Blue Collar Tarkov | Tarkov PvE

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PvE is, for many people, the only way to continue playing escape from tarkov. I am aware that it will soon be available for purchase seperate of other editions, but I still believe it should be free for anyone who owns an edition of tarkov. Ah well.

Helium Drive - ELFL
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Hey everyone, there is unfortunately an editing error at around 2:27. The queue time was at 45 minutes. Funny enough, I made a correction to this but proceeded to upload the wrong draft of the video. oof


Advice that you definitely didn’t ask for so apologies lol: Definitely upload to this channel. Tarkov has a long lifespan but you’re a talented creator who shouldn’t be tied to any one property. Space out other games for a while, like do a non tarkov vid every three-four videos, then increase the rate as you become noticed in other games, atleast that’s how got away from iceberg videos. Love the channel man, can’t wait for other game coverage.


AI PMCs scream "Friendly down" when you kill a scav nearby😂


-Shoots a single scav
"We've awoken the hive!"


I work 45 hours a week and last week my wife and I had our first child. I hadn't played tarkov in well over a year but then PvE released and it allowed me to get back into playing. Blue collar tarky for sure


SPT took me out of regular Tarkov when I learned that in SPT I can queue for Factory and load into the map in literally 8 seconds. The PvE mode having such long queues for singleplayer is just ridiculous honestly. Host the server on the player's PC in that instance.


SPT does have multiplayer, but not officially. The devs are against it, but there's "the other mods" as people refer to it commonly.

MPT / Fika (same thing, just rebranding) allows you to install it as a mod for SPT, and enables multiplayer connection. The host runs the server as normal, and other clients just open the launcher without opening their own aki.server. Just have to change like 2-3 fields containing the IP you want to play off (usually local host, you change this to the IP of the host if they either port forward / host via VPN.) It's very simple to set up and we're able to use basically all the mods we want alongside it. I'd highly recommend checking this one out if you want to chill on pve tarkov with some friends without dealing with BSG's... whatever it is.

We also tried SiT, or Stay in Tarkov. It's an entirely different client to SPT, we weren't super impressed but it's *functional.* There's a community dedicated to converting mods from SPT to SiT but it's a small work force, definitely a niche in a niche.


Another win for SPT is the SAIN mod. This mod has multiple "personalities" for PMC AIs ranging from rat to gigachad. I have had PMC AI push me, jump in the air past a door and mag dump at me with m995. I have stomped into crackhouse to immediately be gunned down by the 5th man in a group of PMCs waiting in the corner camping the bodies...Best part, you can adjust the difficulties from a macro to a micro level!


PVE is a great mode for people who want to just play with the lads and have some fun


7:52 is probably the funniest thing I have seen, the way he just says " And Tagilla himself" just makes me laugh so much


"Lee Harvey Oswald is back and they gave him an assault rifle"
Man that line hits different now LOL


One thing I've done in SPT is elongate the missions. I simply went into the files and added a 1 onto the start of every raid timer so now every raid is roughly two hours long. I'm done having to race through and can leave at my leisure. And thanks to SWAG and Donuts mod, the world is constantly being populated so I don't have to worry about empty maps even if I'm in Streets for over an hour.


This explains my problem with Tarkov perfectly.
To get good enough to be competitive, you really need to spend a TON of hours, and I simply don't have the time.
By the time the wipe comes, I am roughly level 25 or so even if I start playing day of the wipe, and that's been the case since Tarkov first came out, and yes, I can only play roughly every second or third wipe..
Coming home from working a 12 hour shift at the mill, and immediately getting killed the first 5 minutes of every raid by some sweatlord that's unemployed and plays for 12 hours a day really wasn't fun.
With this said, I already own the game, I won't be buying an upgrade to get PvE mode, if they don't make it available to everyone, then I am simply done with Tarkov.


"14 hour shift at the ball crushing factory"
Ya thats me lol.


PvE is such a godsend. I bought EOD in 2017, but the game was way too hardcore for me, so it was 150 euro wasted. I adored the game, but i didn't enjoy it a bit. Now i can't remember when a game gave me so much fun. I Hope they continue to tune the experience, i'm really hooked now


Regarding the coop and SPT, it's an issue of technically yes it exists, but not in any way endorsed or supported by the SPT team. Because it gives BSG the power to Nintendo them


SPT is solely the reason I got into Tarkov in the first place. I'm not up to the task of learning the game with the challenge of PvP added on top

I want a more stalker like experience than a true multi-player experience


"Lee Harvey Oswald is back, and they gave him an Assault Rifle"
Absolute gold


I had a friend who refused to play Tarkov for like two to three wipes do to the hackers and "turbo sweats". He works really crappy hours and had no chance to grind so he was always behind the rest of the wave. The second he heard of PVE he got back on. I know and expect the "skill issue" esque comments but its just nice to have everybody back on Tarkov for once.


Im so glad that they added PVE. I had almost completely stopped playing due to limited play time making me struggle in PVP. i had 0 access to good ammo. and as soon as i got it unlocked it would be time for a wipe. glad i can actually progress now! thank you for all the content.
