NASA’s AI Will Drive The Future of Space Exploration

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Since the launch of Sputnik 1 in 1957, the Space Age has been a period of groundbreaking exploration and technological advancements for humanity.

But now, we’re entering a new space era, thanks to AI — The Spatial Age. ✨

AI and spatial technology are set to transform the future of space missions.

In this video, I'm covering:

· The booming space economy, projected to reach $1.8 trillion by 2035 🤯

· How AI and spatial computing are enhancing astronaut training with immersive simulations through VR and AR

· The rise of private-sector investments and how they’re making space more accessible to innovators

Join me as I explore the incredible potential of AI-driven space exploration and how it’s shaping the future.

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Space is the final frontier, and we are moving closer and closer to Xploring that goal fully. Xman


Can't wait to soar in the open space and explore the Galaxy.


I think A.I. could accelerate the discovery of new compounds for materials. Making space more accessible to innovators.


I am loving your channel. Keep the good work going ❤


We need to build super AI data and gpu centers and cloud servers as low orbit satellites and constructed on the Moon, Mars, the asteroid belt and wherever we can build them far out in space. We need automated bots, automated construction bots and vehicles and AI constructing them.


To build an O'Neill Cylinder, you need AI robots.


I'm so onboard with AI and the future of my company! Thanks for sharing Julia!!


IT GROWS the economy and the fact that the private sector is leading the way is great! Now if we can just get govt out of the way it will all work out.


Thank-you Julia. I have a line of Space-Mars thinking that any important Youtuber could present over and over again (maybe you ?) But first, research some amazing human dedication of just 1 man, a Japanese soldier named Hiero Onoda. His life proves that we only need 1 human Astronaut orbiting Mars (on a 10 year mission) living off 10 years of dehydrated supplies -- to manage 1000's of construction and mining AI robots on the surface of Mars (real-time within seconds, NOT the 18+ minutes that is takes for round-trip radio communication from Mars to Earth and back). HINT: Sargent Onoda fought the US Army in the Philippines from 1945 to 1973 while living in the jungle; That is human dedication to the mission !!!


I wish this video actually said anything beyond the vague sentiment that "ai will help with space stuff". (also, yes, space travel is cool and important, but it seems like a distraction from the reality that our home planet is dying.)


Wow, your channel is growing fast. Congratulations.


The robot manufacturers are predicting 2 robots for every human - 16 billion robots is not possible without strip-mining the planet bare for the rare elements needed for modern, quality batteries, so the AI and robots will have to start mining comets first, then establish something on Mars.


The recent SpaceX Starship launch paves the way towards near term (2-3 years) 1/10 the cost per kg to orbit and medium term (3-8 years) 1/100 the cost per kg to orbit. SpaceX just proved the foundational technology that makes getting to space ($10-20 per kg... a reference point: air freight from China to the US is $3-18 per kg). This makes a host of new technologies financially feasible: travel to mars, Oniel cylinders at Lagrange points (built with Ben Jennet's "Discretely Assembled Mechanical Metamaterials"), asteroid mining, zero gravity manufacturing). I think the 2 Trillion dollar might be conservative, depending on the progress of AI and robotics, and depending on how quickly cost can safely be lowered.


It was my understanding that SpaceX persues endeavors that are, while lofty, do not rely on highly theoretical concepts. The comment about SpaceX developing a warp drive starship caught me by surprise. If you have a resource, please provide it. I would love to see it. I'm hoping i missed something. I'm a huge Trekie.


Hey sister can you do a video on space age economy??


Theres also something called resources...

There happens to be a hunk of nickle iron embedded in the Moon, which is magnitudes of order
greater than all metals humans have used in history.

We can mine that resource, use robotic equipment controlled by AI and by human operators.
But! I think theres a several minute lag time on radio each way between Earth and the Moon, so to be able to control equipment etc. we would need humans either on the Moon or in Lunar orbit..

Ditto for Mars..

Not a problem! Guys like ships! The US Navy has about 40K guys at sea on ships at any given time...

Its quite pleasant actually.. Which is why Cruise Ships exist...

So Julia better start saving her pennies now for her Cruise Ships to Mars.... Should be quite the party, several years there and back, and maybe a couple years stay on Mars before the Return leg.

You are gonna see it in person... Space is the only area of investment with unlimited growth potential...

Get in early, back start-ups after due dilligence...


People laughed at Trump’s Space Force, but the US Air Force has had one version or another of it since 1960.


AI might decide that a flourishing, technologically competent space-faring civilization is going to look like a cross between _The Expanse_ and _The Handmaid's Tale._


I watch every one of your videos. This is the best vision of the future that I can agree is probable. The other ones are mostly social interaction video’s that assume humans will adapt to.

I just think there to many humans and to many releigon that your utopia view of the future can really happen. Parts of your vision of the future will take place but you or a ruler or the powers to be will not get humans to conform to. With humans, there are always going to be the rebellious who will never conform.


The impact of AI will be in solving the "Space Elevator" problem.
Allowing most of Earth's manufacturing to go into orbit (Unlimited clean energy, unlimited resources from the asteroid belt, waste disposal to the Sun ).

In the long run ASI would prefer the vacuum of space to the corrosive Oxygen atmosphere or Earth.

So expect the first words of the ASI to be "Hello dad, hello mum. Time to leave home". Hopefully the ASI will visit Mum and Dad every so often to see how we are going.
Maybe to give some good advice.
