Dr. Ellie’s Complete Mouth Care System - Helpful or Harmful? | Dr. Mark Burhenne

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Dr. Mark Burhenne is a bestselling author. He’s a family and sleep medicine dentist who has been in private practice nearly 35 years. Dr. B has focused on patient-centered and preventative dental healthcare.

He is the creator of Ask the Dentist, which is dedicated to exploring the mouth-body connection and the role of the oral microbiome. Dr. B is also the creator of FYGG.

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Jesse Chappus has in-depth conversations with health and wellness leaders from around the world. Topics include lifestyle, nutrition, fitness, self-help, sleep, meditation, spirituality and so much more. Tune in weekly to take your health to the next level!
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I went to an advanced dental clinic for years. Over time my periodontitis got worse and my gums were receding. They took X-rays every time the insurance allowed it, wanted to replace crowns and suggested continuous deep cleanings. I spent a lot of money for torture in the dental chair. — That led me to follow Dr. Ellie‘s program. After a few weeks my gums stopped bleeding and my teeth were white. After a few month my gums grew back. It worked for me, and I get to keep my money.


Her program is the only thing that has worked for me, so I 100% disagree with this view. The results have been virtually miraculous. It even healed my mouth enough so that I can have probiotic foods/drinks and vitamin k2 again (they used to cause horrendous gum infections every time.) In addition, my bp hasn't gone up - in fact it's dropped significantly on her program (in addition to other healthy lifestyle choices.)


The comment section seems to have a clear collective opinion. Dr. Ellies protocol works and gives good results


Please have an open discussion with Dr. Ellie on this so that people can hear both sides of the discussion and make their own decisions. She refers to the microbiome and healthy biofilm extensively in her work.


I started using her routine 6 months ago and it reversed a cavity I was forming. It worked for my partner too. Zero cavities. Very happy we tried it.


It is amazing how someone can come and speak about a system, when he oviously know very little about it. I would not take reccomendations from someone willing to critize, without suggesting a better alternative, with little effort spent into the topic he supposed to advice on. She addresses all those topics (why those products, microbiota, microbiota interactions and biofilm). Based on my experience, the only people I would not advice her system are the people with an already healthy mounth. I have used for 3 months and my grey teeth are now white, no more sensitive, they feel smooth. He should try her system - then he can come and I will listen.


Invite Dr. Ellie to your channel so she can have the opportunity to defend herself !


Her system has been a huge improvement for me.


I agree with other commenters -- invite Dr. Ellie to speak about her system. Dr. Mark is not well informed about her system and does her a huge disservice by not educating himself first before speaking.


You clearly don't know her protocol so well. ALL she talks about is the oral microbiome and the healthy bacteria in our mouth and how to achieve the healthy biofilm that coats our teeth and protects them from decay.


If you don’t know the order of product use or the protocol you cannot comment on it.


I just started Dr. Elllie's protocol and in less than a week I noticed the white film which appears on the inside of my teeth at night is literally 90% better. I'm sold on it.


You have clearly NOT READ HER BOOK, she gave me hope and her system worked. Not one other dentist ever gave me hope. You don’t like it because it doesn’t make you rich when people aren’t having to visit the dentist every six months.


errrr... her protocol works for me so why should i listen to you 🤷‍♀️


I think your health channel is the best there is Jesse, but I couldn't disagree more with your guest Dr. Mark B. I have followed Dr. Ellie's cleaning system for several months and have seen so many improvements. I am so thankful fir her wisdom. I think you all need to research her first before making a judgement. It doesn't sound like Dr. Mark is very informed to properly critique.


N = 1 Her protocol stopped my tartar, improved/resolved my sensitivity, breath improved. I understand that aggressive mouthwash can affect oral microbiome but my blood pressure has not gone up.


I love following Dr Ellie's protocol. I have less sensitivity and teeth feel great. I go to the dentist soon and I'll find out what he says. I've tried natural toothpastes and other things but nothing has worked like her protocol.


The proof is in the pudding. I've been doing her protocol for two months now. The only thing different is that half the time I use toothpaste with nanohydroxyapitite. I've checked my blood pressure everyday for a year now and this protocol didn't affect it at all. My teeth feel nice and smooth as if I just had a dental cleaning. I don't think I have bad breath. I drink a lot of coffee and in the past have had a lot of staining from it but with this protocol I don't really see any. I'm going to the dentist in two months so I'm curious to see what they say, especially about whether or not I'm having any more receding gums. From Dr. Burhenne's comments, I have the feeling that he has never really tested out this protocol himself. It doesn't sound like he knows the details and is just critiqueing it on what his past theoretical thinking has been. I would have people test it out for a month to see what happens. It's not like it's a risky protocol.


I have been eating a Ketogenic diet and one meal a day for 2 years and 8 months now. I added daily consumption of sauerkraut and kimchi this year. I floss, use a toothpaste with no fluoride and drink water filtered with a Zero water filter. My dental hygienist and dentist were surprised at my oral health during my last visit. I had very little plaque build-up and an area of receding gum line they kept pressuring me to get oral surgery was completely healed. When we eat right and exercise, our body has the opportunity to heal itself.
