What Early Christians Believed About The Eucharist

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This more scripted vid is quite different to my other off the cuff one's. Let me know if it was the most boring thing you’ve ever watched. PLEASE SHARE if you think it's worth it.


I am a recovering addict and if it wasn’t for the Eucharist I never would’ve made it out of addiction. When I was in jail I had my first confession in 20 years than I received the Eucharist. My life changed so drastically, a deliverance from meth!!! I do not crave drugs!!! I’ve been clean for 18 months!! Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. Thank you God for leaving the 99 for me! Grateful for the Catholic Church and Her Sacraments 🙏🕊🔥


Well, I must say, as a Pentecostal, I have debated against the Catholic view of the Eucharist, but this is a pretty strong argument. I'm definitely gonna have to do more research.


I’m a Jewish believer in Yeshua (Jesus). It is the Eucharist that is making me want to become Catholic.

EDIT: I'm officially Catholic!


I left the Catholic church a few months ago becoming protestant, anti-Catholic, i got to recieve the Holy Eucharist as a Catholic again today, i went to Holy Eucharistic addoration i was deeply convicted by Jesus that the Eucharist is truly him, i went to confession yesterday and got to recieve Jesus at mass today :) im happy to be home family


As a Lutheran theology student I fully support and agree with this!
It was never a questioned for the Apostolic Fathers or the Early Church, if Christ was present or not in the Eucharist. Thank you for the video, Matt! I really enjoy all of your work. Bless you and your family!


I believe in Transubstantiation...i am aware of many Eucharistic miracles that happened in the past...I also experienced Jesus during Consecration and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. If I may share, I had a vision of the Suffering Christ image in 2012 during Consecration at the Holy Mass in time of our Catholic Community Covenanting. Jesus said to me in an indiscribable voice, "Unite your sufferings with Me and these will be light", and i said my yes and thanked Him. My tears fell like rain but it was because of joy...and it was a warning of an upcoming big problem that came 2 weeks after. In another event, one Saturday afternoon in 2016, I was adoring the Blessed Sacrament exposed at the altar of our Parish Church when i felt my head opened and heard the same voice i heard in a vision in 2012. He said to me, "Tell my people to love Me. My command for them is to love Me, not only to believe in Me. I am the fount of all holiness. If they would love, they will stop sinning and if the would not love Me, they will keep on sinning. Focus on the LOVE that is in the light... upon arriving home that afternoon, the message was confirmed when I turned on the TV at EWTN Channel. The same message was onthe TV screen.... 😊Oh i love You, Jesus, in the Blessed Sacrament! You are my goal, my all, my love.❤


I'm born and raised Presbyterian... I've always struggled with the Calvinistic and Zwinglian understanding of Holy Communion... I've even argued in my youth with some of my Sunday school teachers that if we were serious about Sola scriptura then we would indeed teach this he is truly present.


For those who want a detailed yet accessible biblical study of the Eucharist, I suggest reading "Jesus and the Jewish roots of the Eucharist " by Brant Pitre: all the context is there, IMO.
Great video, otherwise


When I was a Baptist I always wondered what the point of Holy Communion was. It seemed redundant, and nobody really expanded on that. We had it like once a month at best. When I started researching Catholicism this was the key topic I studied, probably most of the time. Eucharist is the number one reason for conversion


Shoutout Catholic answers . They helped me come to the reality of the Eucharist .


This video came at a perfect time! I'm about to have a friendly discussion with my best friend about why the Eucharist makes me want to join the Catholic church 😁 Thank you!


Former Baptist here. It was reading John chapter 6 and the reality of the Real Presence in the Eucharist that brought me back to Christ's only Church, His Catholic Church


I am going through RCIA currently, and honestly I am already so excited to receive The Eucharist for the first time. There's such a sense of reverence and peace knowing Jesus did this for us over 2, 000 years ago and yet he still joins us for it to this day.


I wished I were convinced by your enthusiastic presentation but I am not. I am a Baptist and I totally disagree with your position. The RCC's doctrine of transubstantiation has many problems. Consider the followings:
1. Jesus used many metaphors/symbolic languages: shepherd, bread, light, way, water, etc. We understand and interprete them symbolically. So are the words "flesh/body" and "blood" in this case.
2. When Jesus blessed the bread and gave it to his disciples, they received the bread and not the flesh of Jesus. Not literal! The same thing with the wine. Certainly, the disciples understood his words as symbolic languages.
3. Jesus did not say that the elements would turn into his real body/flesh & blood when the priest pray over them. This claim and belief are beyond the Bible.
4. Jesus died once for all. The teaching of repeated sacrifice of Jesus is unbiblical.
5. If every RCC mass is a real sacrifice of Jesus, how many Jesuses are sacrificed in the world daily? Are priests who pray over the elements acting like the Roman soldiers who crucified Jesus?
6. If every mass is Jesus real sacrifice/death, when is the resurrection?
7. Jesus told his disciples to do it (mass/eucharist/HC/LS) in remembrance of him but he did not say, "sacrifice/kill me again, eat my flesh and drink my flesh."

Long held belief of the church is not necessarily right always. Has not the Western Church tried, punished and even killed early modern thinkers/astronomers like Copericus, Galileo, et al.? Today the world including the Christians believe that the earth is round and it revolves around the Sun and not the reverse.

Christians disagree on this doctrine because each church tend to emphasis on one text than the other. I appreciate and respect your enthusiasm but it is a topic in which Christians cannot agree. Anyway, what matters is that we are saved by our faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour.


Not only the Church Fathers believed the Eucharist to be the Real Presence, but the Apostles as well.


I didn’t even know this about how all the early Christians believed it was His true presence. And I’m a cradle catholic. This is really important info!


Baptism this weekend and confirmation! Ready to have the Eucharist in my life


My favourite quote from the Church Fathers on the Eucharist comes from Justin Martyr in his First Apology: “For not as common bread and common drink do we receive these; but in like manner as Jesus Christ our Saviour, having been made flesh by the Word of God, had both flesh and blood for our salvation, so likewise have we been taught that the food which is blessed by the prayer of His word, and from which our blood and flesh by transmutation are nourished, is the flesh and blood of that Jesus who was made flesh.” It’s such a perfect quote because he appeals to the incarnation in his explanation which leaves no room for saying that he was speaking metaphorically.


The Eucharist moved me from being an evangelical to being a Lutheran. After reading what the Bible actually says and what the earliest Christian’s believed, it is undeniable that the real presence of the Eucharist is the correct doctrine.

As time went on, I kept moving closer and closer to the catholic position on other doctrines. Today, I am essentially catholic in nearly all doctrines. I am looking for reasons to not be catholic, and when I am satisfied there are no good objections, I plan on entering RCIA.
