I Tested Marvel Rivals Season 1 Buffs And Nerfs! (With Gameplay!)

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I Have Found Out all current Marvel Rivals buffs and nerfs for season 1 and figured out what they do and why. #marvelrivals
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Wolverine :

-50 health buff, now has 350 base health (from 300)

Storm :

-Damage buff. Can now kill a 275 health target in 5 hits without damage buff rather than 6

-The bonus health from her ultimate now decays over time after it's done instead of going away instantly

-(to be confirmed) damage drops off less based on distance

-(to be confirmed) projectiles travel faster

Captain America :

-Health buff, now has 675 base health (from 650)

Cloak and Dagger :

-Ult now dashes 4 times instead of 3

-(to be confirmed) switching from Cloak and Dagger form seems quicker

Hela :

-5% damage nerf

-Health nerf. Now has 250 (from 275)


-5% damage nerf

Venom :

-(to be confirmed) his secondary fire ability now slows more

Luna Snow :

-Now has a speed limit to changing between heal and damage mode during her ult, making the extra heal exploit impossible to do


I'm so heartbroken that Captain America didn't get anything actually good, he already ran fast enough, nobody was complaining about that or his health


I wouldn't call Jeff's ultimate change a "Nerf" it's a fix so that the indicator actually reflects it's size.


Some things i missed:
Wolverine HP buff - 300 to 350
Bucky HP buff - 250 to 275
Luna snow - limit to ult change speed to stop spamming

I know that i missed some things but i tried my best given the tools i had to find what had changed and didnt have any help from others

I posted becase i thought what i had found might be interesting for those who wanted to see, next time ill try to figure out how to make it more informational first before posting


The world isn’t ready to know that Cloak and Dagger is the best healer in the game. Now she’s buffed. Y’all ain’t ready for the reality check


Hela got a damage fall off nerf. She does less damage at long range. Was watching Necro's stream and his peeps were testing the changes.

Storm projectile speed was increased as well as her damage. She is a little faster when she moves as well in the air. Its a massive buff for her.

Cap got Liberty dash forward buffed. From 12 seconds to 10. Other then that no one really noticed any other buffs.

Hawkeye got his bow charge up slowed. He can't charge up full damage shots so fast anymore.

Venom's attack animation is quicker at least by what people have noticed. His right click might of been buffed by making heroes slower.

Some changes that were not mentioned.

Luna Snow got her Ultimate nerfed. You can't spam the crap out of it and toggle heal and damage at the same time. Its either or for each now.

Squirrel Girl might of been buffed. Her Ultimate now tracks players and hunts them down instead of bonking mindlessly into walls or jumping off cliffs. Noticed that on Necro's stream.

Namor drops his turrets faster now. He can literally spam them out. That squid usually flies slowly to where you want it to go. Now it shoots to where you want it to go.

There is probably a lot more changes that haven't been mentioned yet or noticed. But most of the changes are small changes that won't severely change how a hero plays like Hawkeye, his charge up time was increased and that was it. Hela had a damage fall off nerf plus health nerf. Storm was a big buff so probably the most noticeable change.


I dont know why is it so hard to find a Nerfs and Buffs only video, thank you so much sir, plus, Wolverine gets 50 Health buff


As a magik user that minor health nerf to heros is all I need


I like your channel but whats the point of uploading this if you're gonna say 'i'm not really sure about this one' like half of the time. It doesnt look good lol..


No way the hela "nerf" is that minimal

Edit: Not typing this to 50 different people, hela and hawkeye are only losing 5% as their seasonal buff is being decreased from 20 to 15% please think and research before you comment...


350 health on new Wolverine. It's in your own video dude, focus up 4:50


1:00 massive buff you say, hmmm... but you know what else is MASSIVE?


At first I was kind of like you call these nerfs/buffs, but I like their gradual approach so it doesn't render a persons main or hero useless right off the bat. They take a slow and steady approach it seems.


Hela cannot kill with a Headshot into Bodyshot anymore at reasonable ranges
Captain America's Dash (Liberty Rush) cooldown decreased from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.
Venom's Right click seems to slow enemies more noticeably, not sure on that one.
Dagger's Right Click (Dagger Storm) cooldown decreased from 15 to 12
Hawkeye's Draw speed to charge an arrow significantly decreased
Thor has 625 HP


lets just wait for official patch notes


Half assed videos with little to no knowledge


I would like to guess the "slower attack" on wolverine is because they may have patched the bug he had where his attack speed was dependent on your fps


something i’ve seen no one has mentioned is that the distance for hawkeye to build meter it’s been nerfed from 60 mts to 40 mts


I never comment on YouTube videos, but reading the comments here is making me sad. I’ve been watching your videos for literally years at this point Merchant, and the fact that anyone would say you don’t put enough effort or information into your videos is insane. I’ve learned so much watching your videos and I love to see your rivals content because you got me into this game too! Keep up the good work as always:)


What Cap actually needed:
1. Buff to his jump slightly, it’s just clunky depending on the map
2. 10 more damage to his melee
