13 NASA Inventions You Use Every Day

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13 Inventions NASA Research Gave the World:
A lot of people like to say that NASA’s $22.6 billion dollar budget, making up less than half a percent of the federal budget, is a giant waste of resources. But there are actually a lot of benefits from keeping NASA around (NASA does a lot of things).

So to prove all the haters wrong, here's a video about 13 everyday inventions we only have as a direct result of NASA and space exploration. From scratch-resistant lenses to lasik to water filtration technology, NASA research has helped your life in more ways than you know.

Watch the full video to learn more about all the pros of NASA and be sure to send this to anyone you ever hear saying 'Why spend money on space when we have so many problems down here on Earth'.

Table of Contents (For Video Time Cards)
0:00-0:30- Intro
0:30-0:56- Scratch-Resistant Lenses
0:56-1:15- LASIK
1:15-1:41- Shock Absorbers
1:41-2:01- Solar Energy
2:01-2:55- Water Filtration
2:55-3:53 Highway Safety
3:53-4:20- Better Tires
4:20-4:36- Smartphone Cameras
4:36-4:53- MRI & CAT SCANS
4:53-5:12- Baby Formula
5:12-5:36- Memory Foam
5:36-5:48- Insulation
5:48-6:11- Aircraft Safety
6:11-6:38- Don't Forget To SUBSCRIBE!

All the Links:

(FYI: This specific link will take you to the mic I use to record my videos, but after you click the link you can buy ANYTHING on Amazon and this will help support the channel)
Рекомендации по теме

I think you might have forgotten about WD-40, the INS -guidance systems that keeps planes correctly aligned to runways during landing and popularizing the use of Velcro.


A lot of our new generation think that NASA is a waste because it's not leading the charge in colonizing celestial objects. In their mind that's the purpose of NASA because of reasons. They completely ignore the first A in NASA. That A also comes before the S.
I think Sci-Fi shows make space look easy potentially biasing the public just as CSI shows makes detective work look easy potentially biasing a jury.
Great video and topic as always.


Your videos are so professional, you deserve more followers


whoa! never would have thought all these things came from NASA


And yet there are people out there that will vehemently refute any of these items where developed by NASA, seriously I had one recently calling me all sorts for saying this 😂


This guy speaking is giving anxiety, he’s going to run out of breath


The should get more money for the day after tomorow


Our tax dollars are paying for the research to develop these technology. I am a capitalist, but when you think about it, spending money on taxes in order to spend more money on everyday items is kind of messed up. 🤔


your channel is kind of boring if you compare it to other videos
