David Hunt - Does God's Knowledge Eliminate Free Will?

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Assuming that whatever God knows cannot be wrong, if God knows today that I will do 'X' tomorrow or 'Y' in 10 years, how can I not do otherwise—and if I cannot do otherwise, how can I have free will?

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If god has foreknowledge of every decision you will make even before creating you, then god essentially created your decisions as well and thus we have no free will


so many things to ponder from this interview.great video.


Frank turek s pre recording of a football match analogy is a failed analogy.


What is really going to bake your noodle is if God tells you about something in the future that involves you it is because He already knows you will submit your freewill to His authority and He will empower you for the task at hand. It is the way His kingdom is established and advances today on Earth in these last of days. The Bible in fact throughout, teaches this vary relationship between God and man...


My simple question is if God knows everything, then he knows our decisions before we make them i.e. even before we are born and God is our creator. So wait God creates us and then he allows us to be condemned as per the requirements of the scripture, knowing fully well ahead of time we will not be able to keep it. Lol this is way too confusing.


Yes God's knowledge eliminates free will. To see the kingdom of God you must be born again. And to be born again you must willingly give up your free will. Once you Repent and willingly give up your free will and rely on Faith of God alone and His Word you will know the mystery of God He will show you Himself. I know this personally because I am born again as of a few months ago the Lord lowered the veil from my eyes and showed me the Spirit realm and brought me into His Covenant after I was purified by the Holy Spirit and fire.

Understand what you are committing to giving your whole mind body and soul to the Lord it won't always be easy but He is always with you communicating with you daily and teaching you things only He knows.

Giving my free will to the Lord was the best decision of my Life

Blessed be Jehovah Praise Jesus Christ the Lord to the glory of God the Father


I believe we are "free" to chose as long as we are alive. But we "chose" only that which we know based upon "hindsight knowledge." Our lives are "short." God's life is beyond time and I believe it is a dimension He created. We have limited and imperfect language to grasp eternal symbols for belief in the afterlife and God. I am content to believe He has visited as Immanuel, Jesus Christ, Lord God.


Isn't presentism sort of thwarted by relativity.


so there isn’t any hope man . God knows everything . so then there is no free will . we’re puppets man . i wanna wish i was never born bro . i can’t carry this burden bro . i can’t live like this man


God gives you free will which is the opposite of the "Devil", but if you choose your free will not to follow god or believe in god then you will burn in the fires of hell for ever, so that is not free will, if your choice comes attached with eternal damnation, that's coerce abuse. who actually believes in a god and the devil, that was a story told to ignorant people thousands of years ago .


Don't limit your mind, if God's knowledge is infinite then our free will could be unlimited as well. Imagine real numbers between each number there is a lot of numbers.


Don't we have to establish the fact that "God" actually exists to begin with to answer this question?


i didn't hear he answer the question on the title


There is two ways to look at this.

1. We choose God's foreknowledge. This is supported by the Bible and it could work. Basically since God is all knowing he should know ALL possibilities. God is like a perfect thermometer. Sure the thermometer will with perfect accuracy get the temperature but it would be an error in logic to assume the thermometer controls the temperature.
So the key thing we make the decisions and whatever we choose will be God's foreknowledge.

2. The Movie Fan analogy. It goes like this. If I were to watch a movie enough times I would know the movie inside out. I know ahead of time what the actors will say and do. Does my knowing of the movie negate the actions and purposes done by the characters of the movie? Many would say no. Well if it isn't with the movie fan than why not God?


your present can be changed into another present time travel


The concept of "free will" from a biblical standpoint is based on the nature of man. The nature of man in post-Adamic state is fallen. Therefore it's not one specific choice or another that really makes a difference because the biblical God is Holy, and undefiled by sin. Your choice, which you are free to make, will be based on that fallen nature for an unregenerate individual. Does an Omnipotent God have the ability to see and know those choices? If have to say yes based on 2 factors. 1- Biblically, God is not limited as humans are by time and space. He is not flesh and blood, but Spirit. 2- He created the universe, therefore it's logical to determine He must exist outside of the known universe. He can see time past, present, and future from His vantage point. He is not limited to existence in time from a linear perspective.


i am texting only to see n read .not necesarily my opinion.truth omnitemporal.


God is able to create soul which has free will. And that is the source of evil when they do something which God doesn't like, and it causes we forget God and tend to magic.


the kingdom of god was written psalms long ago yet i am thee only living that's seen thee kingdom of god


first of all, assuming god exists - by definition, he is all-knowing

that does not have anything to do with our free will

we could have free will, or not have free will - god knowing what we will do

that is completely different than us being forced to do something - deterministic

i am absolutely positive people have free will - i find it to be a silly notion

i can choose to walk or not walk, talk or not talk

there has been an argument that if we get really really smart, that we can look at a person's brain, and be able to tell what he is gonna do before he does it - IMMATERIAL

again, that has nothing to do with anything. i have no doubts that if waiting until the last nano-second, my brain does something different, between turning left and turning right. and that if someone studied my brain long enough, they could indeed know what I HAD CHOSEN TO DO.

the extremely obvious point that is missing in this discussion is "to give me a chance to change my mind"

so for example, once you figure out what i am gonna do, stop time, and then give me a chance to do the opposite. if everything is deterministic, then i will not be able to change.

offer me a million dollars to change, and I GUARANTEE YOU I WILL CHANGE - LOL
