8 Scientifically Proven Ways to Simplify Your Life

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Life can be complicated, but there are steps we can take to make our lives a little easier.

Studies mentioned in the video:

Recent videos:

You Matter to Me

How To Declutter When You Move

Most popular videos:

3 Things to Buy to be Happier, According to Science

Top 10 Things to Declutter Right Now

You can read more tips in my newest book, Things That Matter: Overcoming Distraction to Pursue a More Meaningful Life:

Read hundreds of articles on decluttering and owning less on the Becoming Minimalist blog.

Рекомендации по теме

1. Declutter your space
2. Limit multitasking
3. Create a daily routine
4. Prioritize rest and sleep
5. Practice solitude or mediation
7. Decrease screen time
8. Practice gratitude

Thank you for this!!!


My goal every day is to do one household task. Besides regular daily care, I scrubbed my bathroom floor extra well. My house is so easy to clean that I have to look for things to do! Lol


As someone with anxiety disorder, clutter absolutely exacerbates it. But oddly, so does a room thats to sparse. For me I have to have enough to feel cozy but not so much that I'm anxious.


My husband passed away almost 3 years ago. I cleared out his clithes and other things that were easy to dispose of.
He was a hoarder of note, keeping every little thing imaginable.
Last year, I started renovating the house, a task that he managed to delay for almost 30 years. In thhe process i have recycled 3 big bags of paper, metal aerial conduits, kilometres of wires and everything else imaginable.
All that remains are a few boxes in the garage which we are going through currently.
In the process, I have a "new" home.
I have also donated boxes of unused items from the kitchen cabinets, cups, glasses and pots etc.
Theres one last sweep remaining, that is my closets to get rid of clothes not worn.
All my children will have to decide what to do with is my craft stuff.
The house feels so much lighter already.


Hi Joshua, I'm 67 yrs old and find clearing out 'stuff' clears my mind, it makes me calmer, too. I'm reading a book just now titled 'The gentle art of Swedish death cleaning. Basically, how to free yourself and your family from a lifetime of clutter, making things easier for your family when you're no longer here. Why would we want to leave things to our children to clear away our lifetime of possessions.


Thank you!! I started decluttering last week for the first time properly. It feels like I have just woken up to what this all really means now and I am eternally grateful. The more I do, and remember what you say keeps me going and motivated. Genuinely beginning to feel more calm and in control❤❤


I agree with you about simplified diet. I think about an old adage, garbage in, garbage out. Eating badly just make me feel bad physically.


I’ve been pretty minimal for a decade or so, since moving several times in a short time, it feels like 90% of whatever I’ve bought in my life was stuff I didn’t need, a waste of money, time and resources, I don’t make that mistake any more


I worked at a job where constant multi-tasking was expected. It was mentally and emotionally draining.


I encourage my (aging) friends to simply their lives doing exactly what you have laid out here. It’s so important for healthy aging to lessen the environmental stress in order to mitigate helplessness as we age as it becomes increasingly impossible to take care of stuff.


Slowing my life down where multiple tasks at one time with a busy household WAS the norm has been so healthy for me, literally with lower blood pressure. Totally agree with all this advice.


Although it’s forced minimalism for me, I’m thoroughly enjoying the simplicity accompanying it. Proper sleep and good nutrition are excellent baselines. Small changes bring huge difference with time.


Would love to see the foods you eat daily. Great video. Thanks 😀


It's both! We're here for the scientific evidence AND the great hair 😉 Thank you for another helpful video, I took notes on this one 👍😊


I admire and appreciate how well you present valuable information using so few words.


I like the “single-tasking” idea u mentioned! I always thought multi tasking was more productive. I’ve heard this concept before ( but not heard the phrase as u put it, single-tasking. Brilliant! I wasn’t convinced until I tried it. Focusing on one task @ a time has made me more efficient and better @ what I’m doing. Thanx for including this bit of wisdom!


When I was young I was told that most of spend the first half of our lives collecting things and then as we start our second half cleaning away the stuff and only keeping what we really need... so true I have found.. living with less is so stress free and happy.


Hi Joshua, I have been decluttering for a long time. I had to stop and think about things as I went but now it has resulted in a calm house. My husband started with his things and now our grandchildren have told me they love coming to our house because it is calm, so win 😊


The hair, 😂 but seriously it’s these videos- much appreciated!❤️👍 several of these I already use and love.

I simplified our diet along with a really deep declutter of my kitchen after your video “The crucial decluttering question you’re not asking” in which you brought up a Mark Bitman‘s article titled “A no frills kitchen still cooks”.

I watched a video about the same time from Dawn The Minimal Mom, in which she was talking about reducing inventory of food items along with cooking the same meals on repeat. I already did a weekly meal plan using the same old favourites anyways.

I picked 20 easy favourites, created a 4 week loop with a grocery list per week and a simple list of ingredients I need on hand and it’s all on repeat. I pick 5 veggie sides each week. I grocery shop online, pickup once a week at the store. It’s SO MUCH EASIER.

If I want to get creative I can swap in a new recipe or I just carry on with the loop. 5 meals for 7 days allows for leftovers and meals out. Like a capsule wardrobe. Which I also do.


I’ve been doing a major decluttering since 2019 . It’s just taken a long time because I am the only one in the family that does it . Also no one else cares to declutter . I think I was somewhat of a maximalist, but a neat one . Now I’m 56 almost 57, and a grandmother, I can’t not stand to see even a little mess in our home . I’ve completely flipped the switch . It hurts my head to see even a small mess around . I am now really ocd . I have been diagnosed with ocd .
