How does Spinal Decompression work? - Health First Group

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Spinal Decompression Therapy is a modern, non-invasive solution to treating people who suffer from neck or back pain, and does so without the use of surgery or medication. Over time or due to injury, the discs in a person’s neck and back can become compressed, and lead to more serious conditions including Bulging, Herniated or Degenerative Discs, Sciatica, or Facet Syndrome.

Health First Group is an allied health provider that operates across Australia. We provide clients in regional communities with access to valuable services such as spinal decompression, dry needling, shockwave and manual therapy. We are NDIS registered and specialise in workcover, pre-employment and aged care.

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When I first decompressed my lower spine, by accident, it hurt for a split second but it felt so good afterwards. But the soreness was the worse part. But ever since then when I decompress my spine my back is never sore as much as it use to be.


I have a bulging disc. Pain off the chart and couldn't put my food down without me going to my knees. I have had five decompressions. (1) if I get pain - it doesn't last; (2) my leg used to feel like a 100 pounds - that weight has significantly decreased; and (3) I am very active and I should have been a ton of pain a few days back (I know what causes the sciatica to get bad), but no - in fact took a while before the sciatica showed up and it was gone in 15 minutes. Will keep doing the decompression until it is all fixed. I am a believer.


I do this at night in bed before I go to sleep. I decompress my spine using a 10lb weight. I then roll over and go to sleep.IT's gradual and take awhile. Has helped tremendously.


STRETCH YOUR PSOAS MUSCLE!!! I can’t express how important this is. 75% of back pain is due to the Psoas shortening and causing anterior pelvic tilt. Second, make sure you activate your glutes/abs. I can GUARANTEE 80% of you will greatly benefit from this. Comment here and I’ll answer questions. 🤟🏻🤟🏻🤟🏻


I realized it myself, that decompression helps. I have had a problem for 21 years, bigger or smaller, sometimes it lasts and I think it will never get better, inflammation, weakness, low strength. Then I use comfrey ointment, and lie down on the bed, on my back, I put my head under the pillow, and it's as if I'm meditating, lying down and breathing, while the body occasionally stretches by itself in the lower part of the spine. It's decompression, the organism has intelligence. But nothing helps if you don't "listen" to the disease, i.e. everything that bothers you should be avoided, and what it is, the spine itself says. Second, fast walking strengthens the back muscles. I walk for an hour every other day. In the last 20 years, I have walked at least 24, 000 km. The doctor told me in 2002 that my problem at L4 - L5 lasts for 10-15 years, it's been 21. I don't do any other exercises, only walking and stretching, which I leave to the body, I don't stretch. You can stretch like that while standing or sitting, you just have to let yourself go. the body only stretches the problem area, i.e. the spine. (I'm 53 years old)


This is only a temporary fix, It feels good while you are doing it, after the process of the compression stops, and you are upright again the disc will push on the nerve and pain comes back again


I'm trying my own invented self-traction: I lie on my back, knees up, and press down on my upper thighs for a minute and let go gradually.
Feels good at least while I'm doing it.


Hi . i had disc herniation in L5, im advised todo physical decompression exercise and spinal flexion exercises. Now my lower back pain is gone. But im an agriculturist, i have to carry weight on my shoulders in future. is it cause my disc to bulge again???


What should I do now? I have this same problem.


I have a herniated disc and any kind of decompression aggravates pain and muscle spasm? Why is that?


after decompression treatment i have more pain why?


Where can I buy the lumbar decrompsion equipment?
price and shipping


When I was lying on the bed (spinal decompression machine) for around 30 mins, they set the level as per my body weight, it felt so easy and nice, but once it was done, I couldn't even sit or get up, it took me few stretches to get back up on my feet, my lower back - the primary cause I went to Physio, felt so stiff.
Is this normal or it was just me? should I continue with it? I feared that I might have screwed my back


I do this on my inversion table… why is the pain excruciating when I’m inverted ( at my bad spinal stenosis level ) not sure if it’s helping just trying to put off surgery


Please teblet medicine name send me disk buldg and scaitica pain L5-s1


“It is believed”…

In other words, you have no idea.


I do it for 3 years, no improvement...


The best therapy is never to get injury


My scaitica pan relief medicine name send me our problems L5-s1


In fact i read that astronuts have this happen to their back but gavity kicks in when.they return to earth
