! Keep it down! I'm trying to get some sleep up here! Show us your boobs! My boobs? Wait, I-I don't think I Oh, my! Jewelry! The rules of this city are very unclear. This is actually very pleasant. Hey. Who the hell knocked over the garbage ca-- Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Hey. Hey. Hey. I-I don't want any trouble. Well, you in the wrong place if you ain't looking for trouble, boy. Nothin' but trouble out here. Big ol' hoot-owl come down, scoop you up, take your eye out. All right. Well, can you at least clean this stuff up when you're done? It's otherwise it's gonna start to smell. Oh you don't like smell, huh? Well, sniff on this! Yeah! You got that stink all up on you, now! Oh, my God! What is that smell?! It's like a burning tire dump right in my nose! Brian, why are you doing this?! We're sorry! Ah! You bastard! I can't see! I'm blind! Ah! What is that smell? Oh, my God! Brian got sprayed by a skunk! No! Not against the wall. You're gonna scare off the cockroaches. Oh, that's not good. They were 70% of the structure of this house. Peter, please tell me this is covered by our insurance. Sorry, Lois, it doesn't cover acts of "dog. " Hey, guys, I-I think the tomato juice is really working. Don't you? No. You smell like my six-foot-tall German girlfriend. Christopher, are you ready to go to the Guttenschvartzen? Hell, da! She can swim across the pool in two strokes. Wh I don't know what else to do. I do. Until the smell wears off, you're staying outside! Outside? Lois, I'm an inside dog! I'm an inside dog! I'm sorry, Brian, but you stink. I'll take smelling good over walking good any day. You don't smell good, Joe. I'm sorry, I thought I was alone. Morning, Brian. Ew! You still really stink. Yeah, you smell like the meatball sub I left under the couch. Damn it, I just gave away my hiding place for meatball subs! I-I'll tell you where there definitely aren't any meatball subs-- the side pocket of my golf bag. Geez, Peter, shut up! Did you sleep okay out here, Brian? No! I was so cold. And you have no idea how many terrifying things there are out here in the dark. My nephew, Scrappy Brian, didn't even make it through the night. Hey, Uncle Brian, let's go check out that noise. I don't know, Scrappy Brian. It might be better just to stay put. Aw, I'm not afraid! Let me at 'em! Let me at 'em! Damn it! I told my sister this wasn't a good weekend. Hey, Bri. How's it going out there? Oh, boy, I need this cold air. They got the heat cranked up so high in here, Lois is walking around without a shirt. Oh, come on, Stewie. Hey, throw me a jacket or something, huh? Nope. You'll stink it up. Also, since you've been out there, I've stopped sneezing, so this might be permanent. Well, at least throw me down some food or something. Well, I'm afraid I finished my dinner. All I have is a steak, but that belongs to Rupert. Can I have it? I don't know, that's a question for Rupert. You'll have to ask him. Uh hey, Rupe. "Rupe"? Oh, no. No, no. No, this is already over. Come on, Stewie, I'm starving. Good Lord, Brian, get a hold of yourself. You're in a
Рекомендации по теме

y’all know what? every single person in that chain-restaurant bar was there on christmas just like meg. at least she had a good attitude about it


Sadly this is my co-worker. Nicest guy ever on the surface but very lonely with a huge drinking problem.


Family Guy has such a talent for pointing out these types of people that everyone sees, but nobody really has a name for. This perfectly captures those bar bag ladies with the thick lipstick, cigarettes, and jean jackets. Usually named "Marge" or "Debbie" or something haha


"This one's on me"
Oh shit free beer not all that bad
"Merry Christmas Meg"


Family Guy has this ability to describe and give life to these kind of ‘forgotten’ people in our society. The lady named ‘Debbie’ or ‘Sandra’ or something like that with a jean jacket, lighting up a cigarette, lipstick on her teeth, just sad people who don’t know they should be sad.


I’ve seen these kinds of people. Both men and women. Often times they work really mediocre, menial labor type jobs. And they head to a restaurant / bar to basically wash down their sadness. Because going home is just doing the same thing but by themselves.


The accuracy of how they nailed this type of woman…talking to strangers about random stuff like she knows them, corny jokes, being really into the local small time league team, surprisingly upbeat given how sad their life looks like on the outside. Every chili’s has one of these lady’s.


When that Merry Christmas hits, it’s like a fate worse than death lol


This is incredibly accurate of chain restaurants in the Midwest


Mila Kunis’s voice makes almost everything Meg says a little funnier. “Jimmy Knows me, Go Hockey Team!” But they really did Meg dirty by saying this is her future.


A few of my friends have become regulars to this one place in my hometown and when I see Meg at the bar it makes me not want to join them because I don’t want to end up like her, it’s so depressing to even watch


Anal Roberts
"That is a tough tough place to get into Lois, that is tough, but once you're in there you'll be surprised how much you like it."
That is just genius.


She maybe smiling in that bar but deep down she is crying her eyes out


There's like 5 other people in that bar on Christmas. That's pretty sad. Also, I feel bad for the bartender because he has to work on Christmas.


I live near Tulsa OK, I laugh so hard every time I drive by Oral Roberts.


Unfortunately old single people end up like this, that's why is better to burn out young.


I just hope Meg has a good job and a cat child that loves her… Maybe principal Lewis and her get to second base every once in a while.


This one's on me Merry Christmas Meg 🤦


Older Meg looks like Sarah Palin (but without being punchable)


I went to an Applebees and it was sad how many men were sitting at the bar…
