How I Fixed My Astigmatism | SEE CLEARLY

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👓👀 How I Fixed My Astigmatism 👀👓

👁️ My astigmatism was lens induced. Brought about by wearing SPH lenses while doing close-up.
👁️ This video describes what I did to fix this astigmatism.
👁️ I did CYL or astigmatism reductions in isolation from SPH reductions. Never do them simultaneously as this is too much for the visual system.
👁️ Increment by increment my astigmatism improved.

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I am not an eye doctor or a medical doctor. Nothing that I say here or elsewhere should be taken as medical advice. Rather, decisions about your own eyes should be made at your own discretion. Anything I say here or elsewhere should be considered for educational purposes only.
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Your thumbnail shook me. How did my astigmatism worsened in perpendicular axis!!!!


this is FANTASTIC !!! thank you so much explaining this so well in a way that we can understand. Even the lady at the eye testing session never explained this to me. I wonder if she even knows about it herself. Going to get my eyes tested today and never even was told they had astigmatism before a recent eye test. I'm really excited at being able to improve my eyesight. Thank you!! So happy I discovered your video today I'm going to save it and recommend it to others


Guys, i have had astigmatism for over 16 years... I got it in my teens. Believe me when I say, supplementing yourself with Iodine is going to clear your vision. Take lugols solution, do your research but most probably you've got an iodine deficiency which needs to be addressed. It changed my life and my vision!!


Hi.. I started to notice the ghosting image a few months ago, I have been doing the fusing exercises and it does work. Big challenge next is the microwave LED readout fusing, due to its high bright contrast it’s a little harder. Thank you for taking time to give out your research. 👍


Thanks, bro. I could instantly see the difference of images fusing back together. I'll practice this as much as I can.


So helpful, thanks a lot for detailing on the merge the images part.


Amazing thank you can't wait to incorporate into my life and heal my vision. I already have in other ways with learning and such and Jesus and incorporating.


Left- -0.5sp, -1.75cyl 180axis
Right - 0sp, -2.0cyl. 180axis
Can you suggest where to start?


i don, t use glasses or contact, the best way to fix my astigmatism is use sunglasses everytime i go out side, watch tv in 3 metters, use the laptop with minimun light and cellphone, don, t force my eyes to read, and the most important thing is eat healthy do workout, i can, t use glasses because increas the light and hurt my eyes, and contacts are bad, because had infections, my eyes graduations are 3, 5 in both eyes, since i was 12 years old and now i, m 53 years old and my graduation is the same,


When i took my glasses off to look at the "what is astigmatism" it went away until you moved the shadows. It would be nice to not have to live with double vision.


I had perfect sight until 34. I now have to wear glasses for astigmatism. It can also be caused simply by the shape of your bone structure as you age. Basically, as I got older and my face has changed my eye sockets started squeezing my eyes just a tiny bit so they aren't perfectly round, hence astigmatism. I don't think a dietary change will fix that.


Hi mate!
I just started this journey and thanks a lot for your vid :)
My most recent eye test showed SPH of - 1.5, cyl - 1.0 both eyes. Following which, I had a wet refractive exam (eye drops to remove accommodation) which reduced my power for eyes to sph - 1.25 and cyl - 0.75 which I think represents the reduction in strain/ciliary spasm.
My current glasses are sph - 1.25 and cyl - 0.25.

I'm due for a new pair of glasses (current one's kinda banged up) and was initially intending to keep the sph as it is now with - 1.25 and drop the cyl altogether (I've read up on how low astig, - 1 or less, maybe fine to drop altogether).
Although I was wondering whether I should just keep the 0.25 cyl till I reduce my strain/ciliary spasm and then proceed to drop the cyl followed by sph later again (my understanding being it's best not to drop both at the same time as well as dropping the cyl prior to dropping the sph below - 1 to make it to easier).
(I didn't really consider going up from -0.25 cyl to - 0.75 either because it didn't seem right from the reading)

Would love to be hear any advice on how to navigate this prior to me making a decision.

Also I'm new to endmyopia and have been doing research/reading but got stuck with this. (hope it's not too silly)

I understand that it's tricky to give dioptre advice but would really appreciate how you would think about this.


Great video! Astigmatism has always been tricky for me to get to grips with but I feel like I get it now. Thanks :)


Nice give solution for starburst in night time...


It is always good 👍 to be persistent in solving this problem.


10:26 only do a reduction in cyl or sph at a time.
E.g. reduce sph 2-3 times, reduce cyl 1x, reduce sph 1-3x, keep alternating, only one at a time!


Really great way to present it. Thanks!


Hi, this was very useful thank you! I have developed ‘double vision/“astigmatism”’ (not sure which one it is) after my myopia improved of 0.50 (went from 2.50 to 2) because I stopped wearing glasses and I was working outside a lot. I didn’t know anything about vision improvement back then though. I only researched later because the optometrist prescribed me new glasses of 2 myopia and 0.50 astigmatism but it would hurt my eyes and they would flatten the images too much. So I researched and realized it could be double vision, a consequence of myopia improvement. I’ve had that for a long time because I never really stuck to the active focus practice. Should I do this type of active focus either way even if I’m not sure which one it is?


Good video about showing how you can fuse double images.
