CLOSE TORNADO ENCOUNTER - Kansas storm chasing and spotting - 29th April 2022

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Storm Chaser & Spotter Daniel Shaw has multiple tornadoes form along a line of storms in Kansas. See the moment when one QLCS Tornado heads right for him!

Captured between the townships of Chapman & Andover Kansas on the 29th April 2022

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My best friend was recently a victim of the tornadoes in Tennessee on Dec. 11, 2023. She wasn’t hurt, but her aunt was in the ICU for two weeks after being impaled by debris from their garage. I live in a state where we have only had 138 tornadoes since 1950, about 2-3 per year. We’ve only had one F2, and nothing higher than that. So much respect for you and other storm chasers and spotters. Y’all are keeping a lot of people safe by getting out there and reporting danger so that others can get shelter. Thank you for what you do.


the metal visor he made for his windshield to block hail is absolutely BRILLIANT


As a photographer, Daniel is one of the individuals I would love to accompany as he constantly analyzes positions to prioritize safety, visibility and talking through the genesis and documentation of the events. Could get me much closer than I am comfortable navigating myself and could result is some spectacular museum worthy images.


As a Kansas, a Wichitan in fact, I appreciate your channel so much! I'm glad that there is a way for people across the world to see the sort of insanity we get in the region as far as weather goes.

**I'm SO GLAD no one perished in this storm.**


The contrast between the clear blue sky on the left and the dark orange in the storm is beautiful.


I love watching the intricate details of the base of thunderstorms! I guess it only happens with T-storms. All the churning and swirling is truly mesmerizing!


Wow---that "gustnado" (around 50 minute mark of video) went from a pretty, benign, leisurely evening viewing object to a full-fledged dangerous oncoming tornado. Amazing encounter!


Yikes! Really glad to hear this chaser paying so much attention to staying safe. Sometimes the chasers scare me.


whenever you chasers turn around and run from a storm I always get so anxious for the people who pass you going towards the storm.. I wish you were able to warn them of what they're heading into, but I know that's futile in a situation like that :/ maybe you need a PA on your car lol


Thank you for all of your selfless efforts Daniel, without the dedicated chasers like yourself who devote their time to the research of these violent winds the people who unfortunately find themselves in the path of these storms would not have the advanced warnings that they now do. It is a fantastic and invaluable service that you and your fellow storm chasers provide. I Salute You and Those like you Sir.


Watching these while you’re “running for your life” it’s astonishing to see school buses and other vehicles driving straight into it 😱


I'm from Dickinson County, I remember this day 😅 I have a video still saved in my phone of the insane rotation over my house, lord we were so nervous. luckily we were safe. it's nice to see this footage since we were obviously in our storm shelter the whole time. thank you for what you do!


Excellent work on the edit Daniel! It was such an intense chase, with one of the most memorable photos of the chase season. Well done! 😊


Tornado : "What are YOU lookin' at?!"
Shaw : "You. You're very photogenic!"
Tornado : "Then take a picture, it'll last longer."
Shaw :
Tornado : "Your ass is MINE!"
Shaw : "Shit! Shit! Shit!


I live in Augusta KS, just to the East of Andover. I remember that day.... love these storms!


I gotta watch these on my big tv and not my tiny cell phone. The colors are so pretty. This storm had lots of fun action. Night Spotting is scary as hell!!!


The "Steve Irwin" of storm chasers. ♥️🙏💪✌️👏👊


LOL, when is Danial Shaw NOT approaching a twisting storm. I chuckle every time I hear that. Daniel is the best chaser out there. 🌪️🌩️🌧️


My favorite tornado stream of the whole year, thank you Daniel. Everyone is missing out if they don’t subscribe Daniel’s channel. The amount of money he invests coming from Australia is crazy!


A tale as old as storm chasing itself
gets distracted
"Oh S**t, Oh, s**t!"

This is a good example of how quickly a chase can turn bad after a loss of SA, glad you survived as well as the residents of Andover KS. Keep up the good work. Id love to chase one day but its not economically sound for me to do so. I just get to vicariously do it through yall. Thanks!
