Mobil1 vs Castrol edge

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All engine oil is the SAME!
Mobil1 annual protection vs Castrol edge extended performance! The best engine oil for your car is Liqui moly, Motul specific, Amsoil signature series, supertech oil, Pennzoil platinum, K&N oil or maybe fram oil. Actually All of these oils give equal protection according to oil myths.
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The worst myth that most people believe is thinking they don't fall under severe driving conditions. Changing their oil after to many miles. What is the most common myth you know of?


Change your oil according to your owners manual & the brand of oil becomes a moot point! I’ve used Walmart’s Super Tech oil on several of my vehicles over the years & changed my oil & filter regularly & I’ve never had an oil related issue with any of my vehicles! If you have a certain brand that gives you peace of mind & let’s you sleep at night then I say the extra buck or 2 per quart is worth it!


I've taken a liking to Castrol Edge. Currently using Castrol Edge EP.
I have a Ford EcoBoost engine and Ford seems to really back Castrol.
Some of the European spec Ecoboost engines were developed with Castrol to develope a specific oil that met Ford and European conservation specs.
One in particular was the 1.0L EcoBoost.
In other countries where Ford does not market Motorcraft products the premium motor oil from the dealership is Castrol Magnatec with Ford logo right on the container.
Also the exotic Ford GT comes factory fill with Castol Edge supercar formulation oil. I believe the Shelby Mustang does also.
I used to Mobil1 and switched Castrol Edge after learning this. Also the Castol Edge seems to be a bit lower in price.
I recently changed oilin past couple of weeks. I went with OW-20 over the preferred 5W-20 by Ford. I'm good for the worst winter weather I can possibly encounter in Pennsylvania.


Just changed the oil in my chevy truck...used Castrol Edge black bottle...really smooth and quiet.


Thanx for debunking the oil myths bro👌🏾 and personally i stick with Castrol edge 🙏🏾💯.


Personally I think mobil 1 is way overrated and as a pennzoil user, I have to say I think Castrol edge is going to capture the market based on my testing the improvements are's outstanding oil and I'm switching all my vehicles to it.


i've tried many brands on my '13 accord lx that burns oil and i've noticed that the 0w20 high mileage castrol edge burns less then the rest of oils been using it ever since


What am I missing, how is this "Mobil 1 vs Castrol Edge"?


Change your oil filter mid way makes a difference


Here in England Mobil1 is double the price so I’ll just stick with Castrol


If you really want to know how an oil is performing, run your oil in an air cooled engine like a harley, , HD swore up and down their oil was mobil1, i had HD oil go to 200+ degrees in 105° temps and damn near 0psi pressure, i swapped to Mobil1 and never ran above165° temp and never below 10psi, the reason this happens is because of friction reduction, less friction equals less heat, you can do this same test with castrol, on a foot note recently i did this test again between amsoil and mobil1 both on a built stage5 tc88, results, mobil1 beat amsoil...just my two cents, but that how you realy tell the difference


I went with pennzoil platinum this time around… we’ll see


I recently had an oil change using castrol edge professional 5w40, immediately the fuel consumption 5.9l/100km in city driving... I've never had that efficiency in liquimoly and mobil 1


From personal experience i prefer mobil 1. It burns off less and it makes the engine definitely more refined.


Castrol edge vs Mobil 1 extended performance Wich Batter


Are you related to Scotty Kilmer?

I have a 2014 VW Jetta GLI with 204K miles. I bought it used at 53K miles and have ALWAYS used either original Liqui Moly 5W-40 (blue bottle) and then converted to Liqui Moly Molygen 5W-40 (green bottle). My car burns less oil than the Castrol brand. And I change it religiously every 5K miles.


For me the best oil ever is castrol but mobil 1 is very very good too


I use Castro in all my vehicles!2009 ford platinum an 2010 prima an they run like new still gas is important to mid grade or better jeeps ur oil better an long drain time threat vicdo?


Could you test different viscocities of the same brand? Do a teat for each brand.


After 35 years I ditched castrol in the cars, after the 3rd name change for the full synthetic, the "magnetec" they tried for a bit, im done. Too much flashy marketing going on, just too schetchy and desperate. Parts master brand i switched to from the autoparts store is made by valvoline and better priced and just says what it is on the jug, bullshit free.
