Nuclear Engineer Reacts to Roblox Realistic Boiling Water Reactor Unit 2 Startup by Norbert009

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Nuclear Engineer Reacts to Roblox Realistic Boiling Water Reactor Unit 2 Startup by Norbert009
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Community Director here! So glad to see you react to our game, the devs put an awful lot of effort in it! The game started out as a simulator for the owner’s son to play, and soon it grew into what you see. The video you reacted to was very old, and as such, the game has gotten EVEN MORE realistic since. If you have roblox and ever decide to play it yourself, I hope you enjoy it!


Fun fact about this game, the startup tutorial is actually fairly outdated by a lot of versions. In the latest version of this game, they added a realistic turbine hall and polisher regeneration, and in V1.5 (the next update) they're gonna add the reactor hall itself as it's absent as of current. Anyways, great video as always, keep up the good work.


Thank you very much for the review. When I started making the game I had very little knowledge of nuclear plant operations so all of this was a bit guessed by me (sometimes wrongly). Now we have much more devs and even professionals helping us. The game has improved a lot. We have realistic turbine and polisher operations also the source range implemented. Although we stick to the the convention of keeping it an easily accessible game encouraging cooperation and education rather than full scale realism. Despite of that we are currently buililding two much more realistic simulators one of which is a BWR and another one being a PWR with much more realistic to real life control rooms. PWR was especially fun to build with both circuits interacting, steam demand affecting reactor power etc. Hopefully that game can be released in a matter of few months.


fun fact: this game has some devs that are actual nuclear engineers with experience


That is actually kinda neat.
I don’t run reactors or power plants of any kind, but my understanding of syncing to the grid, you have the turbine directly spinning a dynamo - and when you sync to the grid, the grid will *make* your dynamo (and turbine) spin at sync speeds. That means abruptly changing the spin speed of a rather large chunk of metal. The more closely you match speed and phase, the less disruptive that is to your equipment (the less likely it is to spontaneously disassemble).


That reminds me of the good old time I built a giant reactor in minecraft on a server with friends which was so massive we had to actually communicate what we were doing when we turned the thing on and everything. That was super cool.


When it comes to power plant simulations on Roblox, it's honestly the better compared to other games off Steam, etc. It's a whole different feeling, it doesn't feel bland, hard to explain.


I was just watching your Roblox nuclear disaster video and hoped you’d cover this game eventually! Great video as always.


Ah cool to see a professional be able to go over some of the info. I actually enjoyed this one being able to play with other people, being able to learn how to start up a reactor simply by asking others was a pretty neat experience. Went in with no knowledge about nuclear reactors to at least once starting one up successfully simply asking questions.


Well dang! i commented that perhaps you consider this video as a suggestion literally 24 hours ago and it's already here! thank you so much, one can tell that you definitely listen to your fans! keep up the great work!


well, there's a game/realistic physics simulator called The Powder Toy created by few polish programmers in 2013 and some people have created realistic nuclear bombs (even with cities/bunkers that can get destroyed!), nuclear reactors and many, many more stuff. The only limitation is literally imagination and 2D graphics. It's pretty awesome, you should check it out! :)


11:29 I don't usually comment on videos but it'd be helpful if you notice a mistake in post-production to just put a pause overlay and dub your voice to explain. I listen to videos at work and am not necessarily always watching, so that'd be helpful!


16:43 Yeah, this is how it works in game rn.
Quick flashing
Slow flashing - Press ACk


There are two other games being developed currently by the same group that will be more realistic, one for a PWR and one for a BWR. Also you might want to take a look at a more recent video or try the game out because there are two different units and a whole turbine hall as well as a satellite control room for the turbines.


They have a pressurized water reactor variant of the game now, so It should be more familiar to you.


Indecently, this might be modeling the Gentilly Nuclear Generating Station prototype BWR. Canada only ever had one BWR which operated for less than 200 days between 1965 and 1975. All other reactors are CANDU and CANDU-9, as well as the retrofit Bruce CANDU. And yes, in this plant, red was on the left, green meant go, red meant OMG, do your job! And and, the control board as well as the size of the room, looks identical... but it was Unit 1, not 2, Unit 1 I believe was a standard CANDU.


I have a feeling that the reason the light colors are flipped for the Navy is because you're looking at people who went to school for 4+ years to be a nuclear engineer vs a guy, fresh out of high school, in training for 2 years to be a nuclear technician. I'm by no means saying the quality of either's education is better or worse, but the military has to account for the fact that these are essentially kids with a hell of a lot of education on nuclear reactor operation, but kids nonetheless, and teaching them to toss aside biases and say green = off and red = on, but only for the reactor-related things when they still need to know ship operations in the event that they have to take someone else's position in an emergency, would be a more difficult task than simply swapping the LEDs.
I wasn't a nuke tech, myself, but have known a few of them during my time. Great group of people who either love the job or hate it with no in-between. I was a translator, instead, but was offered the job by the Navy recruiter. Only reason I didn't take it myself was because I don't like ships or subs. Makes me feel trapped. Also went Air Force and not any nuclear jobs there. Don't exactly have any nuclear powered planes in service. Didn't stop them from trying many decades ago, but the issue was simply that putting a nuclear reactor on a plane would mean not a whole lot of room for anything else, so it wouldn't serve a purpose outside of its own existence.
An example of something similar to the swapped light color, in a sense, would be the different ASVAB score requirements for the same job but in different branches. For example, to be a firefighter in the Marines, you need a 75 on the ASVAB, while the Air Force only requires a 50, or the bare minimum to even make it in. They're taking into account the types of people that join those respective branches. In effect, any airman can be a firefighter, but only the smart Marines can be, because 1) the type of people who join the Marines tend to be a bit different than those who join the Air Force, and 2) Marines operate in conjunction with their parent branch, the Navy. This means they typically operate with or around Navy equipment, so they don't exactly want a Marine accidentally hooking up the hose to, say, the fuel instead of the water in a panic and spraying a fire on a ship with literal jet fuel, which has almost certainly happened at least once. The way I sum it up is, "As far as Marines go, you'd only want the smarter ones with access to a fire hose, especially on a ship."


i love this map and your videos. combined, beatyfull. what do you think about a reaction to the minecraft HBM'S Nuclear tech mod in the future? Btw, the map is now been updated, and i even more realistic


Most of the remarks you made in this video (such as the turning gear, the synchroscope activation, etc) are now a real thing, so you should check this game out again


I love your videos for how educational they are. This is the most I've learned about what it's like to work in a nuclear facility. Keep it up!
