Mythbusting by homebrewing with Bill Meara, N2CQR: Why HF ham bands below 10MHz use LSB, mode?

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Bill Meara, N2CQR busts the well-established myth why ham radio SSB rigs use lower side band (LSB) modulation below 10MHz, and upper side band (USB) above.

00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:17 VWS Makers group project is awesome!
00:01:53 Topics covered in the presentation
00:02:49 The Myth
00:05:31 Misunderstanding the "sideband inversion" phenomenon
00:12:34 Spontaneous Combustion Construction
00:17:06 A little bit of Yaesu in my life, ...
00:17:30 ... A little bit of homebrew by my side
00:20:06 Some of the rig's features
00:24:46 Block diagram
00:26:11 The rig
00:27:50 Tales of Woe (only a few)
00:32:51 The best advice: if you can't solve a problem, put it aside, and wait a few days
00:33:39 Conclusions
00:34:35 Questions and comments
00:36:21 Most of commercial applications use upper side band (USB) modulation
00:36:53 The reason why LSB is used on 75m band
00:39:02 It's not illegal to use USB on 40m!
00:40:32 Running the power wires
00:41:22 Power rail filtering
00:47:16 Dealing with the brain in coax interconnects
00:49:01 Soldering coax cables v.s. using coax connectors
00:51:38 Home-brew crystal filters v.s. factory made
00:52:23 Building crystal filters requires knowledge of more parameters, than the distributor web site provides
00:55:50 Measuring the crystals
01:00:36 Grounding the crystal cases
01:02:47 On the importance of the correct matching of the BFO generator frequency and the filter
01:04:52 Homebrewing VFOs
01:07:48 Finding good quality variable capacitors
01:09:47 Long term stability of a VFO
01:11:28 Audio quality in the rig
01:13:09 AGC, signal levels, and S-meter
01:16:23 Setting audio gain

The VWS Makers group focuses on homebrew ham radio electronics projects. The group recently completed a project where 16 Makers built 100% scratch built 40-meter SSB QRP transceivers. The group is open to all radio amateurs with Zoom meetings on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday to discuss projects, share progress and help each other with their project.

Vienna Wireless Society is one of the largest and most active Amateur Radio clubs in Northern Virginia.

Currently the meetings are conducted via Zoom, and are open for everybody, anywhere.

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The video has been published on the channel with permission from the presenter, as a service for Vienna Wireless Society amateur radio club.
The presenter holds full responsibility for the content of the presentation.

#VWSMakers #SolderSmoke #N2CQR #vws #ViennaWirelessSociety #hamr #HamRadio
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Thanks for uploading this video.

This is the kind of stuff I am interested in.
