How Do You Reverse A Cavity | STOP A Tooth Cavity at Home

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How do You Reverse A Cavity? Stop a tooth cavity at home by doing these simple things.


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Please watch: "Tartar Removal At Home and How To Prevent Tartar"
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To reverse a cavity:
1. Inactivated bacteria
- Mouth rinse
- Take xylitol after every meal and don't eat or drink 30-60 min afterwards. Xylitol
Inactivate bacteria and prevent acids and plaque formation. This takes 6 months for this to occur.
2. Protect the good bacteria by not using any products with baking soda, petoxide, chlorhexidine.
3. Remineralization by your own saliva. Give it time especially in the afternoon hours. This can take longer.


Dr Rhonda Patrick had a great interview on Joe Rogan (video is on YT) where she talked about having 2 cavities that needed filling but she was pregnant and wanted to wait until after the child was born. In the meantime, she started chewing xylitol gum every day and when she went back to the dentist a year later, both cavities were gone.


I sure do appreciate this lovely
and authentic dentist. She deserves a standing ovation!


I have been doing oil pulling for years, and I haven't had a cavity since I started. My teeth are healthy, strong and I don't have any plaque anymore.


Mam I want to say that I am from India and I get positive vibes from you, I wish I could get a dentist like you here in India


For anyone reading this, the book, Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye is a life altering book by Dr. Ellie Phillips. If you do what she says in it, starting at chapter 13, you will revolutionize your oral care.


If anyone needs help.

1. My opinion is the biggest step, start taking a probiotic make it into a wash and mouth wash it.

2. Drop the fluoride toothpaste and mouth wash it kills all good bacteria that fights decay.

3. Get a probiotic toothpaste that’s fluoride free 👍. Mouth wash with spring water if you need to rinse

- If it is really bad then I actually would agree you need a antiseptic to kill off the bad bacteria


Best prevention I found is to thoroughly rinse my mouth with water every time i finish eating and it does the job. There is no acid build-up created by oral bacteria feeding on food.


I've reversed at least 4 cavities in my lifetime, when I feel that super cold painful feeling, I concentrate brushing better in that area and chew my food avoiding the area for several days and it goes away very quickly, about 2 to 3 weeks.


Vitamin D3 and K2 from eggs helps the body repair the damage to teeth. They’re needed for the absorption of calcium and other minerals by the body. And avoid fluoride, it binds to calcium and other minerals which prevents the body from absorbing it properly.


Thks a million Dr. Elli philip, 4 imparting yr deep knowledge of oral health. I really learn tremendously at my age of 68 years


Since my initial filling about a year and a half ago, I haven't had any additional dental work done. My dentist advised me to eat on the opposite side of my mouth to prevent food from getting stuck in the exposed upper right tooth. I've been following that advice.The dentist also wanted to wait and check if a root canal was required, but I haven't visited since then. I'm considering trying to reverse the cavity at home instead of going to the dentist. However, I'm concerned about how to treat the open tooth after I remove plaque and tartar, as I don't want to get filling done because I've heard that fillings can be harmful.


@dr.elliephillips your advice was PERFECT! I not only had no cavities but no receding gums and no swollen gums or bleeding gums. Thank you!!!


Sorry, but my great-aunt died at 99 years old with all of her own teeth still in her mouth, and never had a cavity or tooth problem in her life!
(And she always made homemade fudge and pies and cakes and gorged on them!)
But she was very strict about her
“teeth routine”…
Every time she ever ate anything, about 15 minutes later she would go brush her teeth with pure
BAKING SODA, straight out of the box
….and I have a video testimonial, with photos, of a woman who healed a deep hole cavity using baking soda/coconut oil mixture as toothpaste!


I’m going to try this method.
I noticed the other day that the the back edge of my right canine tooth felt odd and sharp on my tongue after eating..and when I finally looked at it in a mirror I was horrified that it is indeed a cavity..not a big one but it’s there!
Thank you for this valuable information Dr. Phillips…I’m also going to watch your other videos on your overall teeth and gum health methods. New Sub! 👌🏼


I had tooth decay and I stared brushing with salt water This method stop and all cleared.👍


My dentist suggested using salt water with turmeric powder mixed in it to rinse the mouth clean from bacteria. What is your view on this?


brush with calcium carbonate powder after every for me 🙂


Thanks a lot. I am using Chlorhexidine for stopping cavities. It works best. Now need reversal. Trying to follow you.


I actually reversed a cavity. When much later i went for the root canal, the dentist stopped the procedure and said he had only seen that happen one other time in his career. So xylitol makes perfect sense as it's cheaper than the colloidal silver I swished with.
