Nuclear Engineer Reacts to Animation vs. Physics by Alan Becker

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little known fact: the sun has an atmosphere (but that trick he did with the hat is still 99.9999% impossible)


The director has said they're most likely going to do a whole "Animation vs. Education" series now so that's something to look forward to.


I hope this guy does an 'Animation vs Chemistry' video someday, I think that'd be really neat.


17:30 He's a _literal_ stick figure. i.e. an animation. Therefore, he's not even actually made of matter — he's basically a primitive physics object in a computer physics simulation that has been moved to the real world _unchanged._


18:38 Compact dimensions were explained to me like this: imagine an ant walking along a straw. The ant can move forward, back, left, or right. However, if you zoom way way out, the direction along the circumference of the straw is no longer noticeable, and it looks like the ant only goes forward or back. That small, circular dimension is called 'compact'.


9:07 - 9:22
Actually, it would. But not because of the hat. Because of the way the rocket is pointing. If you look closely, you'll see the rocket goes from pointing directly away from the star to pointing perpendicular to his previous path, giving him lateral motion that isn't counteracted by the star's gravity, enabling him to orbit and eventually slingshot outta there.


17:29 "Maybe there's something out of the ordinary about him..."
If he watches the entire Minecraft vs. Animation series he'll definitely understand how TSC didn't get immediately killed when he reached the event horizon


Ok so I love how the music composer that Alan paid for, he literally added a little easter egg on the soundtrack played when the camera zooms out to show the black hole. That piano part is literally straight out of Interstellar


20:32 there wasnt any quantum entanglement with the rocket. He used closed strings to create the rocket himself and then sent that rocket through the wormhole. Same with the solar system, flashlight, apple that all of his past versions used.

And as far as the hat trick near the star, stars absolutely have their own atmosphere(its how solar winds exist) but yes his hat wouldnt do anything, but it wasnt his hat that changed his velocity, it was him kicking the rocket away from the star giving him enough of an angle for his acceleration to slowly change his trajectory from a collision course to a slingshot.

And at the very end he didnt go to another "universe" as it were, rather he completed the Causal Loop by returning to his own timeline.
Edit: so he did go to another universe which means he avoided a Temporal Paradox by leaving the universe, which means the Causal Loop only exists for those that have yet to complete it.


I don't understand how can he accelerate using fixed magnets because when accelarating before entering the loop, he would equally deccelarate when getting away.


Just because im sure youre curious, the only reason TSC survived the black hole is because he has deletion immunity. In other words, he cannot be vaporized or erased. Funky, right?


22:33 I like the detail of how the orange without the hat isn’t laughing as much cuz he’s already went through the same event


I wondered why Orange began shrinking at the black hole’s singularity, but I think it actually makes sense? Everything else is a real-ish thing made of real-ish particles that obey real-ish physics, but Orange is literally just a cartoon.

So everything else is compressed until it can’t be compressed any further, but because Orange is a cartoon, he can be compressed further to the point that he’s smaller than the smallest particles in physics.

…I think.


Either Alan is a really smart guy, or he's got a whole team of researchers helping him with his vids 😊


On a more serious note... relativistic doppler effect is more than just color shift. It also affects observed time at a distance. (objects in rear mirror age slower)


I don't think the animation is meant to be totally realistic, but rather an interactive and fun way to illustrate concepts. Remember the Math video, where they were "magically" using math as weapons and means of travelling between planes and stuff. Granted, this one delves into a lot of more... theoretical assumptions, but from the beginning the "Animation VS" series already was lead by reality-warping stick figures anyways


i watched the Alan Becker video on his channel and fried my brain and now i watched it here with the explanation from a expert and still fried my brain, I'm just gonna stick to my computer science.


This is the best video I have ever watched. The original is so amazing, but this commentary takes it to another level because you are able to further inform.


I think the waving of the cowboy hat was to speed up the horse-rocket. It’s something you’ll see them do in western movies sometimes. So the rocket is the one actually creating thrust not the waving of the hat


9:11 counter argument: stars have coronas, so he technically could do that.
