What Happens Immediately After You Die - Swedenborg & Life

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From the unconditionally loving welcome to the freedom to learn and grow how you want, we go through five elements of what happens immediately after you die, based on Swedenborg's firsthand account.
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Curtis Childs is the director of OffTheLeftEye at the Swedenborg Foundation. While obtaining his degree in communication studies from Oakland University, Curtis experienced an internal battle with depression that led him to question God and his lifelong interest in Swedenborgian theology. After a period of intense suffering, he recovered from his depression with the help of modern medicine, therapy, and a return to the spiritually uplifting messages he found in Swedenborg’s writings. Now, Curtis is applying his education and desire to help others find peace through Swedenborg’s insights by producing and hosting this weekly webcast.

Rev. Dr. Jonathan S. Rose is the series editor of the New Century Edition, an ongoing project that incorporates the latest scholarship to produce a modern, accessible translation of Emanuel Swedenborg’s theological works. Holder of a B.A. and a M.Div. in religion and a M.A. and a Ph.D. in Latin, he has worked for years in the study of Neo-Latin and in Swedenborgian research. He was both chaplain and a tenured professor of religion and sacred languages at Bryn Athyn College before taking on his current position with the Swedenborg Foundation.

Karin Childs is a scriptwriter and online moderator for offTheLeftEye. Her spiritual growth is largely informed by a lifelong Swedenborgian education. While raising five children with her husband, Jon, she applied her love of the Bible and Swedenborg's writings to volunteer work, creating Sunday school programs and church pageants. It was Swedenborg's works that Karin turned to for solace after the devastating death of their oldest daughter. For 17 years, she and Jon ran a small Swedenborgian publishing company to help others dealing with loss and grief, and wrote three novels herself. Now, Karin puts her compassion into action through the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.

Chelsea Odhner is a production manager and scriptwriter for offTheLeftEye. A lifelong Swedenborgian, Chelsea's interest in Swedenborg's spiritual work intensified in her early twenties when she realized she wanted to make conscious changes in her life and behaviors. When paired with her study of yoga practice and philosophy, Chelsea found Swedenborg’s worldview connected all the spokes of different faiths and philosophical perspectives that she values. Initially interested in pursuing a career in integrative medicine, her passion for poetry, writing, and music led her to focus on serving the spiritual side of health and well-being.


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Рекомендации по теме

My father died in 2001 before my 15th birthday. I had my first dream with him on my bday, his funeral was the very next day. He was comforting me, letting me know everything will be ok. I have communicated with my dad in my dreams since then. I haven’t had any dreams with him lately but I believe this is his soul reaching out and it brings me much peace❤️ now, my mother is battling cancer and i am so afraid to lose her. Im afraid to feel this loss again. This channel is so very helpful ☀️


I lost my dad to a sudden cardiac arrest a year and a half ago...still struggling to live life without him...loved him so much and miss him every moment of every day...this video gives great solace knowing i will meet him again in the afterlife...waiting eagerly to see him again😪♥️🙏🙏


I am not afraid to die I can't wait to see my mom and sister and loved ones again...i am getting older in year's and all my family is gone to heaven now it's just my cat and I after my cat passes away she is my last animal, I will be happy to go, , , I have a lot of physical problems and still work, as a nurse I have to live..but my health is not good, , , it's just kitty and I


When my husband died 20 years ago he came to me and told me how happy he is heaven...still miss him a bunch😭


In 1991 I had a near death experience, it was so wonderful, I’m no longer afraid to die, I had to come back for my daughter, she was only 15, and pregnant, I had to be here for her, I’m so looking forward to leaving this World 🌎, I want to go home my Heavenly Home !


I love God, i keep judging myself since im not perfect.it pains me to offend Him.i wanna be faithful but my weaknesses get the better of me.There are times i feel close to Him and most of the time im miles away.LordJesus have mercy on me


For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16)


My late husband passed away in June of 2015. He had both legs amputated...the last leg was on our wedding anniversary June 17th. He passed away June 27th..ten days later...but before he died....all his children were there...brothers and sisters...him and I had our last conversation on June17th....as they took the tube out of his throat...his eyes opened and he became alert and he started looking around the hospital room. I was on the right side of his bed... holding his hand. He look towards the left ...then everyone said....he's looking for you Janice. Once he saw me? He smiled...tears came to his eyes and he immediately went to sleep with a smile. I believe there is a God that sits high and looks down low. I wanna see Jesus someday.


I miss my whole family that passed away . I pray for them think about them all the time. Lord bless them.


I lost my mom on dec 6, 2019.... it's a struggle.... sometimes I may see things in the environment that's a trigger and I sob for hours. Then I pray and I send her my love thru my thoughts and whispers. I thank god for having me send her as my mom I will probably always miss her so much


My Mom died May 2, 2019 sudden death, heart attack. I am trying to cope. I pray all the time.


I'm in tears. I love that even in the afterlife, God still gives us a chance to make changes. Definitely different from what the Bible says. Just another little nugget to make my faith stronger. Blessings and Namaste to my dear people at Off The Left Eye, thank you for this video. I no longer have fear of death. And I'm 32 yrs old, got a lot of life left. This is why my faith in Christianity has been discouraging, difficult, and has added MORE fear and anxiety to me personally. We humans are God's creation, there should be no condemnation. I just hope that God is looking at all of us with a smile.


True when my Mother die she came in my dreams telling me how beautiful it is.I saw her she looked beautiful and she was around beautiful flowers.she was very happy


I lost my Mom/best friend/Dad then my brother/ bestest friend ever/ n now my Sis last month to Covid at 66 yrs old, she was a very strong person who gave up the fight...I'm still just as sad as the day my Mama locked eyes with me with one tear rolling down her cheek n telling me she did not want to leave me...will forever haunt my soul...that was the saddest n most terrible day that I will never get over...I miss all of my loved ones but I know now that they all had to go bcus it's really as simple as,
"Their time was Up" and one day my time will run out too...I have learned a great deal this time around...May God Bless Us All n May You All Have A Great Journey


Death does not scare me anymore! I am always excited to see my very beloved father, best friend, my grandparents soon❤️🙏🤗


my mom recently passed away and this gave me closure. Knowing she is ok, and still with me, thank you.


Swedenborgs teachings got me through the loss of my mom, and made me realize she's still with me. Thank you Curtis


I had a NDE. It was amazingly beautiful. You do remain your individual soul BUT I realized that when you die, you do not bring one memory of your life. It’s like leaving the classroom. Your life is done and you are moving on....surrounded by total peace and love. And a deep new understanding.


First of all my heart goes out To all of you that have lost your Loved ones 🙏🏼❤️ I know each Time A Loss A whole lot of feelings we partake, May The Good Lord of Heaven keep all of you in His Love Amen 🙏🏼


death after life and coming back I went through a tunnel it was so fast the speed like a feather so light so beautiful I reach to the end was a white image very bright light and he said go back theres people who need you. I came back it was so peaceful so loving and since then I’ve been helping many people
