CNET How To - How to upgrade to Windows 10 right now
CNET How To - Windows 10 settings you should change right now
CNET How To - Watch how we did a clean install of Windows 10
CNET News - Microsoft opens a new Windows to the world
How to install Windows on a Mac
CNET Top 5 - Best Windows 10 features
CNET How To - How to get back to the Windows 8 Start screen
CNET How To - Changed your mind on Windows 10? Here's how you can roll back
CNET How To - 4 essential tips for using Windows 8.1
CNET How To - set up Xbox game streaming in Windows 10
CNET News - Windows 10 is a free upgrade for existing Windows customers
CNET How To - Best Windows 8 keyboard shortcuts
CNET How To - Bring the Start menu back to Windows 8
Microsoft Surface Copilot + PC Event: Everything Revealed in 13 Minutes
CNET Tech Minute: New Features In Windows 10
Top 5 reasons to upgrade to Windows 10
Coffee run? Windows 10 Dynamic Lock lets you simply walk away (CNET How To)
How to: Upgrade Windows XP to Windows 7
CNET Top 5 - Reasons not to upgrade to Windows 8
Microsoft pays $10,000 for a Windows 10 update gone wrong (CNET Update)
Here's how to upgrade to Windows 10 CNET
CNET How To - Boot directly to the desktop in Windows 8.1
CNET Update - Windows 10 aims to blend best of 7 and 8
How to install your download CNET
thx for the info, also Windows should have a feature to change folders as easily as FolderChanger. Google "FolderChanger", works great
For all the people saying that Windows update can't be disabled on Windows 10 there is actually a way to do it. You need to open Device manager and select the "Services" option. From the list of Windows services you can disable the Windows update service completely. Enjoy
Hey got great tips disable notifications, enable start menu (which was already there) and turn on Wi-Fi settings.
i still in windows 7 - this video is telling me how powerful should i stay in windows 7 bring more videos of that 10 to motivate me to stay in 7
I love my windows 10. Works great and it damn fast !
who's watching this through there new/upgraded pc? i am :)
Upgraded to Windows 10, Used it for an hour.. back again to Windows 7. (:
The first setting you turn off isn't necessarily a good idea - the start screen works better on a touch screen than the start menu.
I also don't understand why turning WiFi sense off is an advantage, but okay...
It is the new security conditions with Windows 10 that is worrying and everyone looking for an answer. the technical part can be solved over time.
Why would they set the default to restart automatically? Would have been so annoying for it to restart half way through watching a video or playing a game
Hrmmm... it joins open wireless systems itself by default... yeah... can't see a security issue there... nope.
How about The settings to have Microsoft not harvest our data
And no mention to turn off all the privacy invasion defaults? CNET working with Microsoft confirmed.
I can't use my f1 through f12 what do I do to let me use those with ought making cortana bother me or bring up the start menu
Didn't she sing for the group ABBA a few years back?
Every time i getting to settings in my PC i just have the sign of the settings and then after 1 min it's close down by him self some have a fix???
I'm not gonna upgrade until I can disable automatic updates.
My taskbar is broken. How do I get to settings.
since i updated to windows 10 most youtube videos do not work on chrome or microsoft edge can someone help me
Think i will stay with windows 7 it looks to much like the awful windows 8